First Name: George R. Last Name: FarquarPublications: YearPublication 1997"Ozonolysis Experiments Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: An Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment" in Journal of Chemical Education 2000"Different volatile compounds from mycelium and sporocarp of Pleurotus ostreatus" in Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 2001"Rotationally resolved photoionization: Influence of the 4σ→kσ shape resonance on CO+(B 2Σ+) rotational distributions" in The Journal of Chemical Physics 2003"X-ray Spectroscopic Studies of the High Temperature Reduction of Cu(II)O by 2-Chlorophenol on a Simulated Fly Ash Surface" in Environmental Science & Technology 2005"An Infrared and X-ray Spectroscopic Study of the Reactions of 2-Chlorophenol, 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, and Chlorobenzene with Model CuO/Silica Fly Ash Surfaces" in Environmental Science & Technology 2005"Reaction of 2-chlorophenol with CuO: XANES and SEM analysis" in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2007"Single-Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometry for the Detection and Identification of Chemical Warfare Agent Simulants" in Analytical Chemistry 2007"Modular Sampling and Analysis Techniques for the Real-Time Analysis of Human Breath" in IEEE Sensors 2007"The non-destructive identification of solid over-the-counter medications using single particle aerosol mass spectrometry" in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2007"Identification of High Explosives Using Single-Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometry" in Analytical Chemistry 2008"Wavelength and size dependence in single particle laser aerosol mass spectra" in Journal of Aerosol Science 2008"Autonomous, Broad-Spectrum Detection of Hazardous Aerosols in Seconds" in Analytical Chemistry 2008"Supramicrometer particle shadowgraph imaging in the ionization region of a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer" in Journal of Aerosol Science 2009"Use of Single Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometry for the Automated Nondestructive Identification of Drugs in Multicomponent Samples" in Analytical Chemistry 2010"Detecting trace pesticides in real time using single particle aerosol mass spectrometry" in Analytica Chimica Acta 2010"Analysis of Volatile and Non-Volatile Biomarkers in Human Breath Using Differential Mobility Spectrometry (DMS)" in IEEE Sensors Journal 2010"Human breath analysis: methods for sample collection and reduction of localized background effects" in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012"Erratum: Fractal morphology, imaging and mass spectrometry of single aerosol particles in flight" in Nature 2012"Design and optimization of a light-emitting diode projection micro-stereolithography three-dimensional manufacturing system" in Review of Scientific Instruments 2013"Erratum: Design and optimization of a light-emitting diode projection micro-stereolithography three-dimensional manufacturing system" in Review of Scientific Instruments 2013"Aerosol and microparticle generation using a commercial inkjet printer" in Aerosol Science and Technology 2013"Sensing the wavefront of x-ray free-electron lasers using aerosol spheres" in Optics Express 2013"Mesoscale morphology of airborne core-shell nanoparticle clusters: X-ray laser coherent diffraction imaging" in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2013"Toward unsupervised single-shot diffractive imaging of heterogeneous particles using X-ray free-electron lasers" in Optics Express 2014"Direct-ink writing of designer materials" in AIChE NorCal Process Development Symposium 2014: Toward Commercialization Success 2015"Organizing cells within non-periodic microarchitectured materials that achieve graded thermal expansions" in Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference 2016"Unique DNA-barcoded aerosol test particles for studying aerosol transport" in Aerosol Science and Technology 2016"Design of nonperiodic microarchitectured materials that achieve graded thermal expansions" in Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics