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Displaying 26 - 50 of 1183
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Tucker, Jennifer Lauren 2016

"Effectiveness of cutaneous antifungal microbe bioaugmentation for disease prevention in the Cascades frog, Rana cascadae, of northern California" in Theses and Projects

Farren, Cindy 2016

"Documenting transportation needs for a rural pacific northwestern county" in Theses and Reports

Lara, Christian 2016

"On the Beat with Campus Police: What a ride-along with UPD is really like" in Osprey

Luczkovich, Joseph John 2016

"Does Vessel Noise Affect Oyster Toadfish Calling Rates?" in The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II

Jacobson, Arne E. 2016

"Biochar Testing Results Report" in U.S. Department of Energy Report

O'Toole, Galen 2016

"River-to-sea pressure retarded osmosis: Resource utilization in a full-scale facility" in Desalination

Lind, Amy J. 2016

"Foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii) oviposition site choice at multiple spatial scales" in Journal of Herpetology

Fingerman, Kevin R. 2016

"Guiding Northwest California Towards Alternative Transportation Fuels: A Roadmap to 2020 and Beyond" in Video Recording

Dengler, Lori A. 2016

"The Great East Japan Earthquake from a five-year vantage point" in Times-Standard

Ergas, Sarina J. 2016

"Enhancement of the Performance of a Biosand Filter Using Pumice Media and Natural Coagulant Dosing" in World Environmental and Water Resources Congress

Glenn, Mary E. 2016

"Sexual selection on male vocal fundamental frequency in humans and other anthropoids" in Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological sciences

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2016

"Stress response, gut microbial diversity and sexual signals correlate with social interactions" in Biology Letters

Kim, Junghoon 2016

"Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity with the Health-Related Quality of Life in US Adults" in Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health Conference

Mayer, Jeanne E. 2016

 "Fifteen Years of River Otter Monitoring by Citizen-Science Volunteers in Northern California: Litter Size" in Northwestern Naturalist

Cate, Emily B. 2016

"Consumer movement among successional communities in relation to the rare, endemic plant Lassics lupine (Lupines constancei)" in Theses and Projects

Rader, Jenn 2016

"Reflective assessment of culture keepers: a youth development/school climate initiative" in Theses and Projects

Carothers, Sydney K. 2016

"Seed predation has the potential to drive a rare plant to extinction" in Journal of Applied Ecology

Williams, Cameron B. 2016

"Tracheid and pit anatomy vary in tandem in a tall Sequoiadendron giganteum tree" in IAWA Journal

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2016

"Duration of fuels reduction following prescribed fire in coniferous forests of U.S. national parks in California and the Colorado Plateau" in Forest Ecology and Management

Ursini, Jenny 2016

"An exploration of the benefits of gardening on elementary school students’ mental and physical well-being and community including students identified as having disabilities" in Theses and Projects

Cashman, Eileen 2016

"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Correa, Milly J. 2016

"News from the Lower Library: Learning Center Shocases Alumni" in Check Out the Library

Braithwaite, Rock E. 2016

"Hans Eysenck, education and the experimental approach: A meta-analysis of academic capabilities in university students" in Personality and Individual Differences

Meyer, John Mark 2016

"Politics in—but not of—the Anthropocene" in Environment & Society Portal

Lucarelli, Sara 2016

"Addressing Landfill Waste at Humboldt State University and beyond" in Theses and Projects