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Displaying 976 - 1000 of 1085
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Van Kirk, Robert W. 2015

"Quantifying habitat loss: Assessing tree encroachment into a serpentine savanna using dendroecology and remote sensing" in Forest Ecology and Management

Flynn, Amanda 2015

"Disenfranchised grief in response to non-death loss events" in Theses and Projects

Sheridan, Mark A. 2015

"Nutritional state modulates growth hormone-stimulated lipolysis" in General and Comparative Endocrinology

Cox, Anicca 2015

"(Re)Mapping Disciplinary Values and Rhetorical Concerns through Language: Interviews about Writing with Seven Instructors across the Performing and Visual Arts" in Writing In and About the Performing and Visual Arts: Creating, Performing, and Teaching

Marschke, Benjamin 2015

"Review of Die Heiraten der Hohenzollern, Verwandschaft, Politik und Ritual in Europa 1640-1918" in German History

Leigh, Brendan 2015

"Habitat shifts and foraging performance of American wigeon in winter" in Theses and Projects

Ruiz Gonzalez, Marisol 2015

"Literacy: An Asset Based Approach" in ideaFest Poster

Mullen, Lacey 2015

"Rehabilitating canines in animal shelters to reduce euthanasia rates" in Theses and Projects

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2015

"Multimodal signalling in the North American barn swallow: a phenotype network approach" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Aberson, Christopher L. 2016

"Strange results and implausible correlations in Croucher" in Communication Monographs

Robertson, Roxanne R. 2016

"State of the California current 2015-16: Comparisons with the 1997-98 el niÑo" in California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports

Stubblefield, Andrew P. 2016

"Finding balance between fire hazard reduction and erosion control in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California–Nevada" in Forest Ecology and Management

Aberson, Christopher L. 2016

"Rejoinder: results are still strange and explanations fall short" in Communication Monographs

Mazzag, Borbala M. 2016

"A Modular Approach to Teaching Mathematical Modeling in Biotechnology in the Undergraduate Curriculum" in PRIMUS

Murphy, Joanna R. 2016

 "A stepwise model of direct contact membrane distillation for application to large-scale systems: Experimental results and model predictions" in Desalination

Laruson, Áki Jarl 2016

"Stability of underdominant genetic polymorphisms in population networks" in Journal of Theoretical Biology

Bennion, Sherilyn Cox 2016

"Review of Pauline Frederick Reporting: A Pioneering Broadcaster Covers the Cold War" in American Journalism

McChesney, Gerard J. 2016

"Occurrence, morphometrics and plumage variability among Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the California Channel Islands, 1976–2015" in Marine Ornithology

Witter, Robert C. 2016

"Unusually large tsunamis frequent a currently creeping part of the Aleutian megathrust" in Geophysical Research Letters

Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Occurrence, morphometrics and plumage variability among Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the California Channel Islands, 1976–2015" in Marine Ornithology

Chaudhary, Ali Razzak 2016

"Pakistani Immigrant Organisational Spaces in Toronto and New York City" in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Howe, Tasha R. 2016

"Attitudes toward mental health services among homeless and matched housed youth" in Child and Youth Services

Beer, Christopher Todd 2016

"Rationale of early adopters of fossil fuel divestment" in International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

Parker, Michael 2016

"Status and monitoring of Ashy Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma homochroa at Point Reyes National Seashore, 2012–2015" in Marine Ornithology

Martin, Jared K. 2016

"Attitudes toward mental health services among homeless and matched housed youth" in Child and Youth Services