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2017 |
"La Lucha" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Aalto, Kenneth R. |
1981 |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
1982 |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
1983 |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
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1989 |
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1992 |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
1998 |
"Anatomy of a complex trace fossil: Phymatoderma from Pliocene bathyal mudstone, northwestern Ecuador" in Paleontological Research |
Aalto, Kenneth R. |
1998 |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
1999 |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
2002 |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
2002 |
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Aalto, Kenneth R. |
2004 |
"Clarence Dutton's Geology" in Earth Sciences History |