First Name: Matthew JosephLast Name: LauPublications: YearPublication 2014"Using Survey Data to Estimate Occupancy and to Model Suitable Habitat throughout the Geographic Range of the Endangered Point Arena Mountain Beaver" in United States Department of Agriculture Report 2015"Geospatial modeling of Common Raven activity in Snowy Plover habitats in coastal northern California" in Theses and Projects 2015"A range-wide occupancy estimate and habitat model for the endangered Point Arena mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra)" in Journal of Mammalogy 2017"What should go in a wildlife professional's geospatial toolbox?" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2017"Recent Snowy Plover population increase arises from high immigration rate in coastal northern California" in Wader Study 2017"Observation of a Great Horned Owl inside a Western Snowy Plover nest exclosure" in Wader Study 2019"Corvids and humans create ecological traps in otherwise suitable Snowy Plover habitat" in Wader Study 2021"Common Raven Impacts on Nesting Western Snowy Plovers: Integrating Management to Facilitate Species Recovery" in Human–Wildlife Interactions 2021"Common Raven Impacts on the Productivity of a Small Breeding Population of Snowy Plovers" in Human–Wildlife Interactions 2022"Juvenile Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris) Onshore with Prey at Point Reyes National Seashore" in Aquatic Mammals 2023"Rates of seasonal fuel loading do not differ by sex or overwintering strategy in three species of bats" in Journal of Mammalogy