First Name: Terry W.Last Name: HenkelPublications: YearPublication 1999"New Taxa and Distribution Records of Tylopilus from Dicymbe Forests of Guyana" in Mycologia 2000"Systematics of Pleurotoid Russulaceae from Guyana and Japan, with Notes on Their Ectomycorrhizal Status" in Mycologia 2001"Pseudotulostoma, a remarkable new volvate genus in the Elaphomycetaceae from Guyana" in Mycological Research 2002"Russulaceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. I. New species of pleurotoid Lactarius" in Mycologia 2002"The genus Amanita in the Pakaraima mountains of Guyana" in Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 2002"Ectomycorrhizal fungi and their leguminous hosts in the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana" in Mycological Research 2003"Monodominance in the Ectomycorrhizal Dicymbe corymbosa (Caesalpiniaceae) from Guyana" in Journal of Tropical Ecology 2003"Studies in Neotropical Polypores 15: New and Interesting Species from Guyana" in Mycologia 2003"New species of Inocybe from Dicymbe forests of Guyana" in Mycological Research 2003"Review of Biodiversity Tropical Mycology" in Mycological Research 2004"New Species of Clavulina from Guyana" in Mycologia 2004"Manufacturing Procedures and Microbiological Aspects of Parakari, A Novel Fermented Beverage of the Wapisiana Amerindians of Guyana" in Economic Botany 2004"Edible mushrooms from Guyana" in Mycologist 2004"Headspace analysis identifies indole and 1-octen-3-ol as the "coal tar" odor of Tricholoma inamoenum" in Mycological Progress 2005"Mast Fruiting and Seedling Survival of the Ectomycorrhizal, Monodominant Dicymbe corymbosa (Caesalpiniaceae) in Guyana" in The New Phytologist 2005"Parakari, an Indigenous Fermented Beverage Using Amylolytic Rhizopus in Guyana" in Mycologia 2005"New Clavulina species from the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana" in Mycological Progress 2006"Do Ectomycorrhizas Alter Leaf-Litter Decomposition in Monodominant Tropical Forests of Guyana?" in The New Phytologist 2006"The mycorrhizal status of Pseudotulostoma volvata (Elaphomycetaceae, Eurotiales, Ascomycota)" in Mycorrhiza 2006"Cantharellus pleurotoides, a new and unusual basidiomycete from Guyana" in Mycological Research 2007"Tylopilus orsonianus sp. nov. and Tylopilus eximius from Guyana" in Mycologia 2008"New Species of Boletellus from Guyana" in Mycologia 2008"The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana I: Four New Species of Entoloma s. str." in Mycologia 2008"Reiteration in the Monodominant Tropical Tree Dicymbe corymbosa (Caesalpiniaceae) and Its Potential Adaptive Significance" in Biotropica 2009"Elucidating the nutritional dynamics of fungi using stable isotopes" in Ecology Letters 2009"Identifying Dicymbe corymbosa Monodominant Forests in Guyana Using Satellite Imagery" in Biotropica 2009"Craterellus excelsus sp. nov. from Guyana" in Mycotaxon 2010"Phylloporus colligatus sp. nov., a new gilled bolete from Guyana" in Mycotaxon 2010"Fistulinella cinereoalba sp. nov. and new distribution records for Austroboletus from Guyana" in Mycologia 2010"Molecular phylogenetics of porcini mushrooms (Boletus section Boletus)" in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2010"The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana IV: new species of Calliderma, Paraeccilia and Trichopilus" in Mycologia 2010"The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana III: new species of Rhodocybe" in Mycoscience 2010"Guyanagaster, a new wood-decaying sequestrate fungal genus related to Armillaria (Physalacriaceae, Agaricales, Basidiomycota)" in American Journal of Botany 2011"Native forest pathogens facilitate persistence of Douglas-fir in old-growth forests of northwestern California" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2011"Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and community structure on three co-occurring leguminous canopy tree species in a Neotropical rainforest" in The New Phytologist 2011"New species and distribution records of Clavulina (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) from the Guiana Shield" in Mycologia 2012"Scaling up: examining the macroecology of ectomycorrhizal fungi" in Molecular Ecology 2012"Ectomycorrhizal fungal sporocarp diversity and discovery of new taxa in Dicymbe monodominant forests of the Guiana Shield" in Biodiversity & Conservation 2012"New species and distribution records for Clavulina (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) from the Guiana Shield, with a key to the lowland neotropical taxa" in Fungal Biology 2012"Cantharellaceae of Guyana I: new species, combinations and distribution records of Craterellus and a synopsis of known taxa" in Mycologia 2012"Membranomyces species are common ectomycorrhizal symbionts in Northern Hemisphere forests" in Mycorrhiza 2012"Towards global patterns in the diversity and community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi" in Molecular Ecology 2012"New species of Clavulina (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) with resupinate and effused basidiomata from the Guiana Shield" in Mycologia 2012"New Elaphomyces species (Elaphomycetaceae, Eurotiales, Ascomycota) from Guyana" in Mycologia 2013"Russulaceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana 2. New species of Russula and Lactifluus" in Mycotaxon 2013"New species of Xerocomus (Boletales) from the Guiana Shield, with notes on their mycorrhizal status and fruiting occurrence" in Mycologia 2013"Hyperdominance in the Amazonian tree flora" in Science 2013"The Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Community in a Neotropical Forest Dominated by the Endemic Dipterocarp Pakaraimaea dipterocarpacea" in PLOS ONE 2014"The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana 6: ten new species and a new combination in Nolanea" in Mycotaxon 2014"Fungal biogeography: Global diversity and geography of soil fungi" in Science 2014"Cantharellaceae Of Guyana II: New Species Of Craterellus, New South American Distribution Records For Cantharellus Guyanensis And Craterellus Excelsus, And A Key To The Neotropical Taxa" in Mycologia 2014"Ectomycorrhizal Impacts On Plant Nitrogen Nutrition: Emerging Isotopic Patterns, Latitudinal Variation And Hidden Mechanisms" in Ecology Letters 2015"New sequestrate fungi from Guyana: Jimtrappea guyanensis gen. sp. nov., Castellanea pakaraimophila gen. sp. nov., and Costatisporus cyanescens gen. sp. nov. (Boletaceae, Boletales)" in IMA Fungus 2015"How many fungi make sclerotia?" in Fungal Ecology 2015"Erratum to: New sequestrate fungi from Guyana: Jimtrappea guyanensis gen. sp. nov., Castellanea pakaraimophila gen. sp. nov., and Costatisporus cyanescens gen. sp. nov. (Boletaceae, Boletales)" in IMA Fungus 2015"New species in Cortinarius section Cortinarius (Agaricales) from the Americas and Australasia" in MycoKeys 2015"Long-distance dispersal and speciation of Australasian and American species of Cortinarius sect. Cortinarius" in Mycologia 2015"Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species" in Science Advances 2015"Sarcodon in the Neotropics I: new species from Guyana, Puerto Rico and Belize" in Mycologia 2016"Sarcodon in the Neotropics II: four new species from Colombia and a key to the regional species" in Mycologia 2016"New Boletaceae taxa from Guyana: Binderoboletus segoi gen. and sp. nov., Guyanaporus albipodus gen. and sp. nov., Singerocomus rubriflavus gen. and sp. nov., and a new combination for Xerocomus inundabilis" in Mycologia 2016"New species of Elaphomyces (Elaphomycetaceae, Eurotiales, Ascomycota) from tropical rainforests of Cameroon and Guyana" in IMA Fungus 2016Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1992-2014 2016 "Kombocles bakaiana gen. sp. nov. (Boletaceae), a new sequestrate fungus from Cameroon" in IMA Fungus 2016 "Guyanagarika, a new ectomycorrhizal genus of Agaricales from the Neotropics" in Fungal Biology 2016"Multigene Sequencing Provides a Suitable Epitype, Barcode Sequences and a Precise Systematic Position for the Enigmatic, African Cantharellus miniatescens" in Cryptogamie, Mycologie 2017"Resolved phylogeny and biogeography of the root pathogen Armillaria and its gasteroid relative, Guyanagaster" in BMC Evolutionary Biology 2017"Investigating niche partitioning of ectomycorrhizal fungi in specialized rooting zones of the monodominant leguminous tree Dicymbe corymbosa" in The New Phytologist 2017"New species of Auritella (Inocybaceae) from Cameroon, with a worldwide key to the known species" in IMA Fungus 2017"A phylogenetically-based nomenclature for Cordycipitaceae (Hypocreales)" in IMA Fungus 2018"The Cantharellus isabellinus species complex (Cantharellales, Hydnaceae) in tropical Africa" in Mycosphere 2018"Species Distribution Modelling: Contrasting presence-only models with plot abundance data" in Scientific Reports 2018"A global view of Gyroporus: molecular phylogenetics, diversity patterns, and new species" in Mycologia 2018"Ectomycorrhizal associations in the tropics – biogeography, diversity patterns and ecosystem roles" in The New Phytologist 2019"Rarity of monodominance in hyperdiverse Amazonian forests" in Scientific Reports 2019"In memoriam: Martha Christensen, 1932−2017" in Mycologia 2019"New species of Entolomataceae from Cameroon" in Fungal Systematics and Evolution 2019"Epitypification of the Central African Cantharellus densifolius and C. luteopunctatus allows for the recognition of two additional species" in MycoKeys 2019"Animal-fungal interactions 3: first report of mycophagy by the African Brush-tailed Porcupine Atherurus africanus Gray, 1842 (Mammalia: Rodentia: Hystricidae)" in Journal of Threatened Taxa 2019"Implications of a long‐term mast seeding cycle for climatic entrainment, seedling establishment and persistent monodominance in a Neotropical, ectomycorrhizal canopy tree" in Ecological Research 2019"A new and unusual species of Hericium (Basidiomycota: Russulales, Hericiaceae) from the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon" in Mycological Progress 2019"New species of Amanita subgen. Lepidella from Guyana" in Fungal Systematics and Evolution 2020"Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree flora" in Scientific Reports 2020"Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 91-100" in Cryptogamie. Mycologie 2021"Ectomycorrhizal fungal community assembly on seedlings of a Neotropical monodominant tree" in Biotropica 2021"Amanita in the Guineo-Congolian rainforest: Epitypes and new species from the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon" in Mycologia 2021"A Synopses of the Wood-decay genus Laxitextum (Hericiacea, Russulales, Basidiomycota) and a new species from Cameroon" in Edinburgh Journal of Botany 2022"Global diversity and distribution of mushroom-inhabiting bacteria" in Environmental Microbiology Reports 2022"New genera, species, and combinations of Boletaceae from Brazil and Guyana" in Mycologia 2022"Molecular phylogenetic analyses and micromorphology reveal placement of the enigmatic tropical discomycete Polydiscidium in Sclerococcum (Sclerococcales, Eurotiomycetes)" in Mycologia 2022"A phylogenetic overview of Squamanita, with descriptions of nine new species and four new combinations" in Mycologia 2022"Global patterns in endemicity and vulnerability of soil fungi" in Global Change Biology 2022"Biogeographic history of a large clade of ectomycorrhizal fungi, the Russulaceae, in the Neotropics and adjacent regions" in New Phytologist 2022"Diversity and distribution of tropical ectomycorrhizal fungi" in Mycologia 2023"Russulaceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. IV. New species forming a distinct lineage of Lactarius subg. Plinthogalus" in Mycologia 2023"More than 10,000 pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia" in Science 2024"Lichen diversity in serpentine habitats of the North Coast Range, California" in The Bryologist