First Name: Tyler S.Last Name: StumpfPublications: YearPublication 2014"Appreciative and consumptive lodging attributes: Conceptualization and measurement" in International Journal of Hospitality Management 2015"Tourism involvement-conformance theory: a grounded theory concerning the latent consequences of sustainable tourism policy shifts" in Journal of Sustainable Tourism 2016"Bridging the gap: grounded theory method, theory development, and sustainable tourism research" in Journal of Sustainable Tourism 2016"Institutional conformance and tourism performance: an efficiency analysis in developing Pacific Island countries" in Tourism Planning & Development 2017"Institutions and transaction costs in foreign-local hotel ventures: A grounded investigation in the developing Pacific"in Tourism Management 2018"Sharpening the ethnographer’s toolkit: Introducing the freelist method to information systems research" in Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018Chapter 11 "On the use of meta-theory in grounded investigations: In principle and practice in hospitality and tourism research" in Handbook of Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality Management 2019"The conceptualization and uses of technological metaworlds in travel" in Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2019"The land has voice: understanding the land tenure – sustainable tourism development nexus in Micronesia" in Journal of Sustainable Tourism 2020"Revisiting technology and flow: A call for an alternative perspective and directions for the future" in Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2020"Technological metaworlds in travel" in Information Technology and Tourism 2022"Becoming a Digital Nomad Entrepreneur" in e-Service Journal 2022"Digital Nomad Entrepreneurship and Lifestyle Design: A Process" in Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2023"Freelisting: A Research Guide for Information Systems Researchers" in Data Base for Advances in Information Systems