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Displaying 276 - 300 of 1766
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Baughman, Jaclyn 2020

"Mesoproterozoic burial of the Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa during Rodinia supercontinent assembly from (U-Th)/He thermochronology" in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Greene, David F. 2019

"Tamm Review: Restoration for resilience in dry western forests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Tepley, Alan J. 2019

"Drivers of basal area variation across primary late-successional Picea abies forests of the Carpathian Mountains" in Forest Ecology and Management

Butz, Ramona J. 2019

"Range-wide population structure and dynamics of a serotinous conifer, knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata L.), under an anthropogenically-altered disturbance regime" in Forest Ecology and Management

Van Pelt, Robert 2019

"Neighborhood competition mediates crown development of Picea sitchensis in Olympic rainforests: Implications for restoration management" in Forest Ecology and Management

Campbell-Spickler, Jim 2019

"Structure and dynamics of forests dominated by Sequoiadendron giganteum" in Forest Ecology and Management

Carroll, Allyson L. 2019

"Structure and dynamics of forests dominated by Sequoiadendron giganteum" in Forest Ecology and Management

Antoine, Marie E. 2019

"Structure and dynamics of forests dominated by Sequoiadendron giganteum" in Forest Ecology and Management

Van Pelt, Robert 2019

"Structure and dynamics of forests dominated by Sequoiadendron giganteum" in Forest Ecology and Management

Adams, Mark D. O. 2019

"Traditional knowledge of fire-use by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs in the eastside Cascades of Oregon" in Forest Ecology and Management

Zeibig-Kichas, Nickolas E. 2020

"Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) growth and defense in response to mountain pine beetle outbreaks" in Forest Ecology and Management

Van Pelt, Robert 2020

"Aboveground biomass dynamics and growth efficiency of Sequoia sempervirens forests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Gara, Tawanda W. 2019

"Accurate modelling of canopy traits from seasonal Sentinel-2 imagery based on the vertical distribution of leaf traits" in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Gustas, Robert H. 2019

"Coastal migration into the Americas and least cost path analysis" in Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

Gara, Tawanda W. 2019

"Evaluating the performance of PROSPECT in the retrieval of leaf traits across canopy throughout the growing season" in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Gara, Tawanda W. 2020

"Comparing methods for mapping canopy chlorophyll content in a mixed mountain forest using Sentinel-2 data" in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Mahoney, Sean M. 2019

"Russian olive habitat along an arid river supports fewer bird species, functional groups and a different species composition relative to mixed vegetation habitats" in Journal of Arid Environments

Gabrielson, Stephen Walter 2019

"Management of Hyperkalemia With Insulin and Glucose: Pearls for the Emergency Clinician" in Journal of Emergency Medicine

Varner, J. Morgan 2019

"Linking ecosystem function and hydrologic regime to inform restoration of a forested peatland" in Journal of Environmental Management

Dumouchel, Robert J. 2019

"Local participation and large marine protected areas: Lessons from a U.S. Marine National Monument" in Journal of Environmental Management

Beeney, Joseph E. 2019

"Comparing hierarchical models of personality pathology" in Journal of Research in Personality

Sinnott, Aaron M. 2019

"Persistent vestibular-ocular impairment following concussion in adolescents" in Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport

Kontos, Anthony P. 2019

"Persistent vestibular-ocular impairment following concussion in adolescents" in Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport

Sinnott, Aaron M. 2020

"You Snooze, You Win? An Ecological Dynamics Framework Approach to Understanding the Relationships Between Sleep and Sensorimotor Performance in Sport" in Sleep Medicine Clinics

Karraker, Nancy E. 2019

"Native amphibian larvae exhibit higher upper thermal limits but lower performance than their introduced predator Gambusia affinis" in Journal of Thermal Biology