First Name: Harry R.Last Name: CarterPublications: YearPublication 1977"Tree-Nesting Peregrine Falcons in British Columbia" in The Condor 1979"Nesting of Horned Puffins in British Columbia" in The Canadian Field-Naturalist 1982"Occurrences of the Asiatic Marbled Murrelet [Brachyramphus marmoratus perdix (Pallas)] in North America" in The Auk 1984"Colony-Site Selection by Pelagic Cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus) in Barkley Sound, British Columbia" in Colonial Waterbirds 1985"Cavity-Nesting Marbled Murrelets" in The Wilson Bulletin 1986"Costs of Adoption in Western Gulls" in The Condor 1986"Year-round Use of Coastal Lakes by Marbled Murrelets" in The Condor 1987"Inland Records of Downy Young and Fledgling Marbled Murrelets in North America" in The Murrelet 1987"Fish-Holding Behavior of Marbled Murrelets" in The Wilson Bulletin 1988Population Status and Conservation Problems of the Marbled Murrelet in California, 1892-1987 1988"Creching Behavior of Brandt's Cormorant Chicks" in The Condor 1989"Reviewed Work: Bird Communities at Sea off California: 1975 to 1983 by Kenneth T. Briggs, W. Breck Tyler, David B. Lewis, David R. Carlson" in The Auk 1995"Decline of the Marbled Murrelet in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia: 1982-1993" in Northwestern Naturalist 1995"Population Size, Trends, and Conservation Problems of the Double-Crested Cormorant on the Pacific Coast of North America" in Colonial Waterbirds 1995"Breeding Success of Double-Crested Cormorants in the San Francisco Bay Area, California" in Colonial Waterbirds 1995"Reoccupation and Extension of Southern Breeding Limits of Tufted Puffins and Rhinoceros Auklets in California" in Colonial Waterbirds 1997"A Night-Lighting Technique for At-Sea Capture of Xantus' Murrelets" in Colonial Waterbirds 1997"At-sea density monitoring of marbled murrelets in central California: methodological consideration" in Condor 2000"Distribution of Xantus' Murrelet Synthliboramphus hypoleucus at sea in the Southern California Bight, 1995–97" in Ibis 2001Biology and Conservation of the Common Murre in California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia; Volume 1: Natural History and Population Trends 2002"Status and conservation of the Japanese murrelet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume) in the Izu Islands, Japan" in Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology 2002"Common murre: Uria aalge" in Birds of North America 2002"Survival and behavior of western gulls following exposure to oil and rehabilitation" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2003"Radio-Telemetry Evidence of Re-nesting in the Same Season by the Marbled Murrelet" in Waterbirds 2003"Variation in plumage, molt, and morphology of the Whiskered Auklet (Aethia pygmaea) in Alaska" in Journal of Field Ornithology 2003"The 1986 Apex Houston oil spill in central California: seabird injury assessments and litigation process" in Marine Ornithology 2003"Oil and California's seabirds: an overview" in Marine Ornithology 2003"Age and sex of Common Murres Uria aalge recovered during the 1997-98 Point Reyes Tarball Incidents in central California" in Marine Ornithology 2003"Tank vessel operations, seabirds and chronic oil pollution in California" in Marine Ornithology 2003"Chronic oiling and seabird mortality from the sunken vessel S.S. Jacob Luckenbach in Central California" in Marine Ornithology 2004"Diet of Xantus's murrelets in the Southern California bight" in The Wilson Bulletin 2004"Foraging distance and home range of Cassin's auklets nesting at two colonies in the California Channel Islands" in The Condor 2004"Inland Occurrences of Dovekies in September in Northeastern North America" in Northeastern Naturalist 2004"Effects of radiotransmitters on the reproductive performance of Cassin’s auklets" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2004"Stable foraging areas and variable chick diet in Cassin's auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) off southern California" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 2005"Who solved the mystery of the marbled murrelet?" in Northwestern Naturalist 2005"Initial recovery of Xantus’s Murrelets following rat eradication on Anacapa Island, California" in Marine Ornithology 2005"Common murres prospecting within cormorant colonies in Del Norte and Humboldt Counties, California, 1996 to 2004" in Northwestern Naturalist 2005"Health Assessments and Stress Response of Xantus's Murrelets to Capture, Handling, and Radio-marking" in Marine Ornithology 2005"At-sea distribution, abundance and habitat affinities of Xantus’s Murrelets" in Marine Ornithology 2005"Biology and Conservation of Xantus's Murrelet: Discovery, Taxonomy, and Distribution" in Marine Ornithology 2006"The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 and Natural Resource Damage Assessment" in Marine Ornithology 2007"Assessment of Social Attraction Techniques Used to Restore a Common Murre Colony in Central California" in Waterbirds 2007"Revisiting Washington's nesting record of the ancient murrelet" in Northwestern Naturalist 2007"Aircraft and vessel disturbances to Common Murres Uria aalge at breeding colonies in central California, 1997–1999" in Marine Ornithology 2008"Breeding Phenology and Reproductive Success of the Brandt's Cormorant at Three Nearshore Colonies in Central California, 1997-2001" in Waterbirds 2010"Re-Evaluation of the First Three Marbled Murrelet Nests Reported in British Columbia" in Northwestern Naturalist 2010"Polymorphic microsatellite loci for the threatened Xantus’s Murrelet (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus scrippsi)" in Conservation Genetics Resources 2010"Factors Influencing the At-Sea Distribution of Cassin's Auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) that Breed in the Channel Islands, California" in The Auk 2011"Use of time-activity budgets to measure early progress of a social attraction restoration project" in Biological Conservation 2011"Historical Breeding Records of Four Species