First Name: Matthew D.Last Name: JohnsonPublications: YearPublication 1996"The Importance of Productivity to the Dynamics of a Swainson’s Thrush Population" in The Condor 1996"Communal Roosting of the Crested Caracara in Southern Guatemala" in Journal of Field Ornithology 2000"Effects of Shade-Tree Species and Crop Structure on the Winter Arthropod and Bird Communities in a Jamaican Shade Coffee Plantation" in Biotropica 2000"A piece of the pie" in EcoNews 2000"Evaluation of an Arthropod Sampling Technique for Measuring Food Availability for Forest Insectivorous Birds" in Journal of Field Ornithology 2000"Length-weight relationships of Jamaican arthropods" in Entomological News 2001"Effects of food availability on the distribution of migratory warblers among habitats in Jamaica" in Journal of Animal Ecology 2001"Why Y2Y?" in EcoNews 2001"Exploitation of a Seasonal Resource by Nonbreeding Plain and White-Crowned Pigeons: Implications for Conservation of Tropical Dry Forests" in The Wilson Bulletin 2001""Twenty Years of Schooling and They Put You on the Day-Shift": Reflections of a First-Year Wildlife Teacher" in Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006) 2002"Short-term effects of tartar emetic on re-sighting rates of migratory songbirds in the non-breeding season" in Journal of Field Ornithology 2003"Student project contributes to marsh restoration and enhancement effort" in Outdoor California 2003"Where will the wood come from?" in San Francisco Chronicle 2003"Liar, liar, brush on fire" in EcoNews 2004"The Newest “Reality Show”: The Importance of Legitimizing Experiential Learning with Community-Based Research" in The American Biology Teacher 2005"Academic performance of transfer versus "native" students in natural resources & sciences" in College Student Journal 2005"Does Winter Food Limit Populations of Migratory Birds?" in Birds of Two Worlds: The Ecology and Evolution of Migration 2005"Variables Influencing Predation of Artificial Duck Nests in Northwest Coastal California" in Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 2005"Habitat quality: a brief review for wildlife biologists" in Transactions of the Western Wildlife Society 2005"Migrants in Neotropical bird communities: an assessment of the breeding currency hypothesis" in Journal of Animal Ecology 2006"Migrants in tropical bird communities: the balanced breeding limitation hypothesis" in Journal of Avian Biology 2006"Assessing Habitat Quality for a Migratory Songbird Wintering in Natural and Agricultural Habitats" in Conservation Biology 2007"Stopover Ecology and Habitat Selection of Juvenile Swainson's Thrushes During Fall Migration Along the Northern California Coast" in The Condor 2007"Choices and Consequences of Habitat Selection for Birds" in The Condor 2007"Measuring Habitat Quality: A Review" in The Condor 2007"A Comparison of Ground-Based and Tree-Based Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe Refugia for Capturing Pseudacris regilla in Northwestern California" in Northwestern Naturalist 2008"Ecological Correlates and Sex Differences in Early Development of a Generalist Brood Parasite" in The Auk 2008"Effects of Rotational Grazing on Rodents and Raptors in a Coastal Grassland" in Western North American Naturalist 2008"Ecological and Economic Services Provided by Birds on Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Farms" in Conservation Biology 2009"Effects of shade and bird exclusion on arthropods and leaf damage on coffee farms in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains" in Agroforestry Systems 2009"Does nesting habitat predict hatch synchrony between brood parasitic brown-headed cowbirds Molothrus ater and two host species?" in Ecography 2010"Pest reduction services by birds in shade and sun coffee in Jamaica" in Animal Conservation 2010"Quantifying bird habitat using a relevé method" in Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 2010"Influence of Suburban Habitat on a Wintering Bird Community in Coastal Northern California" in The Condor 2010"Farms & Feathers Linking Bird Conservation, Agriculture, and Education" in Scholar of the Year Video Recording 2011"The Need to Quantify Ecosystem Services Provided By Birds" in The Auk 2011"The Influence of Cattle Grazing on Pocket Gophers in the Central Sierra Nevada Mountains, California: Potential Implications for Great Gray Owls" in Northwestern Naturalist 2011"Perspectives in ornithology the need to quantify ecosystem services provided by birds" in Auk 2011"Pattern-oriented modeling of bird foraging and pest control in coffee farms" in Ecological Modelling 2011"Roosting behaviour of a migratory songbird on Jamaican coffee farms: landscape composition may affect delivery of an ecosystem service" in Bird Conservation International 2012"Variation in Aggression of Black-Throated Blue Warblers Wintering in Jamaica" in The Condor 2013"Greater Mass Increases Annual Survival of Prothonotary Warblers Wintering in Northeastern Costa Rica" in The Condor 2013"Avian Community Use and Occupancy of California Oak Savanna" in The Condor 2014"Habitat Relationships of Great Gray Owl Prey in Meadows of the Sierra Nevada Mountains" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2014"Do Birds Select Habitat Or Food Resources? Nearctic-Neotropic Migrants In Northeastern Costa Rica" in Plos ONE 2014"Reconciling Agriculture & Wildlife Conservation: Examples with Coffee Farmers and Birds in Jamaica, Kenya, and India" in Video Recording 2014"Effects of land use on bird populations and pest control services on coffee farms" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2014"Effects of natural habitat on pest control in California vineyards" in Western Birds 2014"Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola) and Orangequit (Euneornis campestris) body condition in response to shade coffee habitat in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica" in Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 2015"Effect of an Invasive Plant and Moonlight on Rodent Foraging Behavior in a Coastal Dune Ecosystem" in PLOS ONE 2015"Pest-removal