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Displaying 276 - 300 of 1183
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Craig, Ravin D. 2016

"Beyond fear shame and guilt: a new paradigm for health education" in Theses and Projects

Parker, Linda A. 2016

"Double Dissociation of Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibition and CB1 Antagonism in the Central Amygdala, Basolateral Amygdala, and the Interoceptive Insular Cortex on the Affective Properties of Acute Naloxone-Precipitated Morphine Withdrawal in Rats" in Neuropsychopharmacology

Cuello del Pozo, Paloma 2016

"Intra-insular mobility and ancient human adaptations to restricted environments. Case study: strontium isotope analysis and the archaeology of Lanzarote, Canary Islands" in Theses and Projects

Virgen, Catherin 2016

"Weighting for Gains: Lifting is only half the battle" in Osprey

Gomez, Juan D. 2016

"A zip code study of socioeconomic, demographic, and household gendered influence on the residential energy sector" in Energy Reports

Peery, M. Zachariah 2016

"Megafires: an emerging threat to old-forest species" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Jacobson, Arne E. 2016

"Cost-effective electric vehicle charging infrastructure siting for Delhi" in Environmental Research Letters

Rohrer, Ualas B. 2016

"Sedimentation Risk Assessment Using Satellite and Geospatial Data in Lagoa Feia, Brazil" in ideaFest Journal

Radzin, Bryan 2016

Search For Truth: Journey into the abyss...

Hosawi, Manal 2016

"Regulation of Oct4 expression by Jun-N terminal kinase/cJun signaling in murine embryonic stem cells" in Theses and Projects

Fingerman, Kevin R. 2016

"Towards the development of a European bioenergy trade strategy for 2020 and beyond" in European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings

Jones, Alexandria 2016

"Lucille Vinyard Collection: Partnership in Activism" in Library Student Projects

Dallasheh, Leena 2016

"Persevering through Colonial Transition: Nazareth's Palestinian Residents after 1948" in Journal of Palestine Studies

Miller-Robbie, Leslie 2016

"Long-term piloting of osmotic MBR for potable reuse: Performance, life-cycle assessment, and lessons learned" in 89th Water Environment Federation Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference

Hannigan, Michael P. 2016

"Broadening and sustaining an Air Quality K-12 curriculum through a Digital Library and undergraduate service learning course" in IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)

Weiland, Alexander 2016

"Homelessness to permanent supportive housing: promoting housing as healthcare in rural communities" in Theses and Projects

Ergas, Sarina J. 2016

"Use of physical and biological process models to understand the performance of tubular anaerobic digesters" in Biochemical Engineering Journal

Harris, Andrew R. 2016

"Cost-Effective Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure With Agent-Based Modeling" in IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification

Varner, J. Morgan 2016

"Long-term stand dynamics of old-growth mountain longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) woodlands" in Forest Ecology and Management

Knupper, Jessica 2016

"Quick Guide to Logging Team Events" in Osprey

Janiak, Dean S. 2016

"Predator-Prey Interactions of the Polyclad, Euplana gracilis, and the Amphipod, Apocorophium lacustre, in the Chesapeake Bay" in Estuaries and Coasts

Haskins, M. 2016

"Paired Watershed Study of Suspended Sediment Sources in a Watershed Undergoing Road-Building and Timber Harvest, Railroad Gulch, Coastal Northern California, USA" in AGU Fall Meeting

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2016

"Duration of fuels reduction following prescribed fire in coniferous forests of U.S. national parks in California and the Colorado Plateau" in Forest Ecology and Management

Cashman, Eileen 2016

"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Braithwaite, Rock E. 2016

"Hans Eysenck, education and the experimental approach: A meta-analysis of academic capabilities in university students" in Personality and Individual Differences