Year | Publication |
2002 | "An assessment of a small, urban stream restoration project in northern California" in Restoration Ecology |
2007 | |
2008 | |
2009 | "Urbanization and stream ecology: five years later" in Journal of the North American Benthological Society |
2009 | "Assessment Tools for Urban Catchments: Defining Observable Biological Potential" in Journal of the American Water Resources Association |
2009 | "Assessment Tools for Urban Catchments: Developing Biological Indicators Based on Benthic Macroinvertebrates" in Journal of the American Water Resources Association |
2009 | "Long-Term Variability in Bioassessments: A Twenty-Year Study from Two Northern California Streams" in Environmental Management |
2009 | "Linking theory and practice for restoration of step-pool streams" in Environmental Management |
2009 | "Development of a local-scale urban stream assessment method using benthic macroinvertebrates: an example from the Santa Clara Basin, California" in Journal of the North American Benthological Society |
2009 | "Assessing geomorphological and ecological responses in restored step-pool systems" in Management and Restoration of Fluvial Systems with Broad Historical Changes and Human Impacts |
2009 | "Assessment Tools for Urban Catchments: Developing Stressor Gradients" in Journal of the American Water Resources Association |
2009 | "Twenty-six key research questions in urban stream ecology: an assessment of the state of the science" in Journal of the North American Benthological Society |
2010 | “Dipteran larvae as predators of macroinvertebrate egg masses” in Humboldt State University’s Ecology Seminar Series |
2011 | "Encouraging salmon recovery and restoring ecosystem function" in California Forests Magazine |
2012 | "Estimating the Impact of Invasive Spartina densiflora on Primary Productivity in Humboldt Bay" in UC San Diego: California Sea Grant College Program |
2012 | "Estimating the Impact of Invasive Spartina densiflora on Primary Productivity in Humboldt Bay" in UC San Diego: California Sea Grant College Program |
2012 | “Biological-physical interactions in step-pool streams: a guide for future restoration efforts” in River Restoration Northwest’s Stream Restoration Symposium |
2012 | “Invasive Spartina densiflora Reduces Primary Productivity in a Northern California Salt Marsh” in Humboldt Bay Symposium |
2012 | “A comparison of terrestrial invertebrate communities of invaded and restored salt marsh of Humboldt Bay” in Humboldt Bay Symposium |
2012 | “Landscapes in transition: Private lands oak woodland management in the Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion” in The California Society for Ecological Restoration (SERCAL) Conference |
2012 | “Stream condition in the Lake Tahoe Basin using River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS)” in Tahoe Science Conference |
2013 | "Stream condition assessment of the Lake Tahoe Basin in 2009 and 2010 using the river invertebrate prediction and classification system (RIVPACS)" in Report for the Bureau of Land Management and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency |
2013 | Chapter 9.39 "Urbanization and River Channels" in Treatise on Geomorphology |
2013 | |
2013 | “Initial response of step-pool streams to wildfire” in Geological Society of America Annual Meeting |
2013 | “Response of step-pool mountain channels to wildfire under changing climate-fire regimes” in American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting |
2014 | "Seeing the big picture: How to make a difference in the world by pursuing an Environmental Science degree" in Environmental Science and Studies for the Curious: Top Professors' Perspectives on College/University Major, Scholarships, Research Issues, and Career Options |
2014 | "Annual hydrograph assessment for steelhead migration in the Santa Ynez River" in Report for the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
2014 | “A perfect match for self-renewal: steelhead and the Santa Ynez River Ecosystem” in 32nd Annual Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference |
2014 | “Modeling velvetgrass (Holcus lanatus) habitat suitability in Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks” in UCGIS Symposium |
2014 | “Benthic macroinvertebrate community response of self-organizing step-pool restoration in Wildcat Creek (Alameda Co., CA, USA)” in Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting |
2014 | “Do bio-physical attributes of steps and pools differ in high gradient mountain streams?” in Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting |
2014 | |
2014 | "Biophysical Interactions within Step-Pool Mountain Streams Following Wildfire" in AGU Fall Meeting |
2015 | “Potter Valley Project Blockwater Investigation” in Salmonid Restoration Federation’s annual meeting |
2015 | “Post-fire recovery of benthic macroinvertebrate communities and periphyton in Klamath Mountain headwaters” in California Chapter of the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting |
2015 | "Response of step-pool streams three years after the Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado" in American Geophysical Union Meeting |
2016 | |
2016 | "Eel River Blockwater Investigation" in Final Report prepared for Friends of the Eel River |
2016 | "Caddisflies, Dragonflies, Fishflies & Mitten Crabs: What do we now know about Life History, Taxonomy and Faunal Patterns?" in Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting |
2016 | |
2016 | "Incorporating Undergraduates into Small-scale Urban Stream Restoration Research: A Tale of Two Universities" in Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting |
2016 | "The Legacy of Vince Resh in Scientific Communication: A Visionary Scientist with Broad Societal Impacts" in Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting |
2016 | "An assessment of canopy cover, pool depth, and stream temperature to determine habitat suitability for juvenile salmonids in the upper mainstem Eel River watershed" in Humboldt State University Undergraduate Scientific Research Symposium |
2016 | "Identifying Salmonid Habitat Units Using High Resolution Imagery Acquired with a UAS in the Upper Eel River Watershed, California, USA" in Salmonid Restoration Federation Annual Meeting |
2017 | "Estimating Potential Salmonid Habitat and Carrying Capacity in the Upper Mainstem Eel River, California, USA" in Salmonid Restoration Federation Annual Meeting |
2017 | "A comparison of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in perennial and intermittent headwater streams of the Mattole River in Northern California, USA" in American Fisheries Society Meeting |
2017 | "An estimation of salmonid habitat capacity in the upper mainstem Eel River, California" in Humboldt Science Expo |
2017 | "Ecological impacts of dam diversions on the Upper Eel Mainstem" in Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting |
2017 | "A Comparison of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Perennial and Intermittent Headwater Streams of the Mattole River in Northern California, USA" in Annual meeting of the California Chapter of the Society for Freshwater Science |
2017 | "Integration of Western Science and Indigenous Science to Inform Management of the Upper Eel River" in Annual meeting of the California Chapter of the Society for Freshwater Science |
2018 | "Primary and secondary production in dammed and undammed reaches of the Eel River" in Salmonid Restoration Federation annual meeting |
2019 | "Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice |
2019 | "Interacting geomorphic and ecological response of step-pool streams after wildfire" in Geological Society of America Bulletin |
2019 | "Impact of the “Summer Immersion” Programs for first year STEM students at HSU" in HSU’s Center for Teaching and Learning’s Teaching Excellence Symposium |
2019 | "Benthic macroinvertebrate drift and juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) diet response to pulse flows on the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam" in Salmonid Restoration Federation annual meeting |
2019 | "Benthic macroinvertebrate communities and juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) diet on the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam" in Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society |
2020 | |
2020 | "A comparison of benthic algal and macroinvertebrate communities in a dammed and undammed Mediterranean river (Eel River watershed, California, USA)" in River Research and Applications |
2020 | |
2020 | "Responses of macroinvertebrate drift concentration to pulse flow releases downstream of Lewiston Dam on the Trinity River, CA" in CABW/CalSFS Annual meeting |
2020 | "Urbanizing River Channels" in Treatise on Geomorphology, Flubial Geomorphology |
2020 | "River Field Studies Network: Connecting Communities with Rivers through Education" in Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference |
2020 | "Impacts of dams and an opportunity for renewal: Case studies of the Elwha and Klamath River Dams" in Association of Environmental Science Students at Portland State University Seminar |
2021 | "Toward natural approaches in restoration: Experiments of co-evolving physical and biological structures in a self-organizing step-pool channel" in River Research and Applications |
2021 | "Education Abroad for Sustainable Global Stewardship: A Quantitative Assessment Study" in NAFSA Research Symposium Series |
2021 | "The River Field Studies Network: connecting rivers, people, & science through immersive field-based education” in Society for Freshwater Science Annual meeting |
2021 | "Vegetation and channel recovery nine years following the Waldo Canyon fire of Colorado" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs |
2023 | "Restoration pulse flows from a California dam temporarily increase drifting invertebrate biomass concentration" in Journal of Environmental Management |
2023 | "2023 Klamath Dam Removal Science Collaboration Workshop Summary Report" in Reports |
2024 | |
2024 | "Introduction to biogeomorphic responses to wildfire in fluvial ecosystems" in Biogeomorphic Responses to Wildfire in Fluvial Ecosystems |
2023 | |
2024 | "Ecological response of step-pool streams to wildfire in the Front Range of Colorado (USA)" in Biogeomorphic Responses to Wildfire in Fluvial Ecosystems |
2024 | "Integrating Indigenous Science, Culture, and Social Justice Concerns into First-Year STEM Curriculum: Improving Intellectual Growth, Psychosocial Factors Associated with Retention, and Academic Achievement of Students from Racially Minoritized Groups Historically Underrepresented in STEM" in Science Education and Civic Engagement |