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Displaying 201 - 225 of 1183
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Han, Sang-Kyun 2016

"Evaluating the System Logistics of a Centralized Biomass Recovery Operation in Northern California" in Forest Products Journal

Weller, Theodore J. 2016

"Minimally invasive collection of adipose tissue facilitates the study of eco-physiology in small-bodied mammals" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Moore, Michal C. 2016

Chapter 1 "The Rise of Unconventional Gas: The Story So Far" in Risks, Rewards and Regulation of Unconventional Gas: A Global Perspective

Bracken, Cameron 2016

"Spatial Bayesian hierarchical modeling of precipitation extremes over a large domain" in Water Resources Research

Barnett, James 2016

 "Grief following pet and human loss: Closeness is key" in Death Studies

Aigner, Carrie J. 2016

"The Association of Smoking with English and Spanish Language Use as a Proxy of Acculturation Among Mexican-Americans" in Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health

Sanchez, Catherine 2016

"Pantoum One" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Risling Baldy, Cutcha 2016

"The New Native Intellectualism: #ElizabethCookLynn, Social Media Movements, and the Millennial Native American Studies Scholar” in Wicazo Sa Review

Peloso, Pedro 2016

"A New Species of Clown Tree Frog, Dendropsophus leucophyllatus Species Group, from Amazonia (Anura, Hylidae)" in South American Journal of Herpetology

Sahara, E. April 2016

"The relative contributions of disease and insects in the decline of a long-lived tree: a stochastic demographic model of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis)" in Forest Ecology and Management

Berrill, John-Pascal 2016

"Bark Thickness Equations for Mixed-Conifer Forest Type in Klamath and Sierra Nevada Mountains of California" in International Journal of Forestry Research

Dengler, Lori A. 2016

"Notes from FEMA's Emergency Management Training Institute" in Times-Standard

Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. 2016

"Seasonal Variation in Isolation of Phytophthora from Wildland Soils" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster

Smith, Michael D. 2016

Food security among Hispanic adults in the United States, 2011-2014

Harris, Albert W. 2016

"Negotiations" in The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication

Trevisan, Dominic A. 2016

"Are emotion recognition abilities related to everyday social functioning in ASD? A meta-analysis" in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Mendia, Shannon M. 2016

"Examining ecosystem services and disservices of bear damage on Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation" in Theses and Projects

Kelly, Erin Clover 2016

"Forest offsets and the California compliance market: Bringing an abstract ecosystem good to market" in Geoforum

Crutsinger, Gregory M. 2016

"Freedom to move: Arctic caterpillar (Lepidoptera) growth rate increases with access to new willows (Salicaceae)" in Canadian Entomologist

Ryan, Desiree 2016

"The mistreatment of others: Discrimination can undermine university identification, student health, and engagement" in Social Justice Research

Bruner, Michael S. 2016

"Women Can't Win: Gender Irony and the E-Politics of The Biggest Loser" in International Journal of E-Politics

Padilla, Susana 2016

"Pantoum Two" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Buchheister, Andre 2016

"Dynamic trophic linkages in a large estuarine system – support for supply-driven dietary changes using delta generalized additive models" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Rosales, Elizabeth 2016

"Reflections" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Yzaguirre, Monique 2016

"Heart(h)" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos