Souza, Tasha J. |
2016 |
"Transforming Conflict in the Classroom: Best Practices for Facilitating Difficult Dialogues and Creating an Inclusive Communication Climate" in Transforming Conflict Through Communication in Personal, Family, and Working Relationships |
Souza, Tasha J. |
2016 |
"Microaggressions and Microresistance: Supporting and Empowering Students" in Faculty Focus |
Sonntag, Selma K. |
2016 |
"Review of Standardizing Diversity: The Political Economy of Language Regimes" in Journal of Asian Studies |
Som, Nicholas A |
2016 |
"Habitat Suitability Criteria via Parametric Distributions: Estimation, Model Selection and Uncertainty" in River Research and Applications
Som, Nicholas A |
2016 |
"Improving Hydrodynamic Modelling: an Analytical Framework for Assessment of Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models" in River Research and Applications |
Som, Nicholas A |
2016 |
"Integrating models to predict distribution of the invertebrate host of myxosporean parasites" in Freshwater Science |
Som, Nicholas A |
2017 |
"A laboratory-calibrated model of coho salmon growth with utility for ecological analyses" in Canadian Journal of Aquatic Sciences |
Snyder, Kelsey A. |
2016 |
"Using collaboration and data based decision making to address students’ academic and social-emotional needs within a multi-tiered framework" in Theses and Projects |
Smith, Michael D. |
2016 |
Food security among Hispanic adults in the United States, 2011-2014 |
Smith, Joshua R. |
2016 |
“Replication of a Published Materials Science Synthesis: An Impromptu Upper-Division Undergraduate Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment” in The Chemical Educator |
Smith, Chris J. |
2016 |
"Mismatch between diurnal home ranges and roosting areas in the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina): Possible role of habitat and breeding stage" in The Auk |
Slentz, Rosie |
2016 |
"From soil to soul: food systems curriculum for 5th graders" in Theses and Projects |
Slack, Andrew W. |
2016 |
"Large sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) vigor and mortality in a fire-excluded forest of the central Sierra Nevada" in Theses and Projects |
Slack, Andrew W. |
2016 |
"Contingent resistance in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) growth and defense 10 years following smoldering fires" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Skinner, Matthew |
2016 |
"Promoting bibliotherapy as a tool for therapeutic engagement with youth" in Theses and Projects |
Sinn, David |
2016 |
"Comparing the predictive validity of behavioral codings and behavioral ratings in a working-dog breeding program" in Applied Animal Behaviour Science |
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2016 |
"Phenotypic plasticity of leaves enhances water-stress tolerance and promotes hydraulic conductivity in a tall conifer" in American Journal of Botany
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2016 |
"Emergent crowns and light-use complementarity lead to global maximum biomass and leaf area in Sequoia sempervirens forests" in Forest Ecology and Management
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2017 |
"Crown dynamics and wood production of Douglas-fir trees in an old-growth forest" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Shuflin, Rebecca |
2016 |
"Building trauma responsive and family strengthening environments for young children and their families" in Theses and Projects |
Sherriff, Rosemary L. |
2016 |
"Tree-ring isotopes reveal drought sensitivity in trees killed by spruce beetle outbreaks in south-central Alaska" in Ecological Applications
Sherriff, Rosemary L. |
2016 |
"Toward a more ecologically informed view of severe forest fires" in Ecosphere
Sherriff, Rosemary L. |
2016 |
"Managing bark beetle impacts on ecosystems and society: priority questions to motivate future research" in Journal of Applied Ecology |
Sheridan, Mark A. |
2017 |
"Environmental estrogens inhibit mRNA and functional expression of growth hormone receptors as well as growth hormone signaling pathways in vitro in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)" in General and Comparative Endocrinology |
Sheppard, Colin John Ritter |
2016 |
"Cost-Effective Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure With Agent-Based Modeling" in IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification |