Han, Sang-Kyun |
2016 |
"Evaluating the System Logistics of a Centralized Biomass Recovery Operation in Northern California" in Forest Products Journal |
Weller, Theodore J. |
2016 |
"Minimally invasive collection of adipose tissue facilitates the study of eco-physiology in small-bodied mammals" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution |
Moore, Michal C. |
2016 |
Chapter 1 "The Rise of Unconventional Gas: The Story So Far" in Risks, Rewards and Regulation of Unconventional Gas: A Global Perspective |
Bracken, Cameron |
2016 |
"Spatial Bayesian hierarchical modeling of precipitation extremes over a large domain" in Water Resources Research |
Barnett, James |
2016 |
"Grief following pet and human loss: Closeness is key" in Death Studies |
Aigner, Carrie J. |
2016 |
"The Association of Smoking with English and Spanish Language Use as a Proxy of Acculturation Among Mexican-Americans" in Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health |
Sanchez, Catherine |
2016 |
"Pantoum One" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Risling Baldy, Cutcha |
2016 |
"The New Native Intellectualism: #ElizabethCookLynn, Social Media Movements, and the Millennial Native American Studies Scholar” in Wicazo Sa Review |
Peloso, Pedro |
2016 |
"A New Species of Clown Tree Frog, Dendropsophus leucophyllatus Species Group, from Amazonia (Anura, Hylidae)" in South American Journal of Herpetology |
Sahara, E. April |
2016 |
"The relative contributions of disease and insects in the decline of a long-lived tree: a stochastic demographic model of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis)" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Berrill, John-Pascal |
2016 |
"Bark Thickness Equations for Mixed-Conifer Forest Type in Klamath and Sierra Nevada Mountains of California" in International Journal of Forestry Research |
Dengler, Lori A. |
2016 |
"Notes from FEMA's Emergency Management Training Institute" in Times-Standard |
Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. |
2016 |
"Seasonal Variation in Isolation of Phytophthora from Wildland Soils" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster |
Smith, Michael D. |
2016 |
Food security among Hispanic adults in the United States, 2011-2014 |
Harris, Albert W. |
2016 |
"Negotiations" in The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication |
Trevisan, Dominic A. |
2016 |
"Are emotion recognition abilities related to everyday social functioning in ASD? A meta-analysis" in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders |
Mendia, Shannon M. |
2016 |
"Examining ecosystem services and disservices of bear damage on Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation" in Theses and Projects |
Kelly, Erin Clover |
2016 |
"Forest offsets and the California compliance market: Bringing an abstract ecosystem good to market" in Geoforum |
Crutsinger, Gregory M. |
2016 |
"Freedom to move: Arctic caterpillar (Lepidoptera) growth rate increases with access to new willows (Salicaceae)" in Canadian Entomologist |
Ryan, Desiree |
2016 |
"The mistreatment of others: Discrimination can undermine university identification, student health, and engagement" in Social Justice Research |
Bruner, Michael S. |
2016 |
"Women Can't Win: Gender Irony and the E-Politics of The Biggest Loser" in International Journal of E-Politics |
Padilla, Susana |
2016 |
"Pantoum Two" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos
Buchheister, Andre |
2016 |
"Dynamic trophic linkages in a large estuarine system – support for supply-driven dietary changes using delta generalized additive models" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Rosales, Elizabeth |
2016 |
"Reflections" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Yzaguirre, Monique |
2016 |
"Heart(h)" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |