First Name: Michael D.Last Name: SmithPublications: YearPublication 1998"Local perceptions of public lands natural resource management in the rural west: Toward improved understanding of the 'revolt in the west'" in Society & Natural Resources 1998“Tourism dependence and resident attitudes” in Annals of Tourism Research 2000"'Culture Clash'' Revisited: Newcomer and Longer-Term Residents' Attitudes Toward Land Use, Development, and Environmental Issues in Rural Communities in the Rocky Mountain West" in Rural Sociology 2001"Growth, Decline, Stability, and Disruption: A Longitudinal Analysis of Social Well-Being in Four Western Rural Communities" in Rural Sociology 2002"Rural Migration, Rapid Growth, and Fear of Crime" in Rural Sociology 2003"Principles and guidelines for social impact assessment in the USA" in Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 2003"Review of Searching for Paradise: Economic Development and Environmental Change in the Mountain West" in Rural Sociology 2005"Room to Grow?" in Institute for Spatial Analysis 2005"Evaluating the effectiveness of land-use planning policies in rapidly growing high-amenity communities in the rocky mountain states" in Amenities and Rural Development: Theory, Methods and Public Policy 2006"Traditional land-use planning regulation and agricultural land conservation: A case study from the USA" in Planning Practice & Research 2006"Cumulative impact assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act: An analysis of recent case law" in Environmental Practice 2007"A review of recent NEPA alternatives analysis case law" in Environmental Impact Assessment Review 2007"McKinleyville Community Planning Area Residential Development Analysis" in Institute for Spatial Analysis 2016Food security among Hispanic adults in the United States, 2011-2014 2021Food Insecurity Among Working-Age Veterans