services provided by birds on small organic farms in northern California" in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2015"Influence of invasive European beachgrass on mesopredator activity in the coastal dunes of Northern California" in Western Wildlife 2015"Aleutian Cackling Goose Branta hutchinsii leucopareia use of pastures in relation to livestock management" in Wildfowl 2015"Bird communities in sun and shade coffee farms in Kenya" in Global Ecology and Conservation 2016"If You Build It, They Will Come: Nest Site Selection of Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) in West-central Idaho" in Wildlife Research Poster 2016"Quantifying pest control services by birds and ants in Kenyan coffee farms" in Biological Conservation 2016"Dietary opportunism, resource partitioning, and consumption of coffee berry borers by five species of migratory wood warblers (Parulidae) wintering in Jamaican shade coffee plantations" in Journal of Field Ornithology 2016"Trophic Interaction Networks and Ecosystem Services" in Why Birds Matter: Avian Ecological Function and Ecosystem Services 2016"Why Birds Matter Economically: Values, Markets, and Policies" in Why Birds Matter: Avian Ecological Function and Ecosystem Services 2016"Sexual habitat segregation in migrant warblers along a shade gradient of Jamaican coffee farms" in Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 2016"Prey Consumption by a Large Aggregation of Barn Owls in an Agricultural Setting" in Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 2017"Multi-scale analysis of barn owl nest box selection on Napa Valley vineyards" in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2017"Connecting environmental engineers to the Klamath river via a placed based learning community" in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 2017"A place-based learning community: Klamath Connection at Humboldt State University" in Learning Communities Research & Practice 2017"California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) habitat use patterns in a burned landscape" in The Condor 2018"Can Barn Owls Help Control Rodents in Winegrape Vineyard Landscapes? A Review of Key Questions and Suggested Next Steps" in Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 2018 "Habitat Ecology" in Ornithology: Foundation, Analysis and Application 2018"Bird community response to landscape and foliage arthropod variables in sun coffee of central Kenyan highlands" in Global Ecology and Conservation 2018"Coastal Vegetation Communities Affect Mesocarnivore Activity in Northern California Dune Ecosystems" in Western Wildlife 2019"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice 2019"Ecosystem services and disservices of bear foraging on managed timberlands" in Ecosphere 2019"Effects of habitat, season, and age on winter fat storage by migrant and resident birds in Jamaica" in Journal of Field Ornithology 2019"Experimental field exclosure of birds and bats in agricultural systems — Methodological insights, potential improvements, and cost-benefit trade-offs" in Basic and Applied Ecology 2020“Effect Of A Place-Based Learning Community On Belonging, Persistence, And Equity Gaps For First-Year Stem Students” in Innovative Higher Education 2020“Political Ecology Of Shade Coffee: Perspectives From Jamaican Blue Mountain Farmers” in Conservation and Society 2020“Shade Trees Preserve Avian Insectivore Biodiversity On Coffee Farms In A Warming Climate” in Ecology and Evolution 2020"Estimating the Number of Rodents Removed by Barn Owls Nesting in Boxes on Winegrape Vineyards" in Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 2021"Habitat selection by a predator of rodent pests is resilient to wildfire in a vineyard agroecosystem" in Ecology and Evolution 2021"Environmental values of California winegrape growers and the use of barn owl nest boxes as a tool for integrated pest management" in California Fish and Wildlife 2021“Multi-year nest box occupancy and short-term resilience to wildfire disturbance by barn owls in a vineyard agroecosystem" in Ecosphere 2021"A faculty-led effort to build campus community around inclusive excellence in STEM" in Shared Leadership in Higher Education 2021"Effects of habitat on prey delivery rate and prey species composition of breeding barn owls in winegrape vineyards" in Agriculture, Ecosystems & the Environment 2021"Barn Owls select uncultivated habitats for hunting in a winegrape growing region of California" in Ornithological Applications 2022"Bird abundance and diversity in shade coffee and natural forest in Kenya" in Global Ecology and Conservation 2022"The effect of shade tree species on bird communities in central Kenyan coffee farm" in Bird Conservation International 2022"Wine and Wildlife: An Exploratory Study of the Depiction of Animals on Wine Labels Available in the United States" in Journal of Food Distribution Research 2022"Can Barn Owl (Tyto furcata) Nest Boxes in Winegrape Vineyards Sustain a Population of Barn Owls?" in Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 2022"Evaluating the Use of Barn Owl Nest Boxes for Rodent Pest Control in Winegrape Vineyards in Napa Valley" in Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 2022"Impact of a First-Year Place-Based Learning Community on STEM Students’ Academic Achievement in their Second, Third, and Fourth Years" in Innovative Higher Education 2023"Habitat selection by an avian predator of insect pests on Jamaican coffee farms" in Global Ecology and Conservation 2023"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square 2023"A Faculty-Led Effort to Build Campus Community Around Inclusive Excellence in STEM" in Shared Leadership in Higher Education: A Framework and Models for Responding to a Changing World 2024"Integrating Indigenous Science, Culture, and Social Justice Concerns into First-Year STEM Curriculum: Improving Intellectual Growth, Psychosocial Factors Associated with Retention, and Academic Achievement of Students from Racially Minoritized Groups Historically Underrepresented in STEM" in Science Education and Civic Engagement