Year | Publication |
2003 | "Numerical Modeling of Water Impact" in NEVA 2003 |
2003 | "Hydrofoil Performance close to the Free Water Surface" in 6th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium |
2003 | "Hydrodynamic Analysis of Hydrofoils Close to Free Surface" in HYDRONAV’2003 |
2004 | "The Effect of Asymmetric Water Entry on the Hydrodynamic Impact" in International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics |
2004 | "Parametric Study of Operability for a Tourist Submarine" in 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering |
2004 | "Numerical study on the asymmetric water entry of a wedge section" in China Ocean Engineering |
2004 | "Numerical Simulation of Free Surface Flow Around A surface Piercing NACA0024 Hydrofoil" in 7th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium |
2004 | "Boundary Element Method for Wave Making Resistance of Displacement Catamaran" in International Conference on High-Performance Marine Vehicles |
2004 | "Boundary Element Method (BEM) for Wave Making Resistance Calculation" in Black Sea Conference |
2004 | "BEM Applications in Offshore Engineering Problems" in 6th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures |
2004 | "Aerodynamic Performance of a Wing Moving Close to Water Surface" in SHARIF Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
2005 | "Numerical Modeling of 2-D Water Impact in One Degree of Freedom" in Síntesis Tecnológica |
2005 | "Numerical simulation of free surface wave induced separation" in Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference - Marine CFD |
2005 | "Numerical Calculations of Ship Induced Waves" in Journal of Marine Engineering |
2006 | "Developing an Optimized k-e Turbulence Model for Ship Resistance Calculations" in Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal |
2007 | "Semi-Coupled Air/Water Immersed Boundary Approach in Curvilinear Dynamic Overset Grids with Application to Environmental Effects in Ship Hydrodynamics" in The 9th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics |
2008 | "Numerical simulation of free-surface waves and wave induced separation" in Scientia Iranica |
2008 | "CFD prediction of ship response to severe ocean waves and wind" in 27th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics |
2010 | |
2010 | "CFD prediction of ship response to extreme winds and/or waves" in Dissertations |
2011 | "URANS Studies of Ship-Ship Interactions in Calm Water and Oblique Waves for Replenishment and Overtaking Conditions" in 2nd International Conference on Ship Maneuvering in Shallow and Confined Water: Ship-to-Ship Interaction |
2011 | "Transition of CFDShip-Iowa to CREATE Ship Hydrodynamics Program" in IIHR Technical Report |
2012 | "Complimentary EFD and CFD on Effects of Headwinds on Towing Tank Resistance and PMM Tests for ONR Tumblehome" in 29th ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics |
2012 | "CFD Prediction of Free-Running SES/ACV Deep and Shallow Water Maneuvering and Course-Keeping in Calm Water and Waves" in International Conference on Marine Simulation and Ship Manoeuvrability (MARSIM 2012) |
2013 | "Evaluation of Seakeeping Predictions" in Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics |
2013 | "URANS Studies of WAM-V Multi-Body Dynamics in Calm Water and Waves" in 3rd International Conference on Ship Maneuvering in Shallow and Confined Water |
2013 | "Framework for convergence and validation of stochastic uncertainty quantification and relationship to deterministic verification and validation" in International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification |
2013 | "Computational ship hydrodynamics: Nowadays and way forward" in International Shipbuilding Progress |
2013 | "CFD in ship hydrodynamics—results of the Gothenburg 2010 workshop" in MARINE 2011, IV International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering |
2014 | "URANS CFD for Two-Body Hydrodynamic Simulation of Wave Adaptive Modular Vessels (WAM-V) and Validation against Sea Trials" in Naval Engineers Journal |
2014 | "Developing CFD Teaching Laboratories Using ANSYS" in The annual meeting of the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE Day 2014) |
2014 | "An Assessment of Computational Fluid Dynamics Predictions of the Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Planing Craft in Calm Water and Waves" in 30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics |
2015 | |
2015 | "Recent progress in CFD for naval architecture and ocean engineering" in Journal of Hydrodynamics |
2015 | "Validation of CFD-MBD FSI for High Fidelity Simulations of Full-Scale WAM-V Sea Trials with Suspended Payload" in 13th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2015) |
2016 | "Ship–ship interactions in calm water and waves. Part 1: Analysis of the experimental data" in Ocean Engineering |
2016 | |
2016 | "Experimental and Computational Comparisons of the R/V Athena in Calm Water" in 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics |
2017 | "Coupled computational fluid and multi-body dynamics suspension boat modeling" in Journal of Vibration and Control |
2017 | "Assessment of URANS surface effect ship models for calm water and head waves" in Applied Ocean Research |
2017 | "Benchmark Testing of Generic Prismatic Planing Hull (GPPH) for Validation of CFD Tools" in The 30th American Towing Tank Conference (ATTC) |
2020 | "Experiments and CFD of a high-speed deep-V planing hull––Part I: Calm water" in Applied Ocean Research |
2020 | "Experiments and CFD of a high-speed deep-V planing hull – part II: Slamming in waves" in Applied Ocean Research |
2021 | "Assessment of experiments and CFD for the semi-planing R/V Athena Model in calm water" in Ocean Engineering |
2022 | "Verification and validation for microfluidic CFD simulations of Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows" in Applied Mathematical Modelling |
2022 | "Effects of Geometrical Parameters on Labyrinth Weir Hydraulics" in Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering |
2024 | "Rigorous benchmarking of an iterative IBM solver by comparison to body-fitted mesh results" in Computers & Fluids |