Lackey, Robert T. |
2016 |
"Keep Science and Scientists Credible: Avoid Stealth Policy Advocacy" in Bulletin of the Ecological Society of Australia |
Souza, Tasha J. |
2016 |
"Responding to Microaggressions with Microresistance: A Framework for Consideration" in POD Diversity Committee White Paper |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2016 |
"Genome sequence, population history, and pelage genetics of the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus)" in BMC genomics |
Carter, Harry R. |
2016 |
"Decline of the Pelagic Cormorant in Western Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, 1975–2014" in Northwestern Naturalist |
Finch, Deborah M. |
2016 |
"Conservation and restoration of sagebrush ecosystems and sage-grouse: An assessment of usda forest service science" in USDA Forest Service General Technical Report |
Olsen, Charlotte A. |
2016 |
"Exoplanet Research: Differential Photometry for Kepler 6b" in ideaFest Journal |
O'Dowd, Alison P. |
2016 |
"Do bio-physical attributes of steps and pools differ in high-gradient mountain streams?" in Hydrobiologia |
Railsback, Steven F. |
2016 |
"Why It Is Time to Put PHABSIM Out to Pasture" in Fisheries Magazine |
Alvey, Erin |
2016 |
"Early seral mixed-conifer forest structure and composition following a wildfire reburn in the Sierra Nevada" in Theses and Projects |
Harvey, Bret C. |
2016 |
"Use of cover for concealment behavior by rainbow trout: influences of cover structure and area" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management. |
Laird, Aldaron |
2016 |
"City of Eureka Sea Level Rise Assets Vulnerability and Risk Assessment" in Local Reports and Publications |
Torkildson, Siffy |
2016 |
The Walkabout Chronicles: Epic Journeys by Foot |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
Final Report - Characterization of Emissions from Spray Polyurethane Foam |
Martin, Steven R. |
2016 |
"Protecting Visitors and the Wilderness through Stewardship Research" in International Journal of Wilderness
Paulson, Jeffrey Steven |
2016 |
"Logistics of integrating a biomass conversion technology into a centralized biomass recovery operation supply chain" in Theses and Projects |
Fine, Hunter H. |
2016 |
Communication theory and millennial popular culture : essays and applications
Lane, Michelle D. |
2016 |
"The Power Of Aggressive Missions in Social Entrepreneurship Ventures: Motivation, Measurement, and Even Redemption" in Journal of Strategic Innovation & Sustainability |
Bluso-Demers, Jill D. |
2016 |
"Habitat Selection by Forster's Terns (Sterna forsteri) at Multiple Spatial Scales in an Urbanized Estuary: The Importance of Salt Ponds" in Waterbirds |
Voigt, KayCie |
2016 |
"Lucille Vinyard Collection: Ancient Redwoods: An Avenue for Activism" in Library Student Projects
Greene, David F. |
2016 |
"Pre-commercial thinning of Picea mariana and Pinus banksiana: impact of treatment timing and competitors on growth response" in Forest Science |
Golightly, Richard T. |
2016 |
"Restoration and Monitoring of Common Murre Colonies in Central California: Annual Report 2014" in Luckenbach Trustee Council Report |
Jules, Erik S. |
2016 |
"Prescribed fire and conifer removal promote positive understorey vegetation responses in oak woodlands" in Journal of Applied Ecology |
Peloso, Pedro |
2016 |
"Osteological malformation in the tree frog Hypsiboas geographicus (Anura: Hylidae)" in Phyllomedusa |
Kontos, Anthony P. |
2016 |
"Text messaging yields high research response rate to track menstrual cycles and patient-reported outcomes" in Fertility and Sterility |
Ferrera-Anthony, Patricia |
2016 |
"LatinoNet health fair 2015" in Theses and Projects |