First Name: Jason R.Last Name: PattonPublications: YearPublication 2003"Relative Tsunami Hazard Maps, Humboldt County, California" in AGU Fall Meeting 2004"Late Holocene coseismic subsidence and coincident tsunamis, Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone, Hookton Slough, Wigi (Humboldt Bay), California" in Theses and Projects 2004"GIS based Relative Tsunami Hazard Maps for Northern California, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties" in AGU Fall Meeting 2004"Tsunami Hazards in San Francisco Bay" in AGU Fall Meeting 2006"Signatures of Quaternary crustal deformation and landscape evolution in the Mendocino deformation zone, NW California" in Local Reports and Publications 2012"Humboldt Bay Vertical Reference System Working Group: unraveling tectonic and eustatic factors of sea level rise in northern California, Humboldt Bay" in AGU Fall Meeting 2015"A 6600 year earthquake history in the region of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone earthquake" in Geosphere 2016"Bradley Lake: There and Back Again, Additional Sedimentary Evidence for Earthquakes" in AGU Fall Meeting 2017"Tectonic land level changes and their contribution to sea-level rise, Humboldt Bay region, Northern California" in Local Reports and Publications 2017"New sedimentary-core records and a recent co-seismic turbidite help to unravel the paleoseismicity of the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand" in Proceedings from the EGU General Assembly 2018"Earthquakes drive large-scale submarine canyon development and sediment supply to deep-ocean basins" in Science 2018"Upper Plate Deformation Across Active Faults in the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone, Northern California: Geodetic Slip Rate Estimates Compared with Geologic Rates" in AGU Fall Meeting 2019"Near-Field Ground Motions from the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes: Subdued Shaking due to Pervasive Non-Linear Site Response?" in AGU Fall Meeting 2019"Tsunami Hazard Areas of Evacuation for the State of California: Community Directed, Humboldt County" in AGU Fall Meeting 2020"Rapid collaborative knowledge building via Twitter after significant geohazard events" in EGU General Assembly 2020"California reviews non-traditional tsunami sources as analogies for future statewide tsunami hazard analyses" in AGU Fall Meeting