Year | Publication |
1997 | "Specialization and differences in setting preferences among wildlife viewers" in Human Dimensions of Wildlife |
1999 | "A Wilderness Within: The Life of Sigurd F. Olson (Reviewed) in Leisure Sciences |
1999 | "A policy implementation analysis of the Recreation Fee Demonstration Program: Convergence of public sentiment, agency programs, and policy principles?" in Journal of Park and Recreation Administration |
2000 | "Donations as an alternative to wilderness user fees - The case of the Desolation Wilderness. In: Cole, McCool, Borrie, and O’Laughlin (compilers)" Wilderness Science in a Time of Change Conference Proceedings |
2000 | "Research Report for Headwaters Forest Reserve Visitor Study" in Bureau of Land Management |
2002 | "Comparing the effectiveness of interpretive and sanction messages for influencing wilderness visitors’ intended behavior" in International Journal of Wilderness |
2004 | "Are bear-proof food storage canisters being used effectively on the Lost Coast Trail?" in Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium Poster |
2004 | "Effect of 70 years of recreational car camping on vigor of old-growth coast redwood and Douglas-fir" in Big Basin Redwoods State Park Research Report |
2004 | "Effect of 70 years of recreational car camping on vigor of old-growth coast redwood and Douglas-fir" in Redwood Region Forestry Science Symposium Poster |
2004 | "Research Report for Lost Coast Trail Backcountry Visitor Study" in Bureau of Land Management |
2004 | "Visitor perceptions of management actions across the recreation opportunity spectrum" in International Symposium on Society and Resource Management Poster |
2004 | "Campsite solitude: A contingent valuation study" in International Symposium on Society and Resource Management Poster |
2005 | "Food storage regulations in the Yosemite Wilderness: implications for bears and backpackers" in World Wilderness Congress Poster |
2006 | "Backcountry food storage: How not to share your dinner with a bear" in International Symposium on Society and Resource Management Poster |
2007 | "An assessment of bear-resistant food canister use in Yosemite National Park" in National Park Service Final Report |
2008 | "Wilderness food storage in Yosemite: understanding backpacker canister use" in Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management Conference |
2009 | "Visitor perceptions of appropriate management actions across the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum" in Journal of Park and Recreation Administration |
2009 | "Wilderness food storage in Yosemite: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to understand backpacker canister use" in Human Dimensions of Wildlife |
2010 | "Wilderness food storage: Are bear-resistant food storage canisters effective?" in International Journal of Wilderness |
2011 | "Evaluation of Communication Strategies to Mitigate Visitor Use Impacts on Marbled Murrelets" in Redwood National and State Parks Final Report |
2011 | "Visitor perceptions of technology, risk and rescue in wilderness" in International Journal of Wilderness |
2011 | "Design and Evaluation of Communication Strategies to Mitigate Visitor Use Impacts at Pelican and Cormorant Non-breeding Sites" in Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Final Report |
2011 | "Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Overnight Visitor Use of the Yosemite Wilderness" in National Park Service Final Report |
2012 | "Overnight Visitor Use and Computer Simulation Modeling of the Yosemite Wilderness" in Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 2011 George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites |
2012 | "The Influence of Hand-Held Information and Communication Technology on Visitor Perceptions of Risk and Risk-Related Behavior" in Wilderness visitor experiences: Progress in research and management |
2012 | "Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks 2011 Wilderness Visitor Survey" in Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Final Report |
2013 | "Headwaters Forest Reserve 2012 Visitor Study" in Bureau of Land Management Final Report |
2014 | "Computer Simulation Modeling to Determine Trailhead Quotas for Overnight Wilderness Visitor Use" in Journal of Park and Recreation Administration |
2015 | "The Relationship Between Perceptions of Wilderness Character and Attitudes Toward Management Intervention to Adapt Biophysical Resources to a Changing Climate and Nature Restoration at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks" in Environmental Management |
2015 | "Coastal Recreation Visitor Study" in Bureau of Land Management Final Report |
2016 | "Management Guidelines for IUCN Category 1b Protected Areas" in Technical Report |
2016 | "Protecting Visitors and the Wilderness through Stewardship Research" in International Journal of Wilderness |
2016 | |
2016 | "Influences of personal locator beacons on wilderness visitor behavior" in International Journal of Wilderness |
2017 | "Real and potential influences of information technology on outdoor recreation and wilderness experiences and management" in Journal of Park and Recreation Administration |