Year | Publication |
1989 | "The school as a bargaining point in language politics: The Belgian language law of 1932" in Language, Culture and Curriculum |
1990 | "Introduction: Language legislation and the schools" in Language, Culture and Curriculum |
1990 | "The US national defense education act: Failure of supply‐side language legislation" in Language, Culture and Curriculum |
1992 | "Review of Global Capitalism: The New Leviathan" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
1993 | "The politics of compromise: the enactment of regional unilingualism" in International Journal of the Sociology of Language |
1993 | "Introduction" in International Journal of the Sociology of Language |
1995 | "Ethnolinguistic identity and language policy in Nepal" in Nationalism and Ethnic Politics |
1996 | "The political saliency of language in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh" in The Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics |
2004 | "National Minority Rights in the Himalayas" in Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics |
2008 | "Appropriating Identity or Cultivating Capital? Global English in Offshoring Service Industries" in Anthropology of Work Review |
2009 | |
2010 | |
2015 | “Narratives of Globalization in Language Politics in India” in Language Policy and Political Economy: English in a Global Context |
2015 | "The Violence of Linguistic Cosmopolitanism" in The Weight of Violence: Religion, Language, Politics |
2015 | State traditions and language regimes |
2016 | "Review of Standardizing Diversity: The Political Economy of Language Regimes" in Journal of Asian Studies |
2019 | The Politics of Language Contact in the Himalaya |
2020 | "Review of Darjeeling Reconsidered: Histories, politics, environments" in Pacific Affairs |
2024 | "Language Politics in India: Tradition, Regime, and Diversity" in States of Language Policy: Theorizing Continuity and Change |