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Displaying 24876 - 24900 of 25438
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Nunes, Stacie 2019

"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal

Vigil, Katie J. 2019

Isolation and characterization of a Rickettsia from the ovary of a Western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus" in Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases

Fine, Hunter H. 2016

Communication theory and millennial popular culture : essays and applications

Kwon, Young Sub 2009

The Last Race, Wonderful Young Man, John Baker (Korean)

Lu, Casey Roy 2006

Chapter 2 "How and Why These Compounds Are Synthesized by Plants" in Natural Products from Plants

Aigner, Carrie J. 2020

Examining Stigma as a Predictor of Formal vs Informal Help-Seeking among College Students” in ideaFest Poster

Gora, Crystal 2020

Examining Stigma as a Predictor of Formal vs Informal Help-Seeking among College Students” in ideaFest Poster

Vazquez, Kimberly 2020

Examining Stigma as a Predictor of Formal vs Informal Help-Seeking among College Students” in ideaFest Poster

Tighe, Corinne 2020

Examining Stigma as a Predictor of Formal vs Informal Help-Seeking among College Students” in ideaFest Poster

Roque, Brianna 2020

Examining Stigma as a Predictor of Formal vs Informal Help-Seeking among College Students” in ideaFest Poster

Reynolds, Heather 2020

Examining Stigma as a Predictor of Formal vs Informal Help-Seeking among College Students” in ideaFest Poster

Sanchez, Mayra 2020

Trans/Undocuqueer in Detention” in ideaFest Posters

McCullough, Casey 2020

Major-Based Peer Mentoring: A Process Evaluation of a College-Wide Program Scale Up” in ideaFest Poster Presentation

Weinberg, William 2020

Ramorum Leaf Blight Reduces Leaf-Level Productivity in Tanoak (Notholithocarpus Densiflorus) and California Bay (Umbellularia Californica)” in ideaFest Poster

Maberry, Ryan 2020

Ramorum Leaf Blight Reduces Leaf-Level Productivity in Tanoak (Notholithocarpus Densiflorus) and California Bay (Umbellularia Californica)” in ideaFest Poster

Higby, Gynell 2020

Teaming Strategies” in ideaFest Poster

Perry, Nicole 2020

Teaming Strategies” in ideaFest Poster

Loera, Toni 2020

Acts of Uncovering: Compiling Data on MMIWG to Address a Hidden Crisis” in ideaFest Posters

Rivers, Isadora 2020

Acts of Uncovering: Compiling Data on MMIWG to Address a Hidden Crisis” in ideaFest Posters

Engber, Natalie 2020

Acts of Uncovering: Compiling Data on MMIWG to Address a Hidden Crisis” in ideaFest Posters

Cunha, Travis 2020

Major-Based Peer Mentoring: A Process Evaluation of a College-Wide Program Scale Up” in ideaFest Poster Presentation

Henderson, Leonard 2020

Major-Based Peer Mentoring: A Process Evaluation of a College-Wide Program Scale Up” in ideaFest Poster Presentation

Solares, Henry 2020

Major-Based Peer Mentoring: A Process Evaluation of a College-Wide Program Scale Up” in ideaFest Poster Presentation

Bean, William Tim 2020

Shade Trees Preserve Avian Insectivore Biodiversity On Coffee Farms In A Warming Climate” in Ecology and Evolution

Johnson, Matthew D. 2020

Shade Trees Preserve Avian Insectivore Biodiversity On Coffee Farms In A Warming Climate” in Ecology and Evolution