First Name: Floyd W.Last Name: WeckerlyPublications: YearPublication 1993"Intersexual resource partitioning in black-tailed deer: a test of body size hypothesis" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1994"Correlations between fecal nitrogen and diet composition in free-ranging black-tailed deer" in Southwestern Naturalist 1994"Sources of inaccuracy in black-tailed deer herd composition counts" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1994"Selective feeding by black-tailed deer: forage quality or abundance?" in Journal of Mammalogy 1996"Effects of soil moisture and temperature on overwintering survival of Curculio larvae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)" in American Midland Naturalist 1996"Sexual segregation in ungulates: new directions for research" in Journal of Mammalogy 1996"Roosevelt elk along the Prairie Creek drainage: an evaluation of estimating abundance and herd composition" in California Fish and Game 1998"Sexual segregation and competition in Roosevelt elk" in Northwestern Naturalist 1998"Use of military helicopters to survey an elk population in north coastal California" in California Fish and Game 1998"Sexual-size dimorphism: influence of mass and mating systems in the most dimorphic mammals" in Journal of Mammalogy 1999"Social bonding and aggression in female Roosevelt elk" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 2000"Using presence of sign to measure habitats used by Roosevelt elk" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2001"Sexual segregation in Roosevelt elk: Cropping rates and aggression in mixed-sex groups" in Journal of Mammalogy 2001"Are large male Roosevelt elk less social because of aggression?" in Journal of Mammalogy 2003"Body weight and rumen-reticulum capacity in tule elk and mule deer" in Journal of Mammalogy 2004"A comparison of effects of radiotransmitter attachment techniques on captive white-winged doves" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2005"Grass and supplemental patch selection by a population of Roosevelt elk" in Journal of Mammalogy 2005"Hunter-effort-harvest-size relationships among hunt types of white-tailed deer" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2005"Population density and body weight influences on home range size of feral hogs" in California Fish and Game 2006"Are subcutaneous transmitters better than intracoelomic? A response" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2006"Inferring absence of Houston toads given imperfect detection probabilities" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2007"Scaling relationship between body weight and fermentation gut capacity in axis deer" in Journal of Mammalogy 2007"Estimating detection probabilities from sign of collared peccary" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2007"Constant proportionality in the female segment of a Roosevelt elk population" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2007"Intersexual social behavior of urban white-tailed deer and its evolutionary implications" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 2008"Matrix Population Models: Construction Analysis and Interpretation" in Natural Resource Modeling 2008"Presence-nonpresence surveys of golden-cheeked warblers: Detection, occupancy and survey effort" in Animal Conservation 2009"Isometric scaling in home-range size of male and female bobcats (Lynx rufus)" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 2010"Habitat interference by axis deer on white-tailed deer" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2010"Blind count surveys of white-tailed deer and population estimates using bowden's estimators" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2011"Evaluating precision of cementum annuli analysis for aging mule deer from southern California" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2012"Reliability of occupancy and binomial mixture models for estimating abundance of golden-cheeked warblers (Setophaga Chrysoparia)" in Auk 2012"Cave cricket exit counts: Environmental influences and duration of surveys" in Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 2012"Range expansion of nonindigenous caribou in the Aleutian archipelago of Alaska" in Biological Invasions 2012"Shifting foundations and metrics for golden-cheeked warbler recovery" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2013"Conspecific body weight, food intake, and rumination time affect food processing and forage behavior" in Journal of Mammalogy 2013"Modeling forage mediated aggregation in a gregarious ruminant" in Oikos 2013"Detection heterogeneity and abundance estimation in populations of golden-cheeked warblers (setophaga chrysoparia)" in Auk 2014"Intraspecific Scaling of Rumen-reticulum Fill Might Depend on Dietary Fiber" in American Midland Naturalist 2014"Climatic and density influences on recruitment in an irruptive population of Roosevelt elk" in Journal of Mammalogy 2014"Aggression and coexistence in female caribou" in Arctic 2014"Body mass, age, and reproductive influences on liver mass of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 2014"Overcoming cohort effects in a Mediterranean ecosystem: The role of density and precipitation on southern mule deer body mass" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2015"Use of rumen–reticulum fill to examine nutrient transfer and factors influencing food intake in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus)" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 2016"Simulating range-wide population and breeding habitat dynamics for an endangered woodland warbler in the face of uncertainty" in Ecological Modelling 2016"Birth mass scaling in elk (Cervus elaphus)" in American Midland Naturalist 2016"Small Scale-High Resolution Terrestrial Activity of Trachemys scripta elegans, Harvest Intensity, and Immediate Movement Responses Following Harvest Events" in Copeia 2018"Social behavior and changes in foraging behavior in a gregarious ungulate" in Journal of Mammalogy 2019"Coastal Texas black rail population states and survey effort" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2021"A Comparative Analysis of Adult Sex Ratios in Polygynous and Monogamous Mammal Populations" in American Midland Naturalist 2022"Competition of two inoculated Frankia strains in root nodulation of Alnus glutinosa seedlings and associated Frankia-strain growth in rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric soils" in Plant and Soil 2022"Drivers of a temporal change in the adult sex ratio of a Roosevelt elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) population" in Journal of Mammalogy 2024"Ontogenetic and static scaling of antler mass in White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)" in Journal of Mammalogy 2024"Black-crested Titmice (Baeolophus atricristatus) initiate nesting earlier in urbanized landscapes but have variable nesting success depending on the level of urbanization" in Wilson Journal of Ornithology