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| "La palynologie des depots romaniens du Bassin Dacique (en Roumanie)" in Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen. Neogen der Zentrale Paratethys - Pliozan Pl2. Bd. 10. Romanien |
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| "First steps on land - organismal evolution in early terrestrial biotas" in 7th International Organization of Paleobotany Conference (Bariloche, Argentina) |
| "Probing the seasonality signal in pollen spectra of Eneolithic coprolites (Harsova-Tell, Constanta County, Southeast Romania)" in Culture and Civilization on the Lower Danube (Cultura si Civilizatie la Dunarea de Jos, Calarasi, Romania) |
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| "Simulating fossilization to resolve the taxonomic affinities of thalloid fossils in Early Silurian (ca. 425 Ma) terrestrial assemblages" in Bibliotheca Lichenologica 105 |
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