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Displaying 1 - 25 of 25794
Author Year Publications
A Woman Warrior, Una Guerrillera 2017

"La Lucha" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1981

"Multistage melange formation in the Franciscan Complex, northernmost CA" in Geology

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1982

"The Franciscan Complex of northernmost California: sedimentation and tectonics" in Geological Society Special Publications

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1983

"Post-middle Miocene accretion of Franciscan rocks, northwestern California: Discussion" in Bulletin of the Geological Society of America

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1983

"Flow mélanges: Numerical modeling and geologic constraints on their origin in the Franciscan subduction complex, California: Discussion" in Bulletin of the Geological Society

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1986

"Depositional sequence of argillite, diamictite, hyaloclastite, and lava flows within the Franciscan Complex, northern California" in Journal of Geology

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1989

"Franciscan Complex Geology of the Crescent City Area, Northern California" in Sedimentology

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1989

"Sandstone petrology and tectonostratigraphic terranes of the northwest California and southwest Oregon coast ranges" in Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1992

Field Guide to the Late Cenozoic Subduction Tectonics & Sedimentation of Northern Coastal California

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1992

"Late cenozoic sediment provenance and tectonic evolution of the northernmost coast ranges, California Northern California" in Field Guide to the Late Cenozoic Subduction Tectonics & Sedimentation of Northern Coastal California

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1992

"Road log from Patricks Point State Park to Bear River, California" in Guidebook for the Field Trip to Northern Coastal California

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1993

"The Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary tectonic history of NW California" in Geological Society of America Conference Proceedings

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1995

"Uplifted Neogene margin, southernmost Cascadia-Mendocino triple junction region, California" in Tectonics

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1995

"Stratigraphic setting of a subtidal stromatolite field, Iguana Cay, Exumas, Bahamas" in Terrestrial and Shallow Marine Geology of the Bahamas and Bermuda

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1995

"Skin-friction (?) lines preserved on flute casts, Franciscan Complex, Point St. George, northern California" in Journal of Sedimentary Research A: Sedimentary Petrology & Processes

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1996

"Late Pleistocene stratigraphy of a carbonate platform margin, Exumas, Bahamas" in Sedimentary Geology

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1996

"Flute-like marks and associated structures from the Carboniferous Port Hood Formation of Eastern Canada; evidence of secondary origin in association with sediment intrusion; discussion and reply" in Journal of Sedimentary Research

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1996

"Evolution of a trench-slope basin within the Cascadia subduction margin: the Neogene Humboldt Basin, California" in Sedimentology

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1998

"Anatomy of a complex trace fossil: Phymatoderma from Pliocene bathyal mudstone, northwestern Ecuador" in Paleontological Research

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1998

"40Ar/39Ar dating of detrital micas from Oligocene-Pleistocene sandstones of the Olympic Peninsula, Klamath Mountains, and northern California Coast Ranges: Provenance and paleodrainage patterns" in Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1999

"Sedimentology of the Pliocene Upper Onzole Formation, an inner-trench slope succession in northwestern Ecuador" in Journal of South American Earth Sciences

Aalto, Kenneth R. 1999

"Tsunami(?) Sculpturing of the Pebble Beach Wave‐Cut Platform, Crescent City Area, California" in The Journal of Geology

Aalto, Kenneth R. 2002

"Tectonic and Soft Sediment Deformation of old Lacustrine Sediments, Honey Lake Basin, California " in AGU Fall Meeting

Aalto, Kenneth R. 2002

"Morphology of a crater-filling lava lake margin, The Peninsula tuff cone, Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, California: implications for formation of peperite textures" in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

Aalto, Kenneth R. 2004

"Clarence Dutton's Geology" in Earth Sciences History