First Name: J. MorganLast Name: VarnerPublications: YearPublication 2003"Structural Characteristics of Frequently-Burned Old-Growth Longleaf Pine Stands in the Mountains of Alabama" in Castanea 2003"Vegetation of Frequently Burned Old-Growth Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) Savannas on Choccolocco Mountain, Alabama, USA" in Natural Areas Journal 2004"Remnant old-growth longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) savannas and forests of the southeastern USA: Status and threats" in Natural Areas Journal 2005"Restoring Fire to Long-Unburned Pinus palustris Ecosystems: Novel Fire Effects and Consequences for Long-Unburned Ecosystems" in Restoration Ecology 2006"Pitfalls in the Silvicultural Treatment of Canopy Fuels" in Fire Management Today 2006"Characteristics of Sap Trees Used by Overwintering Sphyrapicus varius (Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers) in an Old-growth Pine Forest" in Southeastern Naturalist 2007"Overstory tree mortality resulting from reintroducing fire to long-unburned longleaf pine forests: the importance of duff moisture" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2008"The burning characteristics of southeastern oaks: Discriminating fire facilitators from fire impeders" in Forest Ecology and Management 2008"Canopy disturbance and tree recruitment over two centuries in a managed longleaf pine landscape" in Forest Ecology and Management 2009"Post-fire tree stress and growth following smoldering duff fires" in Forest Ecology and Management 2009"Novel fuelbed characteristics associated with mechanical mastication treatments in northern California and south-western Oregon, USA" in International Journal of Wildland Fire 2009"Challenges to Educating the Next Generation of Wildland Fire Professionals in the United States" in Journal of Forestry 2009"Fire and fuels management in coast redwood forests" in JFSP Research Project Reports 2009"Fuels Treatments and Fire Models: Errors and Connections" in Fire Management Today 2010"The effects of sudden oak death on foliar moisture content and crown fire potential in tanoak" in Forest Ecology and Management 2010"Acute Physiological Stress and Mortality Following Fire in a Long-Unburned Longleaf Pine Ecosystem" in Fire Ecology 2010"Understory vegetation response to mechanical mastication and other fuels treatments in a ponderosa pine forest" in Applied Vegetation Science 2011"Sudden oak death-caused changes to surface fuel loading and potential fire behavior in Douglas-fir-tanoak forests" in Forest Ecology and Management 2011"The Effects of Conifer Encroachment and Overstory Structure on Fuels and Fire in an Oak Woodland Landscape" in Fire Ecology 2011"Impediments to prescribed fire across agency, landscape and manager: an example from northern California" in International Journal of Wildland Fire 2012"Early-Stage Thinning for the Restoration of Young Redwood—Douglas-Fir Forests in Northern Coastal California, USA" in International Scholarly Research Notices 2012"Do mountain pine beetle outbreaks change the probability of active crown fire in lodgepole pine forests? Comment" in Ecology 2012“California black oak responses to fire severity and native conifer encroachment in the Klamath Mountains” in Forest Ecology and Management 2012"Seed Viability and Fire-Related Temperature Treatments in Serotinous California Native Hesperocyparis Species" in Fire Ecology 2012"A cellular automata model to link surface fires to firebrand lift-off and dispersal" in International Journal of Wildland Fire 2012"Predicting Douglas-fir Sapling Mortality Following Prescribed Fire in an Encroached Grassland" in Restoration Ecology 2012"Patterns of flammability of the California oaks: the role of leaf traits" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2013"Foliar Consumption across a Sudden Oak Death Chronosequence in Laboratory Fires" in Fire Ecology 2013"Spatial, seasonal, and diel forest floor moisture dynamics in Jeffrey pine-white fir forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA" in Forest Ecology and Management 2013"Prescribed fire in North American forests and woodlands: history, current practice, and challenges" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2013"Pine cones facilitate ignition of forest floor duff" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2013"Utility of an Instantaneous Moisture Meter for Duff Moisture Prediction in Long-Unburned Longleaf Pine Forests" in Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 2013"Post-fire regeneration across a fire severity gradient in the southern Cascades" in Forest Ecology and Management 2013"Unexpected redwood mortality from synergies between wildfire and an emerging infectious disease" in Ecology 2013"Toward a mechanism for eastern North American forest mesophication: differential litter drying across 17 species" in Ecological Applications 2014"Spatial and temporal variability of forest floor duff characteristics in long-unburned Pinus palustris forests" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2014"Altered Community Flammability in Florida’s Apalachicola Ravines and Implications for the Persistence of the Endangered Conifer Torreya Taxifolia" in Plos One 2014"Long-term effects of fire severity on oak–conifer dynamics in the southern Cascades" in Ecological Applications 2014"A Mixed-Effects Heterogeneous Negative Binomial Model for Postfire Conifer Regeneration in Northeastern California, USA" in Forest Science 2014"Ecological value of retaining pyrophytic oaks in longleaf pine ecosystems" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2014"Fire behavior in masticated fuels: A review" in Forest Ecology and Management 2015"Clarifying the role of fire in the deciduous forests of eastern North America: reply to Matlack" in Conservation Biology 2015"Contrasting sapling bark allocation of five southeastern USA hardwood tree species in a fire prone ecosystem" in Ecosphere 2015"Flammability of litter from southeastern trees: a preliminary assessment" in Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference 2015"The Flammability of Forest and Woodland Litter: a Synthesis" in Current Forestry Reports 2016"Long-term stand dynamics of old-growth mountain longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) woodlands" in Forest Ecology and Management 2016"Finding balance between fire hazard reduction and erosion control in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California–Nevada" in Forest Ecology and Management 2016"Contingent resistance in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) growth and defense 10 years following smoldering fires" in Forest Ecology and Management 2016"Prescribed fire and conifer removal promote positive understorey vegetation responses in oak woodlands" in Journal of Applied Ecology 2016"Fire in Eastern north American Oak Ecosystems: Filling the Gaps" in Fire Ecology 2016"Suites of Fire-Adapted traits of Oaks in the Southeastern USA: Multiple Strategies for Persistence" in Fire Ecology 2016"Fuel Moisture Differences in a Mixed Native and Non-Native Grassland: Implications for Fire Regimes" in Fire Ecology 2016"Flammability of the keystone savanna bunchgrass Aristida stricta" in Plant Ecology 2017"Impact of human factors on wildfire occurrence in Mississippi, United States" in Forest Policy and Economics 2017"Fires without tanoak: the effects of a non-native disease on future community flammability" in Biological Invasions 2017"Patterns of Duff Ignition and Smoldering beneath Old Pinus palustris: Influence of Tree Proximity, Moisture Content, and Ignition Vectors" in Forest Science 2017"Implications of sudden oak death for wildland fire management" in Forest Phytophthoras 2017"Characterizing interactions between fire and other disturbances and their impacts on tree mortality in western U.S. Forests" in Forest Ecology and Management 2018"Age and stand structure of oak woodlands along a gradient of conifer encroachment in northwestern California" in Ecosphere 2018"Do repeated wildfires promote restoration of oak woodlands in mixed-conifer landscapes?" in Forest Ecology and Management 2018"Effects of solar heating on the moisture dynamics of forest floor litter in humid environments: composition, structure, and position matter" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2018"Defining Old-Growth Stand Characteristics in Fragmented Natural Landscapes: A Case Study of Old-Growth Pine in Florida (USA) State Parks" in Natural Areas Journal 2018"Embracing Complexity to Advance the Science of Wildland Fire Behavior" in Fire 2018"Fire and tree death: understanding and improving modeling of fire-induced tree mortality" in Environmental Research Letters 2018"Mesophytic litter dampens flammability in fire-excluded pyrophytic oak–hickory woodlands" in Ecosphere 2019"Allometry of the pyrophytic Aristida in fire-maintained longleaf pine–wiregrass ecosystems" in American Journal of Botany 2019"Pyrogenic flowering of Aristida beyrichiana following 50 years of fire exclusion" in Ecosphere 2019"Differential relative bark thickness and aboveground growth discriminates fire resistance among hardwood sprouts in the southern Cascades, California" in Trees 2019Environmental Effects of Postfire Logging : An Updated Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography 2019"Modelling post-fire tree mortality: Can random forest improve discrimination of imbalanced data?" in Ecological Modelling 2019"The Ecology of Fire in the Birthplace of Fire Ecology" in Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 2019"Resilience of Oregon white oak to reintroduction of fire" in Fire Ecology 2019"Resurrecting the Lost Flames of American Chestnut" in Ecosystems 2019"Linking ecosystem function and hydrologic regime to inform restoration of a forested peatland" in Journal of Environmental Management 2020"Radiant heating rapidly increases litter flammability through impacts on fuel moisture" in Fire Ecology 2020"The Fire and Tree Mortality Database, for empirical modeling of individual tree mortality after fire" in Scientific Data 2020"Prescribed fire science: the case for a refined research agenda" in Fire Ecology 2020"Reconsidering the fire ecology of the iconic American chestnut" in Ecosphere 2020"Reviewing Fire, Climate, Deer, and Foundation Species as Drivers of Historically Open Oak and Pine Forests and Transition to Closed Forests" in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2020"A large database supports the use of simple models of post-fire tree mortality for thick-barked conifers, with less support for other species" in Fire Ecology 2020“Biogeography Of Fire Regimes In Western U.S. Conifer Forests: A Trait‐Based Approach” in Global Ecology & Biogeography 2020"Fire as a fundamental ecological process: Research advances and frontiers" in Journal of Ecology 2020"Long-Duration Soil Heating Resulting from Forest Floor Duff Smoldering in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems" in Forest Science 2021"Litter trait driven dampening of flammability following deciduous forest community shifts in eastern North America" in Forest Ecology and Management 2021"Mesophication of Oak Landscapes: Evidence, Knowledge Gaps, and Future Research" in BioScience 2021"Decadal changes in fire frequencies shift tree communities and functional traits" in Nature Ecology & Evolution 2021"The Prescribed Fire Science Consortium" in Fire Management Today 2021"Tree crown injury from wildland fires: causes, measurement and ecological and physiological consequences" in New Phytologist 2021"Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) Branch Pruning by Prescribed Fire" in Forest Science 2021"Litter Flammability of 50 Southeastern North American Tree Species: Evidence for Mesophication Gradients Across Multiple Ecosystems" in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2021"Invigorating Prescribed Fire Science Through Improved Reporting Practices" in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2021"Increasing Pace and Scale of Prescribed Fire via Catastrophe Funds for Liability Relief" in Fire 2021"Variation in Bark Allocation and Rugosity Across Seven Co-occurring Southeastern US Tree Species" in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2021"COVID-19 Lockdowns Drive Decline in Active Fires in Southeastern United States" in PNAS 2021"Robust projections of future fire probability for the conterminous United States" in Science of the Total Environment 2022"Evidence of local adaptation in litter flammability of a widespread fire-adaptive pine" in Journal of Ecology 2022"Recurring wildfires provoke type conversion in dry western forests" in Ecosphere 2022"Hidden Costs of Fire Exclusion in Longleaf Pine Forests Linked to Duff and Carbon Management" in Journal of Forestry 2022"Increasing threat of wildfires: the year 2020 in perspective: A Global Ecology and Biogeography special issue" in Global Ecology and Biogeography 2022"Understanding flammability and bark thickness in the genus Pinus using a phylogenetic approach" in Scientific Reports 2022"A framework for quantifying forest wildfire hazard and fuel treatment effectiveness from stands to landscapes" in Fire Ecology 2022"Long-Term Recovery of Selected Indicator Species Following Soil Disturbance and Compaction in an Old-Growth Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Woodland" in Natural Areas Journal 2022"Peatland drainage alters soil structure and water retention properties: Implications for ecosystem function and management" in Hydrological Processes 2022"Reimagine fire science for the anthropocene" in PNAS Nexus 2022"Extreme fire spread events and area burned under recent and future climate in the western USA" in Global Ecology and Biogeography 2023"Multivariate roles of litter traits on moisture and flammability of temperate northeastern North American tree species" in Fire Ecology 2023"Hydrologic-based modelling of burn depth potentials in degraded peat soils" in Hydrological Processes 2023"Predictive accuracy of post-fire conifer death declines over time in models based on crown and bole injury" in Ecological Applications 2023"Herbaceous vegetation responses to experimental fire in savannas and forests depend on biome and climate" in Ecology Letters 2023"The Southeastern U.S. Prescribed Fire Permit Database: Hot Spots and Hot Moments in Prescribed Fire across the Southeastern U.S.A." in Fire 2024"Pile burning after conifer removal from aspen stands affects tree mortality, regeneration, and understory recovery" in Forest Ecology and Management 2024"Bark and crown morphology drive differences in rainwater distribution in an upland oak forest" in Forest Ecology and Management