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Displaying 1701 - 1725 of 1754
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Pesce, Lola A. 2020

Does Women’s Anxious Jealousy Track Changes In Steroid Hormone Levels?” in Psychoneuroendocrinology

Moore, Jeffrey E. 2020

"Population survey showing hope for population recovery of the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise" in Biological Conservation

Fernandez, Julianne Mae 2020

"Methane Mitigation: Methods to Reduce Emissions, on the Path to the Paris Agreement" in Reviews of Geophysics

Bacon, Steven N. 2020

"Surface Displacement Distributions for the July 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Ruptures" in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Ulmer, Gordon L. 2020

The Earth Is Hungry: Amerindian Worlds And The Perils Of Gold Mining In The Peruvian Amazon” in Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Anthropology

Radzin, Bryan 2020

From The Mind Of Critic: 2019

Meyer, John Mark 2020

 “The Politics Of The ‘Post-Political’ Contesting The Diagnosis” in Democratization

Butz, Ramona J. 2020

"Early seral pathways of vegetation change following repeated short-interval, high-severity wildfire in a low-elevation, mixed conifer – Hardwood forest landscape of the Klamath mountains, California" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Bacon, Steven N. 2020

"Documentation of Surface Fault Rupture and Ground-Deformation Features Produced by the 4 and 5 July 2019 Mw 6.4 and Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence" in Seismological Research Letters

Ladinsky, Tyler Curtis 2020

"Surface Displacement Distributions for the July 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Ruptures" in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Iberle, Benjamin G. 2020

Development Of Mature Second-Growth Sequoia Sempervirens Forests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2020

"Artisanal longline fishing in the Galapagos Islands – effects on vulnerable megafauna in a UNESCO World Heritage site" in Ocean and Coastal Management

Campbell-Spickler, Jim 2020

Aboveground Biomass Dynamics And Growth Efficiency Of Sequoia Sempervirens Forests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Ladinsky, Tyler Curtis 2020

"Evidence of Previous Faulting along the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Ruptures" in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Waite, Ian R. 2020

"Assessment of multi-stressors on compositional turnover of diatom, invertebrate and fish assemblages along an urban gradient in Pacific Northwest streams (USA)" in Ecological Indicators

Urroz, Jason 2020

"Predictors of Return Visits to Trails with Self-Guided Materials for Children" in The Journal of Park and Recreation Administration

Stednitz, Sarah Josephine 2020

"Rapid Progressive Social Development of Zebrafish" in Zebrafish

Parker, Linda A. 2020

"Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: A Review of Potential Mechanisms" in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research

Sholty, Kathleen E. 2020

"Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum Genospecies in Northern California" in Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases

Hacker, Gregory M. 2020

"Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum Genospecies in Northern California" in Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases

Perryman, Holly Ann 2020

"A revised diet matrix to improve the parameterization of a West Florida Shelf Ecopath model for understanding harmful algal bloom impacts" in Ecological Modelling

Brown, Richard N. 2020

"Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum Genospecies in Northern California" in Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases

Carroll, Allyson L. 2020

Aboveground Biomass Dynamics And Growth Efficiency Of Sequoia Sempervirens Forests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Diaz, Andrew 2020

Does Women’s Anxious Jealousy Track Changes In Steroid Hormone Levels?” in Psychoneuroendocrinology

Sillett, Stephen C. 2020

Aboveground Biomass Dynamics And Growth Efficiency Of Sequoia Sempervirens Forests" in Forest Ecology and Management