Year | Publication |
1986 | "Etheostoma radiosum (Orangebelly Darter) in the Washita River system in Oklahoma" in Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science |
1986 | "The effects of suction gold dredging on fish and invertebrates in California foothill streams" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
1987 | "Susceptibility of young of the year stream fishes to downstream displacement by flooding" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
1988 | "Differential effects of largemouth and smallmouth bass on habitat use by stoneroller minnows in stream pools" in Journal of Fish Biology |
1989 | "Gender-dependent problems in toxicity tests with Ceriodaphnia dubia" in Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
1990 | "Ambient toxicity dynamics: assessments using Ceriodaphnia dubia and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) larvae in short-term tests" in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
1990 | "Periphyton responses to herbivores, predators, and light" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
1991 | "Interactions among stream fishes: predator-induced habitat shifts and larval survival" in Oecologia |
1991 | "Fish size and habitat depth relationships in headwater streams" in Oecologia |
1991 | "Interaction of biotic and abiotic factors influences larval fish survival in an Oklahoma stream" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
1991 | "Effects of fish and snails on benthic invertebrates in a headwater stream" in Journal of the North American Benthological Society |
1993 | "Benthic assemblages in Utah headwater streams with and without trout" in Canadian Journal of Zoology |
1993 | "Spatial and temporal patterns in the fish assemblages of individual pools in a Midwestern (U.S.A.) stream" in Environmental Biology of Fishes |
1993 | "The impact of dipper, Cinclus mexicanus, predation on stream benthos" in Oikos |
1996 | "Effects of steelhead density on growth of coho salmon in a small coastal California stream" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
1997 | "Habitat-dependent interactions between two size-classes of juvenile steelhead in a small stream" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
1998 | |
1998 | "Influence of large woody debris on retention, immigration and growth of coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) in stream pools" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
1999 | "Use of habitat by prickly sculpin, Cottus asper and coastrange sculpin, C. aleuticus, in the mainstem Smith River, northwestern California" in Copeia |
1999 | "Movement rules for individual-based models of stream fish" in Ecological Modelling |
1999 | "Scour of chinook salmon redds on suction dredge tailings" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
1999 | "The influence of large woody debris and a bankfull flood on movement of adult resident coastal cutthroat trout during fall and winter" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
1999 | "Diel and seasonal movements of adult Sacramento pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis) in the Eel River, northwestern California" in Ecology of Freshwater Fish |
1999 | "Success and failure of non-indigenous aquatic species in stream systems: case studies from California and Hawaii" in Nonindigenous Fresh Water Organisms: Vectors, Biology, and Impacts |
2001 | "Effects of introduced Sacramento pikeminnow, Ptychocheilus grandis, on native prickly sculpin, Cottus asper and coastrange sculpin, C. aleuticus, in a coastal river of northwestern California" in Freshwater Biology |
2001 | |
2002 | "Temperature-dependent competition between juvenile steelhead and Sacramento pikeminnow" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2002 | "Population level analysis and validation of an individual based cutthroat trout model" in Natural Resource Modeling |
2002 | "Comparison of salmonid habitat selection objectives in an individual-based model" in Ecology |
2002 | "Habitat relationships and larval drift of native and nonindigenous fishes in neighboring tributaries of a coastal California river" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2003 | "Basin-scale patterns in the drift of embryonic and larval fishes and lamprey ammocoetes in two coastal rivers" in Environmental Biology of Fishes |
2003 | "What can habitat preference models tell us? Tests using a virtual trout population" in Ecological Applications |
2003 | "Spatial, seasonal and body size-dependent variation in the diet of introduced Sacramento pikeminnow in the Eel River, northwestern California" in California Fish & Game |
2004 | "An emergent multiple predator effect may enhance biotic resistance in a stream fish assemblage" in Ecology |
2005 | "Effects of riparian canopy opening and salmon carcass addition on the abundance and growth of resident salmonids" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
2005 | "Tests of theory for diel variation in salmonid feeding activity and habitat use" in Ecology |
2005 | "Habitat specific biomass, survival and growth of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during summer in a small coastal stream" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
2006 | "Reduced Streamflow Lowers Dry-Season Growth of Rainbow Trout in a Small Stream" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2007 | "Winter feeding success of stream trout under different streamflow and turbidity conditions" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2007 | |
2008 | "Use of benthic prey by salmonids under turbid conditions in a laboratory stream" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2009 | "The effect of deposited fine sediment on summer survival and growth of trout in riffles of a small stream" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
2009 | "Exploring the persistence of stream-dwelling trout populations under alternative real-world turbidity regimes with an individual-based model" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2009 | "InSTREAM: The Individual-Based Stream Trout Research and Environmental Assessment Model" in USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station General Technical Report |
2009 | |
2010 | "Microbial enzyme activity, nutrient uptake and nutrient limitation in forested streams" in Freshwater Biology |
2010 | "Carcass Addition Does Not Enhance Juvenile Salmonid Biomass, Growth, or Retention in Six Northwestern California Streams" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
2011 | "Historical occurrence of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in streams of the Santa Cruz Mountain region of California: response to an Endangered Species Act petition to delist coho salmon south of San Francisco Bay" in NOAA Technical Memorandum |
2011 | |
2011 | |
2011 | "Importance of fish behaviour in modelling conservation problems: food limitation as an example" in Journal of Fish Biology |
2011 | "Effects of passage barriers on demographics and stability properties of a virtual trout population" in River Research and Applications |
2012 | |
2013 | "Trait-mediated trophic interactions: is foraging theory keeping up?" in Trends in Ecology and Evolution |
2013 | "Contrast of degraded and restored stream habitat using an individual-based salmon model" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
2013 | "Seasonal and among-stream variation in predator encounter rates for fish prey" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2013 | |
2013 | "Seasonal and Among-Stream Variation in Predator Encounter Rates for Fish Prey" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2014 | "Effects of streamflow diversion on a fish population: combining empirical data and individual-based models in a site-specific evaluation" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
2014 | "Feeding modes in stream salmonid population models: is drift feeding the whole story?" in Environmental Biology of Fishes |
2014 | "Facultative anadromy in salmonids: linking habitat, individual life history decisions, and population-level consequences" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
2015 | "Effects of spatial extent on modeled relations between habitat and anadromous salmonid spawning success" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2016 | "Modeling potential river management conflicts between frogs and salmonids" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
2016 | "Use of streambed substrate as refuge by Oncorhynchus mykiss during simulated freshets" in Journal of Fish Biology |
2016 | "Use of cover for concealment behavior by rainbow trout: influences of cover structure and area" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management. |
2015 | "Understanding anadromy as an individual adaptive behaviour: theory and its consequences. In: Sea Trout: Science & Management" in Proceedings of the 2nd International Sea Trout Symposium |
2017 | "Axes of fear for stream fish: water depth and distance to cover" in Environmental Biology of Fishes |
2017 | "A framework for predicting impacts on ecosystem services from (sub)organismal responses to chemicals" in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
2017 | "Response of Steelhead/Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations to debris flows" in Northwest Science |
2019 | "Predicting impacts of chemicals from organisms to ecosystem service delivery: a case study of endocrine disruptor effects on trout" in Science of the Total Environment |
2019 | "California roach (Hesperoleucus symmetricus) in the Eel River of northwestern California: native or introduced?" in Environmental Biology of Fishes |
2019 | |
2020 | "Bridging levels from individuals to communities and ecosystems: Including adaptive behavior and feedbacks in ecological theory and models" in Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America |
2020 | Modeling Populations Of Adaptive Individuals |
2020 | |
2021 | "InSTREAM 7: Instream flow assessment and management model for stream trout" in River Research and Applications |
2021 | "All Fish, All the Time: A Good General Objective for Fish Passage Projects?" in Fisheries Magazine |
2021 | |
2021 | "Importance of the daily light cycle in population-habitat relations: a simulation study" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
2021 | "The distribution of anadromy and residency in steelhead / rainbow trout in the Eel River, northwestern California" in California Fish and Wildlife Journal |