First Name: DavidLast Name: SinnPublications: YearPublication 2000"Aestivation of Cerion uva (Linnaeus, 1758) on Bonaire" in Of Sea and Shore 2001"Early temperamental traits in an octopus (Octopus bimaculoides)" in Journal of Comparative Psychology 2005"Personality traits in dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica): context-specific traits and their correlation with biological characteristics" in Journal of Comparative Psychology 2006"Heritability and fitness-related consequences of squid personality traits" in Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2007"Ethical and welfare considerations when using cephalopods as experimental animals" in Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2008"Octopus senescence: forgetting how to eat clams" in The Festivus 2008"Maternal care in a social lizard: links between female aggression and offspring fitness" in Animal Behaviour 2008"Development of shy/bold behaviour in squid: context-specific phenotypes associated with developmental plasticity" in Animal Behaviour 2008"Patterns of activity cycles in juvenile California two-spot octopuses (Octopus bimaculoides)" in Americal Malacological Bulletin 2008"Know thy enemy: Behavioural response of a native mammal (Rattus lutreolus velutinus) to predators of different coexistence histories" in Austral Ecology 2008"Drilling localization on bivalve prey by Octopus rubescens Berry, 1953 (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae)" in The Veliger 2009"Female aggression predicts mode of paternity in a social lizard" in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 2009"Climate effects on offspring sex ratio in a viviparous lizard" in Journal of Animal Ecology 2009"Transmission dynamics of Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease may lead to disease-induced extinction" in Ecology 2010"Repeatable intra-individual variation in plasma testosterone concentration and its sex-specific link to aggression in a social lizard" in Hormones & Behavior 2010"Are behavioral syndromes invariant? Spatiotemporal variation in shy/bold behavior in squid" in Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 2010"Personality and performance in military working dogs: Reliability and predictive validity of behavioral tests" in Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2011"Towards a basis for the phenotypic gambit: advances in the evolutionary genetics of animal personality" in From Genes to Behavior: Social Structures, Personalities, Communication by Color 2012"Are there differences between behavioral measurement methods? A comparison of the predictive validity of two ratings methods in a working dog program" in Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2013"The role of size and aggression in intrasexual male competition in a social lizard species, Egernia whitii" in Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 2013"The quantitative and molecular genetics of animal personality" in Animal Personalities: Behavior, Physiology, and Evolution 2013"Personality consistency in dogs: a meta-analysis" in PLoS ONE 2013"The world from a dog’s point of view: a review and synthesis of dog cognition research" in Advances in the Study of Behavior 2014"Boldness towards novelty and translocation success in captive-raised, orphaned Tasmanian devils" in Zoo Biology 2015"Criterion analysis and content validity for standardized behavioral tests in a detector-dog breeding program" in Journal of Forensic Sciences 2015"Which personality dimensions do puppy tests measure? A systematic procedure for categorizing behavioral assays" in Behavioural Processes 2015"Behavioural syndromes and structural and temporal consistency of behavioural traits in a social lizard" in Journal of Zoology 2015"Do you see what I see? Can non-experts with minimal training reproduce expert ratings in behavioral assessments of working dogs?" in Behavioural Processes 2016"Comparing the predictive validity of behavioral codings and behavioral ratings in a working-dog breeding program" in Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2017"Evolutionary behavioral ecology approaches to integration in the study of animal personalities" in European Journal of Personality 2019"What are we measuring? Novices agree amongst themselves (but not always with experts) in their assessment of dog behaviour" in Ethology 2019"On the importance of individual differences in behavioural skill" in Animal Behaviour 2020"Consistent individual differences in ecto-parasitism of a long-lived lizard host" in Oikos 2021"Consistent after all: Behavioural repeatability in a long-lived lizard across a six-year field study" in Animal Behaviour 2021"Estimating encounter location distributions from animal tracking data" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2021"Personality, spatiotemporal ecological variation and resident/explorer movement syndromes in the sleepy lizard" in Journal of Animal Ecology 2022"Intrinsic traits, social context, and local environment shape home range size and fidelity of sleepy lizards" in Ecological Monographs 2024"A field experiment reveals reciprocal effects of host personality and parasitism in wild lizards" in Behavioral Ecology