First Name: Chris J.Last Name: SmithPublications: YearPublication 2012"Variation in Aggression of Black-Throated Blue Warblers Wintering in Jamaica" in The Condor 2013"Notes on the nests, eggs, incubation period, and nestling development of thripadectes holostictus moderatus" in Wilson Journal of Ornithology 2014"First Description of Nest, Eggs, Incubation Behavior, and Nestlings of Trilling Tapaculo (Scytalopus Parvirostris)" in Wilson Journal of Ornithology 2014"Bird communities in sun and shade coffee farms in Kenya" in Theses and Projects 2015"Bird communities in sun and shade coffee farms in Kenya" in Global Ecology and Conservation 2015"Quantifying pest control services by birds and ants in Kenyan coffee farms" in Biological Conservation 2015"Bird community response to landscape and foliage arthropod variables in sun coffee of central Kenyan highlands" in Global Ecology and Conservation 2016"Mismatch between diurnal home ranges and roosting areas in the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina): Possible role of habitat and breeding stage" in The Auk 2018"Age and sex criteria for the hihi (Notiomystis cincta) with additional details on moult patterns" in Notornis 2020"Habitat selection and diet of the Neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis) on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, and range-wide monitoring recommendations" in Neotropical Biodiversity 2021"Notes from Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) telemetry: Synchronous tail replacement in prebasic molt and single-male nest provisioning" in Wilson Journal of Ornithology 2023"Habitat selection by an avian predator of insect pests on Jamaican coffee farms" in Global Ecology and Conservation