Year | Publication |
2009 | "Reconstructing erosion distribution during the early Holocene Indian summer monsoon in the NW Himalaya" in Theses and Projects |
2010 | "Evidencía para un Pulso Mioceno Tardio de Exhumación en los Andes Centrales Peruanos Usando Termochronolgía" in Sociedad Geológica del Perú Publicación |
2011 | "Late Cenozoic exhumation in the northern Peruvian Andes" in AGU Fall Meeting |
2012 | "Holocene denudation and landscape deformation in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru" in AGU Fall Meeting |
2013 | "Exhumation Of The Peruvian Andes; Insights From Mineral Chronometers" in Theses and Projects |
2014 | "Cooling and Exhumation of the Coastal Batholith in the Peruvian Andes (5-12°S)" in AGU Fall Meeting |
2014 | |
2015 | |
2016 | |
2016 | |
2016 | |
2017 | "New Geochemical and Geochronological Data from two granitic islands of Downeast Main: Mount Desert Rock and Great Duck Island" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs |
2017 | "Ground Based Application of Structure From Motion (SFM) to Quantify Gravel Storage in Response to Gravel Augmentation on a High Gradient, Mountainous Stream, with no Access to the Global Positioning System (GPS)" in 35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference Proceedings |
2019 | "Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice |
2019 | |
2019 | |
2019 | |
2024 |