First Name: Norman F.Last Name: WeedenPublications: YearPublication 1973"Relationships between plasma corticoid levels and social rank in male rabbits" in Theses and Dissertations 1975A Survival Handbook to Sierra Flora 1979"Gene Duplication and Phylogeny in Clarkia" in Evolution 1980"Isolation of Cytoplasmic Enzymes from Pollen" in Plant Physiology 1981"Genetic and biochemical implications of the endosymbiotic origin of the chloroplast" in Journal of Molecular Evolution 1981A Sierra Nevada Flora 1981"Correlation Between Subcellular Location and Phosphoglucose Isomerase Variability" in Evolution 1982"Dissociation, Reassociation, and Purification of Plastid and Cytosolic Phosphoglucose Isomerase Isozymes" in Plant Physiology 1982"A Special Fructose Bisphosphate Functions as a Cytoplasmic Regulatory Metabolite in Green Leaves" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1982"Immunological Similarity between a Cyanobacterial Enzyme and a Nuclear DNA-Encoded Plastid-Specific Isozyme from Spinach" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1983"Leaf Cytosolic Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1: A Potential Target Site in Low Temperature Stress" in Plant Physiology 1983"Localization of NADP-malate dehydrogenase of corn leaves by immunological methods" in Plant Science Letters 1984"Reviewed Work: Pollen: Biology and Implications for Plant Breeding in Proceedings of the Symposium on Pollen: Biology and Implications for Plant Breeding, Villa Feltrinelli, Lake Garda, Italy, June 23-26, 1982. by David L. Mulcahy, Ercole Ottaviano" in The Quarterly Review of Biology 1984"Distinguishing among white seeded bean cultivars by means of allozyme genotypes" in Euphytica 1984"Regarding the novelty and breeding value of protoplast-derived variants of Russet Burbank (Solanum tuberosum L.)" in Euphytica 1984"Allozyme variation in cultivars of Cucurbita pepo L." in Euphytica 1985"Inheritance, Organization, and Mapping of rbcS and cab Multigene Families in Pea" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1985"Loss of genetic diversity in pea germplasm by the elimination of individuals infected by pea seedborne mosaic virus" in Annals of Applied Biology 1986"Enzymatic control of anthocyanin expression in the flowers of pea (Pisum sativum) mutants" in Biochemical Genetics 1986"Allozyme Segregation Ratios in the Interspecific Cross Cucurbita Maxima x C. Ecuadorensis Suggest that Hybrid Breakdown is not Caused by Minor Alterations in Chromosome Structure" in Genetics 1986"Distribution, inheritance and linkage relationships of ribosomal DNA spacer length variants in pea" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1988"Protoplast Preparation and Fusion in Two Biocontrol Strains of Trichoderma harzianum" in Mycologia 1988"Methods of Isozyme Electrophoresis for Trichoderma and Gliocladium Species" in Mycologia 1989"Evaluation of Phenetic Species and Phylogenetic Relationships in the Genus Trichoderma by Cladistic Analysis of Isozyme Polymorphism" in Mycologia 1989"Distribution and Evolution of a Glucosephosphate Isomerase Duplication in the Leguminosae" in Evolution 1990"Pleiotropic Effects of brz: A Mutation in Pisum sativum (L.) cv `Sparkle' Conditioning Decreased Nodulation and Increased Iron Uptake and Leaf Necrosis" in Plant Physiology 1990"sym 13—A Gene Conditioning Ineffective Nodulation in Pisum sativum" in Plant Physiology 1990Chapter 5 "Isozyme Studies in Cucurbita" in Biology and Utilization of the Cucurbitaceae 1990"Tertiary trisomics in lentil" in Euphytica 1991"Isozymes in North American Malus (Rosaceae): Hybridization and Species Differentiation" in Systematic Botany 1991"Transfer of rpl22 to the nucleus greatly preceded its loss from the chloroplast and involved the gain of an intron." in The EMBO Journal 1991"Isozyme Evidence for the Naturalness of Mespilus L. (Rosaceae, Subfam. Maloideae)" in Systematic Botany 1991"Genetic analysis and linkage study of seed weight in lentil" in Euphytica 1992"DNA probes for the Y-chromosome of Silene latifolia, a dioecious angiosperm" in Sexual Plant Reproduction 1992"Molecular Analysis and Cloning of Malus Ribosomal DNA" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1992"Inheritance of chloroplast DNA in two full-sib Vitis populations" in Vitis 1992"Chloroplast DNA Polymorphism Suggests Nigerian Center of Domestication for the Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (Leguminosae)" in American Journal of Botany 1993"Chloroplast DNA Phylogeny of Old World Vigna (Leguminosae)" in Systematic Botany 1993"Linkage mapping of sbm-1, a gene conferring resistance to pea seed-borne mosaic virus, using molecular markers in Pisum sativum" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1993"Identifying and mapping genes of economic significance" in Euphytica 1993"Linkage among isozyme, RFLP and RAPD markers in Vicia faba" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1993"Inheritance and linkage relationships of morphological and isozyme loci in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1994"A simple and efficient method for DNA extraction from grapevine cultivars and Vitis species" in Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 1994"The reduced stability of a plant alcohol dehydrogenase is due to the substitution of serine for a highly conserved phenylalanine residue" in Plant Molecular Biology 1994"Development and application of molecular marker linkage maps in woody fruit crops" in Euphytica 1994"Linkage analysis of er-1, a recessive Pisum sativum gene for resistance to powdery mildew fungus (Erysiphe pisi D.C.)" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1994"Isozyme Locus Pgm-1 Is Tightly Linked to a Gene (Vf ) for Scab Resistance in Apple" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1995"Reviewed Work: Peas: Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology edited by R. Casey and D.R. Davies" in Field Crops Research 1995"The Use of Molecular Markers to Analyze the Inheritance of Morphological and Developmental Traits in Apple" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1995"Large-scale, cost-effective screening of PCR products in marker-assisted selection applications" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1995"Identifying and Mapping Two DNA Markers Linked to the Gene Conferring Resistance to Pea Enation Mosaic Virus" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1995"Molecular evolution of duplicate copies of genes encoding cytosolic glutamine synthetase in Pisum sativum" in Plant Molecular Biology 1996"The pea early nodulin gene PsENOD7 maps in the region of linkage group I containing sym2 and leghaemoglobin" in Plant Molecular Biology 1996"Partitioning of Allozyme Diversity in Wild Populations of Malus sieversii L. and Implications for Germplasm Collection" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1996"Long Primers for RAPD Mapping and Fingerprinting of Grape and Pear" in BioTechniques 1996"sym 18. A novel gene conditioning altered strain specificity in Pisum sativum cv. ‘Sparkle’" in Plant and Soil 1996"Identification of co-dominant RAPD markers tightly linked to fruit skin color in apple" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1996"Linkage mapping of quantitative trait loci controlling seed weight in pea (Pisum sativum L.)" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1997"Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA-based Genetic Linkage Maps of Three Apple Cultivars" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1997"Characterization of RAPD markers in Vitis" in Vitis 1998"Analysis of genes controlling photoperiod sensitivity in common bean using DNA markers" in Euphytica 1998"Active Oxygen Species Metabolism in `White Angel' × `Rome Beauty' Apple Selections Resistant and Susceptible to Superficial Scald" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1998"Development of a DNA marker for Vm, a gene conferring resistance to apple scab" in Genome 1998"Molecular Markers for the Scab Resistance (Vf) Region in Apple" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1998"Analysis of the relationship between grapevine cultivars, sports and clones via DNA fingerprinting" in Vitis 1998"Molecular-marker analysis of quantitative traits for growth and development in juvenile apple trees" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1999"Development and characterization of Hordeum chilense chromosome-specific STS markers suitable for wheat introgression and marker-assisted selection" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2000"Inter simple sequence repeat analysis of genetic relationships in the genus Vigna" in Euphytica 2000"A gene controlling sex in grapevines placed on a molecular marker-based genetic map" in Genome 2000"Characterization and linkage mapping of R-gene analogous DNA sequences in pea (Pisum sativum L.)" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2001"Marker-assisted Selection for Powdery Mildew Resistance in Grapes" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 2002"Genetic analysis of pod dehiscence in pea (Pisum sativum L.)" in Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 2002"Tagging and Mapping Scab Resistance Genes from R12740-7A Apple" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 2002"STS Markers for Comparative Mapping in Legumes" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 2003"Mapping and Evaluation of Malus ×domestica Microsatellites in Apple and Pear" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 2005"Legumes as a Model Plant Family. Genomics for Food and Feed Report of the Cross-Legume Advances through Genomics Conference" in Plant Physiology 2005"Molecular characterization and expression of PsPK2, a PINOID-like gene from pea (Pisum sativum)" in Plant Science 2006"From crop to model to crop: identifying the genetic basis of the staygreen mutation in the Lolium/Festuca forage and amenity grasses" in New Phytologist 2007"Cross-Species Identification of Mendel's I Locus" in Science 2007"Genetic Changes Accompanying the Domestication of Pisum sativum: Is there a Common Genetic Basis to the ‘Domestication Syndrome’ for Legumes?" in Annals of Botany 2007"Regulatory genes of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) controlling the development of nitrogen-fixing nodules and arbuscular mycorrhiza: A review of basic and applied aspects" in Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 2007"Construction and characterization of two bacterial artificial chromosome libraries of pea (Pisum sativum L.) for the isolation of economically important genes" in Genome 2008"Genome Synteny of Pea and Model Legumes: From Mutation through Genetic Mapping to the Genes" in Biological Nitrogen Fixation: Towards Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Agriculture 2012"Genetic Analysis of an Interspecific Cross in Ornamental Viburnum (Viburnum)" in Journal of Heredity 2013"Finding Linked Markers to En for Efficient Selection of Pea Enation Mosaic Virus Resistance in Pea" in Crop Science 2013"Pisum sativum (Peas)" in Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics 2015"Pea" in Grain Legumes 2015"Functional codominant marker for selecting the Fw gene conferring resistance to fusarium wilt race 1 in pea" in Crop Science 2016"Are Mendel’s Data Reliable? The Perspective of a Pea Geneticist" in Journal of Heredity 2018"The Ideotype for Seed Size: A Model Examining the Relationship between Seed Size and Actual Yield in Pea" in International Journal of Agronomy 2018"Domestication of Pea (Pisum sativum L.): The Case of the Abyssinian Pea" in Frontiers in Plant Science 2019"Garden Pea Pisum Sativum L. (Lathyrus Oleraceus Lamark)" in Reference Module in Life Sciences 2019"Quantitative trait loci controlling lodging resistance and other important agronomic traits in dry field peas" in Crop Science 2020"Stress equation for a cantilever beam: a model of lodging resistance in field pea" in International Agrophysics 2021"Distinguishing among Pisum accessions using a hypervariable intron within Mendel’s green/yellow cotyledon gene" in Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 2023"A hypervariable intron of the STAYGREEN locus provides excellent discrimination among Pisum fulvum accessions and reveals evidence for a relatively recent hybridization event with Pisum sativum" in Frontiers in Plant Science 2024"Proanthocyanidins: Key for Resistance to Globisporangium (Formerly Pythium) Seed Rot of Pea" in Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science