Year | Publication |
2009 | "Visual rhetoric as new Bakhtinian theory: considering multiliteracies and the novel" in Idaho State Graduate Student Conference |
2009 | "Blogs: infectious disease or useful teaching tool?" in Humboldt State University Graduate Conference |
2012 | "Using reading protocols to improve student reading" in Southeastern Massachusetts College Writing Conference |
2012 | "Re-thinking first-year ‘English’ as first-year ‘WAC’" in New Vistas: WAC/WID Intersections in the 21st Century |
2012 | "Collaborative design and teaching in online- hybrid first-year writing classrooms" in Conference on College Composition and Communication |
2013 | |
2013 | "Bridging the divide between basic literacy and college readiness: using protocol analysis to prepare basic readers and writers for academic success" in Conference on College Composition and Communication |
2014 | "Interpretations and interactions: creating opportunities for critical reflection on the social development of language through literacy narratives and literacy event analyses in the democratic writing classroom" in Conference on College Composition and Communication |
2015 | "(Re)Mapping Disciplinary Values and Rhetorical Concerns through Language: Interviews about Writing with Seven Instructors across the Performing and Visual Arts" in Writing In and About the Performing and Visual Arts: Creating, Performing, and Teaching |
2015 | "Composing pedagogies of labor" in Conference on College Composition and Communication |
2016 | "The Indianapolis Resolution: Responding to Twenty-First-Century Exigencies/Political Economies of Composition Labor" in College Composition and Communication |
2016 | "Enacting information literacy: strategies for library-classroom collaboration" in Conference Paper |
2017 | "Live and let die: navigating institutional challenges to classroom-based tutoring" in International Writing Center Association Annual Conference |
2017 | "Intersectionality: rhetorics of labor, identity, and coalition politics for writing studies activists" in Conference Paper |
2017 | "Brutal (ist) meditations: Space and labor-movement in a writing program" in Contingency, exploitation, and solidarity: Labor and action in English composition |
2018 | “What if we tried a standalone writing department? Innovations in departmental governance, revisited” in Council of Writing Program Administrators |
2018 | "Making matters visible: uncovering thinking, knowing and being with institutional ethnography" in Thomas R. Watson Conference |
2018 | "Always on the boundaries: community engagement, activism and labor outside the classroom" in Conference on College Composition and Communication |
2018 | "Collaboration and Resistance: Academic Freedom and Non-Tenured Labor" in FORUM: Issues about Part-Time and Contingent Faculty |
2018 | |
2019 | "Building a twenty-first century feminist ethos: three dialogues for WPAs" in WPA: Writing Program Administration |
2019 | "Feminist mentoring, labor and activism" in Feminisms and Rhetorics |
2020 | "'Coin of the Realm' – Graduate Student Lore and Faculty Advice on Research and Publication, A video intervention" in London School of Economics |
2023 | "Persistence, Coalition and Power: Institutional Citizenship and the Feminist WPA" in Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition |