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Displaying 176 - 200 of 1353
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Kinziger, Andrew P. 2017

"Riverscape genetics identifies speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) cryptic diversity in the Klamath-Trinity Basin" in Conservation Genetics

Martinez, Corina 2017

"Feeling Not Cis :: Gender Nonconforming Oral History" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Berger, Brooke L. 2017

"What should go in a wildlife professional's geospatial toolbox?" in Wildlife Society Bulletin

Bond, Rosealea M. 2017

"Early Geomorphic and Fish-Habitat Response to a Unique Large-Dam Removal and Subsequent Major Floods: Carmel River, California" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Weis, Kyle R. 2017

"Tectonic land level changes and their contribution to sea-level rise, Humboldt Bay region, Northern California" in Local Reports and Publications

Burke, Raymond M. 2017

"Concerning K–Ar Dating of a Basalt Flow from the Tahoe-Tioga Interglaciation, Sawmill Canyon, Southeastern Sierra Nevada, California" in Quaternary Research

Gómez, Daniel 2017

"Mi Cultura Y Yo" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Kelsey, Harvey M. 2017

"The Story of a Yakima Fold and How It Informs Late Neogene and Quaternary Backarc Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Manastash Anticline, Washington, USA" in Tectonics

MacKenzie, Robert John 2017

Castle of the Red Contessa

Yah-Díaz, Briana 2017

"Hand-Me-Down" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Brandt, Stefani Marie 2017

"Darlingtonia californica phytotelma organisms: spatial relations within the metacommunity" in Theses and Projects

Lee, Eunjai 2017

"Evaluating the production cost and quality of feedstock produced by a sawdust machine" in Biomass and Bioenergy

Sherriff, Rosemary L. 2017

"Controls of reburn severity vary with fire interval in the Klamath Mountains, California, USA" in Ecosphere

Wilzbach, Margaret A. 2017

"Fisheries and aquatic resources of the Prairie Creek Watershed, Redwood National and State Parks" in USGS Publications

Sauer, Michael J. 2017

"Are trends in salinity and river discharge changing the resilience of seagrass communities in the Caloosahatchee Estuary? " in CERF Biennial Conference

Robertson, Roxanne R. 2017

"State of the California Current 2016-17: Still Anything But "Normal" in the North" in UC San Diego

Garwood, Justin M. 2017

"Heterogeneous responses of temperate-zone amphibian populations to climate change complicates conservation planning" in Scientific Reports

Crane, Jeff 2017

"Reviewed Work: Coyote Valley: Deep History in the High Rockies by Thomas G. Andrews" in The American Historical Review

Weymouth, Lindsay A. 2017

"Attachment in young children with incarcerated fathers" in Development and Psychopathology

Patton, Jason R. 2017

"New sedimentary-core records and a recent co-seismic turbidite help to unravel the paleoseismicity of the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand" in Proceedings from the EGU General Assembly

Adams-Kane, Jonathon 2017

"Foreign Bank Behavior during Financial Crises" in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

Souza, Tasha J. 2017

"How to Respond to Hostile, Inappropriate Comments in Class" in Faculty Focus Premium

Hubbel, Sydney 2017

"Paper Girls" in Toyon

Bruland, K.W. 2017

"Dissolved scandium, yttrium, and lanthanum in the surface waters of the North Atlantic: Potential use as an indicator of scavenging intensity" in Journal of Geophys. Res. Oceans

Smith, James P. 2017

"A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Deadfall Lakes Area, Trinity County, California" in Botanical Studies OER