Year | Publication |
1969 | |
1974 | "Techniques for algae removal from wastewater stabilization ponds" in Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation |
1975 | "Bacterial-Population Dynamics and Dissolved-Oxygen Minimum" in American Water Works Association |
1975 | "Technique for Algae Removal from Oxidation Ponds" in Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation |
1978 | |
1979 | City of Arcata Proposal for a Marsh Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Project |
1981 | "Use of vascular plants for treatment and reclamation of oxidation pond effluent and non-point pollution loads" in National Conference on Environmental Engineering |
1982 | The Use of Wetland Treatment Systems to Reduce Suspended Solids and Coliform Organisms from Oxidation Pond Effluent |
1982 | City of Arcata Marsh Pilot Project: Second Annual Progress Report |
1982 | "Public aspects of a wastewater based California salmon ranching project" in Humboldt State University Institute of Research |
1984 | Butcher's Slough Wetlands Restoration Project: Final Environmental Impact Report |
1984 | "Reduction of Public Health Significant Organisms through Wetland Treatment Process" in National Conference on Environmental Engineering |
1992 | "Use of Constructed Wetlands to Treat Domestic Wastewater, City of Arcata, California" in Water Science & Technology |
1993 | "Constructed open surface wetlands: the water quality benefits and wildlife benefits - City of Arcata, California" in Constructed wetlands for water quality improvement |
1999 | |
2008 | "Cellulose acetate electrospun nanofibers. Correlation of morphology with rheology of solution" in Nanotechnology Research |
2009 | "Cost-effective Technologies for Small-scale Water Reclamation Plants" in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation |
2013 | "Evaluation of endocrine disruption and dioxin-like effects of organic extracts from sewage sludge in autumn in Beijing, China" in Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering |
2013 | "A New Statistical Methodology" in Stormwater |
2014 | "Evaluation of endocrine disruption and dioxin-like effects of organic extracts from sewage sludge in autumn in Beijing, China" in Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering |
2021 | "Laboratory Media Test Comparisons to Long-Term Performance of Biofilter and Media Filter Treatment-Train Stormwater Controls" in Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment |
2022 | "Performance Changes during Long-Term Monitoring of Full-Scale Media Filter Stormwater Controls at an Industrial Site" in Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment |