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Displaying 1126 - 1150 of 1181
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Hansell, Dennis A. 2017

"Net community production and carbon export during the late summer in the Ross Sea, Antarctica" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Cunha, Stephen F. 2017

"Perestroika to Parkland: The Evolution of Land Protection in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan" in Annals of the American Association of Geographers

Flannery, Joel 2017

"Observations of channel change from constructed wood jams on a forested gravelbed stream" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Peloso, Pedro 2017

"Amphibians and reptiles from Floresta Nacional de Pau-Rosa, Amazonas, Brazil: an important protected area at the heart of Amazonia" in Acta Amazonica

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2017

"Surf zone fauna of Ecuadorian sandy beaches: Spatial and temporal patterns" in Journal of Sea Research

Radzin, Bryan 2017

From The Mind Of Critic: 2016

Varner, J. Morgan 2017

"Patterns of Duff Ignition and Smoldering beneath Old Pinus palustris: Influence of Tree Proximity, Moisture Content, and Ignition Vectors" in Forest Science

Ludka, Bonnie C. 2017

"Extreme oceanographic forcing and coastal response due to the 2015-2016 El Niño" in Nature Communications

Gold, Gregg J. 2017

"Rural entrepreneurs: what are the best indicators of their success?" in Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development

Burkart, Patrick 2017

"The international political economy of the hack: A closer look at markets for cybersecurity software" in Popular Communication

Kornfeld, Ari 2017

"Plant Uptake of Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide in Coast Redwood Forests" in JGR Biogeosciences

Dugaw, Christopher 2017

"Patterns of Duff Ignition and Smoldering beneath Old Pinus palustris: Influence of Tree Proximity, Moisture Content, and Ignition Vectors" in Forest Science

Rao, Mahesh N. 2017

"Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data" in International Journal of Digital Earth

Fregoso, Theresa A. 2017

"San Francisco Bay Delta Bathymetric/Topographic digital elevation model (DEM) - 2016 SF Bay Delta DEM 10-m" in U.S. Geological Survey Data Set

Harrill, Hunter 2017

"The effect of carriage type on yarding productivity and cost" in International Journal of Forest Engineering

du Bois, Haley 2017

"Genomic integration of the full-length dystrophin coding sequence in Duchenne muscular dystrophy induced pluripotent stem cells" in Biotechnology Journal

Kelly, Erin Clover 2017

"The listing of coast redwood as endangered under the IUCN red list: lessons for conservation" in Coast Redwood Science Symposium 2016: Past Successes and Future Direction

Som, Nicholas A 2017

"A laboratory-calibrated model of coho salmon growth with utility for ecological analyses" in Canadian Journal of Aquatic Sciences

Braje, Todd J. 2017

"The forest or the trees: Interpreting temporal changes in California mussel shell size" in Quaternary International

Golightly, Richard T. 2017

"State of the California Current 2016-17: Still Anything But "Normal" in the North" in CalCOFI Report

Gustas, Robert H. 2017

"Least cost path analysis of early maritime movement on the Pacific Northwest Coast" in Journal of Archaeological Science

Kelly, Erin Clover 2017

"Socioeconomics of the redwood region" in Coast Redwood Science Symposium 2016: Past Successes and Future Direction

Hankin, David G. 2017

"Temporally varying natural mortality: Sensitivity of a virtual population analysis and an exploration of alternatives" in Fisheries Research

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2017

"The origins of the anomalous warming in the California coastal ocean and San Francisco Bay during 2014–2016" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

Kelly, Erin Clover 2017

"Family forest owners in the redwood region: management priorities and opportunities in a carbon market" in Coast Redwood Science Symposium 2016: Past Successes and Future Direction