of Alcid in British Columbia and Southeastern Alaska, 1858–1910" in Northwestern Naturalist 2011"Extra-Pair Visitations to a Marbled Murrelet Nest in Northern California" in Northwestern Naturalist 2011"Occurrences of Kittlitz's Murrelets South of the Breeding Range Along the West Coast of North America" in Northwestern Naturalist 2012"Rangewide Population Genetic Structure of Xantus's Murrelet (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus)" in The Auk 2012"Rare Inter-Ocean Vagrancy in Crested Auklet and Parakeet Auklet" in Waterbirds 2012"Roosting Brown Pelicans at San Nicolas Island, California, 1972–2006" in Waterbirds 2012"Body Condition and Survival of Vagrant Long-billed Murrelets, Brachyramphus perdix, in North America" in The Canadian Field-Naturalist 2013"Movements of Ancient Murrelet Family Groups to Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia" in Northwestern Naturalist 2013"Far-South Ancient Murrelet Family Groups: Rapid Long-Distance Movements or Local Breeding?" in Northwestern Naturalist 2013"Recovery of a threatened seabird after eradication of an introduced predator: Eight years of progress for Scripps’s murrelet at Anacapa Island, California" in Biological Conservation 2014"Recent population size, trends, and limiting factors for the double-crested cormorant in western North America" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2014"Overview of Efforts to Document and Reduce Impacts of Oil Spills on Seabirds" in Handbook of Oil Spill Science and Technology 2014"Nesting ecology of Marbled Murrelets at a remote mainland fjord in southeast Alaska" in The Condor 2014"Nocturnal Spotlight Surveys for Monitoring Scripps's Murrelets in At-Sea Congregations at Anacapa Island, California" in Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 2014"Status, Distribution, and Conservation of Scripps's Murrelet at Santa Catalina Island, California" in Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 2014"Changes in Breeding Population Sizes of Brandt's Cormorants Phalacrocorax Penicillatus in the Gulf of the Farallones, California, 1979-2006" inMarine Ornithology 2015"Breeding of Cassin’s Auklets Ptychoramphus aleuticus at Anacapa Island, California, after eradication of Black Rats Rattus rattus" in Marine Ornithology 2015"Successful nesting by Brown Pelicans Pelecanus occidentalis on San Clemente Island, California, in 2011" in Marine Ornithology 2015"Ancient Murrelets Molt Flight Feathers After the Precocial Young Become Independent" in Northwestern Naturalist 2016"Occurrence, morphometrics and plumage variability among Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the California Channel Islands, 1976–2015" in Marine Ornithology 2016"Non-Breeding Female Cassin's Auklets Killed at a Lighthouse at Pine Island, British Columbia, 1976 and 1977" in Northwestern Naturalist 2016"Use of social attraction to restore Ashy Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma homochroa at Orizaba Rock, Santa Cruz Island, California" in Marine Ornithology 2016"Decline of the Pelagic Cormorant in Western Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, 1975–2014" in Northwestern Naturalist 2016"Range-wide conservation and science of the Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa" in Marine Ornithology 2016"Breeding of the Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma Leucorhoa at Santa Catalina Island, California" in Marine Ornithology 2016"Status and monitoring of Ashy Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma homochroa at Point Reyes National Seashore, 2012–2015" in Marine Ornithology 2017"Population trends for Scripps's murrelet following eradication of black rats" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2017"Historical Breeding By Pelagic, Double-Crested, and Brandt's Cormorants In the Salish Sea, 1891–1955" in Northwestern Naturalist 2018"Scripps's Murrelet at San Miguel Island, California: Status of a Small Population at the Northwest Limit of the Breeding Range" in Western North American Naturalist 2018"Long-Term Monitoring of Scripps's Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: Evaluation of Baseline Data in 2012-2016" in Western North American Naturalist 2018"Breeding Population Sizes, Distributions, and Trends of Pelagic, Double-Crested, and Brandt's Cormorants in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, 1955–2015" in Northwestern Naturalist 2018"Year-round movements of sympatric Fork-tailed (Oceanodroma furcata) and Leach's (O. leucorhoa) storm-petrels" in Journal of Field Ornithology 2018"Status of Ashy Storm-Petrel Breeding Colonies at Santa Cruz Island, California, 1912–1998" in Western North American Naturalist 2018"Avian and Skunk Predation of Ashy Storm-Petrels at Santa Cruz Island, California" in Western North American Naturalist 2018"Breeding of Craveri’s Murrelet Synthliboramphus craveri at four islands off west-central Baja California, México" in Marine Ornithology 2019"Changes in Breeding Population sizes of double-crested cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the Humboldt Bay Area, California, 1924-2017" in Marine Ornithology 2019"Changes in abundance and distribution of nesting Double-crested Cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the San Francisco Bay area, 1975-2017" in Marine Ornithology 2020"At-sea congregation surveys to assess the status of Scripps’s Murrelets Synthliboramphus scrippsi at islands off western Baja California, Mexico in 2002−2008" in Marine Ornithology 2020"Hatching success and predation of japanese murrelets synthliboramphus wumizusume at birojima, Miyazaki, Japan" in Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology 2021"The rarest alcid: Status and history of the guadalupe murrelet synthliboramphus hypoleucus at isla guadalupe, mexico (1892–2007)" in Marine Ornithology 2022"Spatial Effects in Relation to Reproductive Performance of Common Murres Uria Aalge at a Re-Established Colony" in Marine Ornithology 2023"Breeding of the Guadalupe Murrelet in Southern California" in Western Birds