First Name: Laura B.Last Name: LevyPublications: YearPublication 2002"Glacier readvance during the late glacial (Younger Dryas?) in the Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska" in Geology 2004"Holocene glacier fluctuations, Waskey Lake, northeastern Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska" in The Holocene 2012"Age of the Ørkendalen moraines, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland: Constraints on the extent of the southwestern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Holocene" in Quaternary Science Reviews 2013"Late Holocene expansion of Istorvet ice cap, Liverpool Land, east Greenland" in Quaternary Science Reviews 2014"Holocene fluctuations of Bregne ice cap, Scoresby Sund, east Greenland: a proxy for climate along the Greenland Ice Sheet margin" in Quaternary Science Reviews 2016"Coeval fluctuations of the Greenland Ice Sheet and a local glacier, central East Greenland,during late-glacial and early Holocene time" in Geophysical Research Letters 2017"One million years of glaciation and deunudation history in Greenland" in Nature Communications 2017"Holocene climate and environmental history of East Greenland inferred from lake sediments" in Journal of Paleolimnology 2017"Timing and magnitude of early Holocene warmth in East Greenland inferred from chironomids" in Boreas 2017"Strong altitudinal control on the response of local glaciers to Holocene climate change in southwest Greenland" in Quaternary Science Reviews 2017"Contrasting evidence of Holocene ice margin retreat, south‐western Greenland" in Journal of Quaternary Science 2018"Relative Sea-Level Changes and Ice Sheet History in Finderup Land, North Greenland" in Frontiers in Earth Science 2018"Instability of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream over the last 45,000 years" in Nature Communications 2018"Middle to late Holocene chronology of the southwestern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet: a comparison with temperature records" in Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 2019"Local Ice caps in Finderup Land, North Greenland, survived the Holocene Thermal Maximum" in Boreas 2020“Contrasting Modes Of Deglaciation Between Fjords And Inter‐Fjord Areas In Eastern North Greenland” in Boreas 2020“Multi-Phased Deglaciation Of South And Southeast Greenland Controlled By Climate And Topographic Setting” in Quaternary Science Reviews 2021"Younger Dryas ice margin retreat in Greenland: new evidence from southwestern Greenland" in Climate of the Past 2021"Holocene glacial history of Renland Ice Cap, East Greenland, reconstructed from lake sediments" in Quaternary Science Reviews 2021"Cosmogenic nuclide inheritance in Little Ice Age moraines- A case study from Greenland" in Quaternary Geochronology 2022"Late glacial and Holocene glaciation history of North and Northeast Greenland" in Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research