First Name: Darrell L.Last Name: WhitworthPublications: YearPublication 2000"Foraging distances of radio-marked marbled murrelets from inland areas in Southeast Alaska" in The Condor 2004"Effects of radiotransmitters on the reproductive performance of Cassin’s auklets" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2005"Health Assessments and Stress Response of Xantus's Murrelets to Capture, Handling, and Radio-marking" in Marine Ornithology 2005"Initial recovery of Xantus’s Murrelets following rat eradication on Anacapa Island, California" in Marine Ornithology 2010"Effects of radiotransmitters on the reproductive performance of Cassin's auklets" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2012"Rangewide Population Genetic Structure of Xantus's Murrelet (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus)" in The Auk 2014"Status, Distribution, and Conservation of Scripps's Murrelet at Santa Catalina Island, California" in Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 2014"Nesting ecology of Marbled Murrelets at a remote mainland fjord in southeast Alaska" in The Condor 2014"Nocturnal Spotlight Surveys for Monitoring Scripps's Murrelets in At-Sea Congregations at Anacapa Island, California" in Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 2015"Breeding of Cassin’s Auklets Ptychoramphus aleuticus at Anacapa Island, California, after eradication of Black Rats Rattus rattus" in Marine Ornithology 2016"Occurrence, morphometrics and plumage variability among Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the California Channel Islands, 1976–2015" in Marine Ornithology 2016"Breeding of the Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma Leucorhoa at Santa Catalina Island, California" in Marine Ornithology 2018"Scripps's Murrelet at San Miguel Island, California: Status of a Small Population at the Northwest Limit of the Breeding Range" in Western North American Naturalist 2018"Status of Ashy Storm-Petrel Breeding Colonies at Santa Cruz Island, California, 1912–1998" in Western North American Naturalist 2018"Long-Term Monitoring of Scripps's Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: Evaluation of Baseline Data in 2012–2016" in Western North American Naturalist 2018"Breeding of Craveri’s Murrelet Synthliboramphus craveri at four islands off west-central Baja California, México" in Marine Ornithology 2020"At-sea congregation surveys to assess the status of Scripps’s Murrelets Synthliboramphus scrippsi at islands off western Baja California, Mexico in 2002−2008" in Marine Ornithology