First Name: M. ZachariahLast Name: PeeryPublications: YearPublication 1996"Feasibility of a random quadrat study design to estimate changes in density of Mexican spotted owls" in USDA Forest Service Research Papers 1996"Intermountain movement by Mexican spotted owls (Strix occidentalis lucida)" in Great Basin Naturalist 1999"The relationship between spotted owl diet and reproductive success in the San Bernardino Mountains, California" in Wilson Bulletin 1999"Habitat composition and configuration around Mexican spotted owl nest and roost sites in the Tularosa Mountains, New Mexico" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1999"Demography of two Mexican spotted owl populations" in Conservation Biology 2000"Factors affecting interspecies variation in home-range size of raptors" in Auk 2001"Spotted owl demography in the central Sierra Nevada" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2004"Applying the declining population paradigm: Diagnosing causes of poor reproduction in the marbled murrelet" in Conservation Biology 2004"Individual and temporal variation in inland flight behavior of marbled murrelets: Implications for population monitoring" in Condor 2006"Local survival of marbled murrelets in central California: Roles of oceanographic processes, sex and radiotagging" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2006"Efficacy of audiovisual and radar surveys for studying marbled murrelets in inland habitats" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2006"Power to detect trends in marbled murrelet breeding populations using audiovisual and radar surveys" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2006"Nesting habitat characteristics of the marbled murrelet in central California redwood forests" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2006"Combining demographic and count-based approaches to identify source-sink dynamics of a threatened seabird" in Ecological Applications 2007"Age ratios as estimators of productivity: Testing assumptions on a threatened seabird, the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus)" in Auk 2007"Ocean climate and prey availability affect the trophic level and reproductive success of the marbled murrelet, an endangered seabird" in Marine Ecology Progress Series 2007"Reconstructing the historic demography of an endangered seabird" in Ecology 2008"Characterizing source sink dynamics with genetic parentage assignments" in Ecology 2010"Genetic analyses of historic and modern marbled murrelets suggest decoupling of migration and gene flow after habitat fragmentation" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2010"Recovering marbled murrelets via corvid management: A population viability analysis approach" in Biological Conservation 2012"Estimating population impacts via dynamic occupancy analysis of Before-After Control-Impact studies" in Ecological Applications 2012"The mating system of a 'lazy' mammal, Hoffmann's two-toed sloth" in Animal Behaviour 2013"Life-history tradeoffs in Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis): Implications for assessment of territory quality" in Auk 2013"Integrating population and genetic monitoring to understand changes in the abundance of a threatened seabird" in Biological Conservation 2014"Effects of forest management on California spotted owls: Implications for reducing wildfire risk in fire-prone forests" in Ecological Applications 2014"A syndrome of mutualism reinforces the lifestyle of a sloth" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2014"Shade-grown cacao supports a self-sustaining population of two-toed but not three-toed sloths" in Journal of Applied Ecology 2015"Life-history tradeoffs and reproductive cycles in Spotted Owls" in Auk 2015"Resource use by the two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) and the three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus) differs in a shade-grown agro-ecosystem" in Journal of Tropical Ecology 2016"Using dynamic occupancy models to inform climate change adaptation strategies for California spotted owls" in Journal of Applied Ecology 2016"Population dynamics of endangered blanding's turtles in a restored area" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2016"Megafires: an emerging threat to old-forest species" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2017"Green sloths and brown cows: the role of dominant mammalian herbivores in carbon emissions for tropical agro-ecosystems" in Mammal Review 2017"Behavioral mechanisms leading to improved fitness in a subsidized predator" in Oecologia 2017"Individual reproductive strategies shape the mating system of tree sloths" in Journal of Mammalogy 2018"Declining old-forest species as a legacy of large trees lost" in Diversity and Distributions 2018"Slow and steady wins the race? Future climate and land use change leaves the imperiled Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) behind" in Biological Conservation 2019"The conundrum of agenda-driven science in conservation" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2019"Acoustic monitoring reveals a diverse forest owl community, illustrating its potential for basic and applied ecology" in Ecology 2019"Detecting small changes in populations at landscape scales: a bioacoustic site-occupancy framework" in Ecological Indicators 2019"Site occupancy and reproductive dynamics of California spotted owls in a mixed-ownership landscape" in Forest Ecology and Management 2019"When protected areas produce source populations of overabundant species" in Biological Conservation 2019"Trophic interactions mediate the response of predator populations to habitat change" in Biological Conservation 2020"Wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) nest protection reduces depredation and increases success, but annual variation influences its effectiveness" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 2020"Habitat selection by spotted owls after a megafire reflects their adaptation to historical frequent-fire regimes" in Landscape Ecology 2020"Fire and climate change: conserving seasonally dry forests is still possible" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2020"The past, present and future impacts of climate and land use change on snowshoe hares along their southern range boundary" in Biological Conservation 2020"Strong Climate Associations but No Temporal Trends in Nesting Phenology of Blanding's Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii)" in Herpetologica 2021"California spotted owl habitat selection in a fire-managed landscape suggests conservation benefit of restoring historical fire regimes" in Forest Ecology and Management 2021"Using the ecological significance of animal vocalizations to improve inference in acoustic monitoring programs" in Conservation Biology 2021"Stable isotopes reveal unexpected relationships between fire history and the diet of Spotted Owls" in Ibis 2021"Reducing anthropogenic subsidies can curb density of overabundant predators in protected areas" in Biological Conservation 2021"Density dependence influences competition and hybridization at an invasion front" in Diversity and Distributions 2022"Population decline in California spotted owls near their southern range boundary" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2022"Forest restoration limits megafires and supports species conservation under climate change" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2022"Arresting the spread of invasive species in continental systems" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2022"Not all management is equal: a comparison of methods to increase wood turtle population viability" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2022"Breeding status shapes territoriality and vocalization patterns in spotted owls" in Journal of Avian Biology 2022"Experimental repatriation of snowshoe hares along a southern range boundary reveals historical community interactions" in Ecological Monographs 2022"Failed despots and the equitable distribution of fitness in a subsidized species" in Behavioral Ecology 2022"DNA metabarcoding reveals the threat of rapidly expanding barred owl populations to native wildlife in western North America" in Biological Conservation 2022"Comparing little brown and big brown bat isotopic niches over the past century in an agriculturally dominated landscape" in Journal of Mammalogy 2023"Older forests function as energetic and demographic refugia for a climate-sensitive species" in Oecologia 2023"Characterizing the diet of a threatened seabird, the marbled murrelet Brachyramphus Marmoratus, using high-throughput sequencing" in Marine Ornithology 2023"A climate-vulnerable species uses cooler forest microclimates during heat waves" in Biological Conservation 2023"Estimating population size for California spotted owls and barred owls across the Sierra Nevada ecosystem with bioacoustics" in Ecological Indicators 2023"Forest heterogeneity outweighs movement costs by enhancing hunting success and reproductive output in California spotted owls" in Landscape Ecology 2023"Landscape heterogeneity provides co-benefits to predator and prey" in Ecological Applications 2023"Quail on fire: changing fire regimes may benefit mountain quail in fire-adapted forests" in Fire Ecology 2024"Sex and age mediate the effects of rapid environmental change for a forest carnivore, the Fisher (Pekania pennanti)" in Journal of Mammalogy 2024"Using bioacoustics to enhance the efficiency of spotted owl surveys and facilitate forest restoration" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2024"A scalable and transferable approach to combining emerging conservation technologies to identify biodiversity change after large disturbances" in Journal of Applied Ecology