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Displaying 226 - 250 of 1084
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Bond, Rosealea M. 2015

"Sensitivity of summer stream temperatures to climate variability and riparian reforestation strategies" in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies

Foster, Melissa 2015

"Hillslope lowering rates and mobile-regolith residence times from in situ and meteoric 10 Be analysis, Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Colorado" in Geological Society of America Bulletin

Miller, Libbi R. 2015

"Family Literacy Initiatives: Relocating Power" in The SoJo Journal

Bracken, Cameron 2015

"Spatial variability of seasonal extreme precipitation in the western United States" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Varner, J. Morgan 2015

"Clarifying the role of fire in the deciduous forests of eastern North America: reply to Matlack" in Conservation Biology

Ames, Gregory 2015

"Annual growth in longleaf (Pinus palustris) and pond pine (P. serotina) in the Sandhills of North Carolina is driven by interactions between fire and climate" in Forest Ecology and Management

Sinn, David 2015

"Which personality dimensions do puppy tests measure? A systematic procedure for categorizing behavioral assays" in Behavioural Processes

Brown, Sarah 2015

"Guide booklet: a look at bereavement support for people with dementia" in Theses and Projects

Railsback, Steven F. 2015

"Legacy effects of wildfire on stream thermal regimes and rainbow trout ecology: an integrated analysis of observation and individual-based models" in Freshwater Science

Thurlough, Kayla 2015

"Literacy: An Asset Based Approach" in ideaFest Poster

Marschke, Benjamin 2015

Kinship, Community, and Self: Essays in Honor of David Warren Sabean

Evangelista, Alan Glen 2015

"Modeling the effects of sea level rise on Long-billed Curlews at Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects

Zhong, Jianmin 2015

"The Rickettsia Endosymbiont of Ixodes pacificus Contains All the Genes of De Novo Folate Biosynthesis" in PLoS ONE

Tepley, Alan J. 2015

"Data from: Spatiotemporal fire dynamics in mixed-conifer and aspen forests in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado, USA" in Dryad

Padgett, Jason Scott 2015

"Improving Estimates of Coseismic Subsidence from southern Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes at northern Humboldt Bay, California" in AGU Fall Meeting

Shine, Zahra 2015

"Development and Psychometric Properties of the College Help-Seeking Behavior Scale" in ideaFest Poster

Hunter, Daniel J. 2015

"The Rickettsia Endosymbiont of Ixodes pacificus Contains All the Genes of De Novo Folate Biosynthesis" in PLoS ONE

Peterson, Gary W. 2015

"The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Posttraumatic Growth with Respect to Contemplative Practice Engagement" in Mindfulness

Trimingham, Catherine 2015

"The Effects of Grazing on Above Ground Plant Biomass, Microbial Respiration, Net Ammonification, and Select Physical Properties of Coastal Prairie Soils" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster

DeLara, Ariel 2015

"The Effects of Grazing on Above Ground Plant Biomass, Microbial Respiration, Net Ammonification, and Select Physical Properties of Coastal Prairie Soils" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster

Perry, Charles Hobart 2015

The U.S. Forest Carbon Accounting Framework: Stocks and Stock Change, 1990-2016

de Alba, Jose 2015

"Building the body of an organization for sustainable effectiveness" in Theses and Projects

Waite, Ian R. 2015

"Correspondence of biological condition models of California streams at statewide and regional scales" in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Ebel, Erika 2015

"Analysis of Soil pH in Relation to Decomposition" in ideaFest Poster

Han, Han-Sup 2015

"Biomass power plant feedstock procurement: Modeling transportation cost zones and the potential for competition" in California Agriculture