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Displaying 976 - 1000 of 1756
Author Year Publications
Mathers, Amy J. 2019

"Don't overlook the little guy: An evaluation of the frequency of small plasmids co-conjugating with larger carbapenemase gene containing plasmids" in Plasmid

Mathers, Amy J. 2019

"Managing All the Genotypic Knowledge: Approach to a Septic Patient Colonized by Different Enterobacteriales with Unique Carbapenemases" in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Mathews, Garitt 2019

"Management Recommendations for Ecological Restoration on the Little River Parcel" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Mathews, Thomas 2019

"Taphonomic Bone Shrinkage: A Study on the Effects of Wet and Dry Climates on Postmortem Bone Shrinkage" in ideaFest Poster

Mathieu, Marcie 2019

"Tabarnak" in The World "The way we saw it"

Mathis, Ryan L. 2001

"Historical changes in the abundance and distribution of the American avocet at the northern limit of its winter range" in Western Birds

Matilton, Kiana 2019

"Wintertime is Here" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Matlock II, Kevin A. 2019

"Discrimination, Depression, and Anxiety as Predictors of Well-Being in a Sample of Latinx Patients with Type 2 Diabetes" in Coexisting Diabetes and Mental Illness Conference Proceedings

Matsubu, William C. 2019

"Tradeoffs of juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) rearing in an intermittently closed estuary, northern California USA" in Dissertations

Mazurek, Mary Jo 2019

Conservation Planning For Species Recovery Under The Endangered Species Act: A Case Study With The Northern Spotted Owl” in Plos One

Mazzag, Borbala M. 2019

"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice

McArthur, Amelia G. 2019

"Chlorates and perchlorates as potential high-energy materials: chlorate- and perchlorate-substituted methanes" in Heliyon

McBoldrick, Ai-Lan 2019

"Flight of the Phoenix" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

McChesney, Gerard J. 2019

"Changes in Breeding Population sizes of double-crested cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the Humboldt Bay Area, California, 1924-2017" in Marine Ornithology

McChesney, Gerard J. 2019

"Changes in abundance and distribution of nesting Double-crested Cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the San Francisco Bay area, 1975-2017" in Marine Ornithology

McClellan, Zachary 2019

"The Ten Tribes Partnership and the Colorado River Basin" in ideaFest Poster

McClelland, Lucky 2019

"The Little Orange Fungi" in The World "The way we saw it"

McClure, Elizabeth 2019

"Snake River Basin Nez Perce Tribe Water Settlements" in ideaFest Poster

McClure, Timothy 2019

 "Ecological Consequences of Sea Star Wasting Disease: Non-consumptive Effects and Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions From Pisaster ochraceus" in Theses and Projects

McCord, Millen G. 2019

"Early seral pathways of vegetation change following repeated short-interval, high-severity wildfire in a low-elevation, mixed conifer – hardwood forest landscape of the Klamath Mountains, California" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

McCraney, William Tyler 2019

"Phylogeny & Divergence Times of Gobiarian Fishes" in Dissertations

McDermott, Michael 2019

"Dos Hambres to Gran Cacao Archaeological Mapping" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

McDonald, Joseph 2019

"Defending the Environment: From Grassroots to a Business" in ideaFest Poster

McFarland, Jeremy 2019

"Mapping Maya Hinterlands: LiDAR Derived Visualization to Identify Small Scale Features in Northwestern Belize" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

McFarland, Jeremy 2019

"Historic Landmarks and Points of Interest In Mendocino CA" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations