First Name: Matthew J.Last Name: ReillyPublications: YearPublication 2006"Wildfire effects on ß-diversity and species turnover in a forested landscape" in Journal of Vegetation Science 2006"Wildfire effects on plant species richness at multiple spatial scales in forest communities of the southern Appalachians" in Journal of Ecology 2007"Assessment of fire severity and species diversity in the southern Appalachians using Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery" in Remote Sensing of Environment 2010"Deep pore pressures and seafloor venting in the Auger Basin, Gulf of Mexico" in Basin Research 2015"Regional variation in stand structure and development in forests of Oregon, Washington, and inland Northern California" in Ecosphere 2016"Effects of Repeated Growing Season Prescribed Fire on the Structure and Composition of Pine–Hardwood Forests in the Southeastern Piedmont, USA" in Forests 2017"Cumulative effects of wildfires on forest dynamics in the eastern Cascade Mountains, USA" in Ecological Applications 2017"Contemporary patterns of fire extent and severity in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA (1985–2010)" in Ecosphere 2018"Visual interpretation and time series modeling of Landsat imagery highlight drought's role in forest canopy declines" in Ecosphere 2019"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal 2019"Historical patterns of fire severity and forest structure and composition in a landscape structured by frequent large fires: Pumice Plateau ecoregion, Oregon, USA" in Landscape Ecology 2019"Spatial and temporal assessment of responder exposure to snag hazards in post-fire environments" in Forest Ecology and Management 2019"Assessing spatial and temporal patterns of canopy decline across a diverse montane landscape in the Klamath Mountains, CA, USA using a 30-year Landsat time series" in Landscape Ecology 2019"Early seral pathways of vegetation change following repeated short-interval, high-severity wildfire in a low-elevation, mixed conifer – hardwood forest landscape of the Klamath Mountains, California" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2019"Range-wide population structure and dynamics of a serotinous conifer, knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata L.), under an anthropogenically-altered disturbance regime" in Forest Ecology and Management 2019"Twenty-five years of the Northwest Forest Plan: what have we learned?" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2019"Corralling a black swan: natural range of variation in a forest landscape driven by rare, extreme events" in Ecological Applications 2020"How does tree regeneration respond to mixed-severity fire in the western Oregon Cascades, USA?" in Ecosphere 2020"Repeated, high-severity wildfire catalyzes invasion of non-native plant species in forests of the Klamath Mountains, northern California, USA" in Biological Invasions 2021"Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests" in Ecological Applications 2021"Conservation of Dry Forest Old Growth in Eastern Oregon" in Journal of Forestry 2021"An ecological perspective on living with fire in ponderosa pine forests of Oregon and Washington: Resistance, gone but not forgotten" in Trees, Forests and People 2021"Diameter limits impede restoration of historical conditions in dry mixed-conifer forests of eastern Oregon, USA" in Ecosphere 2022"The effects of a half century of warming and fire exclusion on montane forests of the Klamath Mountains, California, USA" in Ecological Monographs 2022"Cascadia Burning: The historic, but not historically unprecedented, 2020 wildfires in the Pacific Northwest, USA" in Ecosphere 2022"Delayed fire mortality has long-term ecological effects across the Southern Appalachian landscape" in Ecosphere 2022"Using a trait-based approach to asses fire resistance in forest landscapes of the Inland Northwest, USA" in Landscape Ecology 2022"Drivers and ecological impacts of a wildfire outbreak in the southern Appalachian Mountains after decades of fire exclusion" in Forest Ecology and Management 2022"The complexity of biological disturbance agents, fuels heterogeneity, and fire in coniferous forests of the western United States" in Forest Ecology and Management 2023Chapter 9 "Temperate forests" in Future Forests: Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change 2023"Too hot, too cold, or just right: Can wildfire restore dry forests of the interior Pacific Northwest?" in PLoS ONE 2023"Characterizing post-fire delayed tree mortality with remote sensing: sizing up the elephant in the room" in Fire Ecology 2023"Taxonomic insights from floral scents of western North American sessile-flowered Trillium" in American Journal of Botany 2024"Evaluating immaturity risk in young stands of the serotinous knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata)" in Ecosphere 2024"Simulated Future Shifts in Wildfire Regimes in Moist Forests of Pacific Northwest, USA" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences