Curtis, Jennifer A. |
2015 |
Geomorphic Mapping to Support River Restoration on the Trinity River Downstream from Lewiston Dam, California, 1980–2011 |
Adsit, Janelle |
2015 |
Press Yourself Against a Mirror |
Radzin, Bryan |
2017 |
From The Mind Of Critic: 2014-2015 |
Radzin, Bryan |
2015 |
Search For Truth: The next step... |
Marschke, Benjamin |
2015 |
Kinship, Community, and Self: Essays in Honor of David Warren Sabean |
Fox, Stephen Carey |
2015 |
Artists, Thieves & Liars |
Adsit, Janelle |
2015 |
Unremitting Entrance |
Grosz, Terry |
2015 |
Wildlife Dies without Making a Sound Vol 1 The Adventures of a State Wildlife Officer in the Wildlife Wars |
Dodge, Jim |
2015 |
The Wisdom of Rivers. A winter solstice broadside |
Mullen, Laura |
2015 |
Complicated Grief |
Vollenweider, Katherine Lynn |
2015 |
Images of America: Sequim-Dungeness Valley |
Angela, Guadalupe |
2015 |
La Alquimista, poemario basado en la obra de Remedios Varo |
Osborne, Nicholas |
2015 |
Life During College: The Veteran's Guide to Success |
Kellermann, Jherime L. |
2015 |
Phenological Synchrony and Bird Migration: Changing Climate and Seasonal Resources in North America |
Nisbet, Robert |
2015 |
Practical Predictive Analytics & Decisioning Systems for Medicine |
Torkildson, Siffy |
2015 |
A Wild Hare: Finding the Life I Imagined
MacKenzie, Robert John |
2015 |
Thurmond's Saga |
Glenn, Mary E. |
2016 |
"Sexual selection on male vocal fundamental frequency in humans and other anthropoids" in Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological sciences |
Oshun, Jasper |
2016 |
"Dynamic, structured heterogeneity of water isotopes inside hillslopes" in Water Resources Research
Johnson, Matthew D. |
2016 |
"Quantifying pest control services by birds and ants in Kenyan coffee farms" in Biological Conservation |
Achilli, Andrea |
2015 |
"A stepwise model of direct contact membrane distillation for application to large-scale systems: Experimental results and model predictions" in Desalination
Bond, Rosealea M. |
2015 |
"Sensitivity of summer stream temperatures to climate variability and riparian reforestation strategies" in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies |
Colwell, Mark A. |
2015 |
"Spatial synchrony of a threatened shorebird: Regional roles of climate, dispersal and management" in Bird Conservation International |
Clucas, Barbara A. |
2015 |
"A cross-continental look at the patterns of avian species diversity and composition across an urbanisation gradient" in Wildlife Research |
Bruner, Michael S. |
2015 |
"Irony and Food Politics" in Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies |