First Name: AnandaLast Name: BreedPublications: YearPublication 2006"Performing reconciliation in Rwanda" in Peace Review 2007"Performing Gacaca in Rwanda: Local culture for justice and reconciliation" in Conflicts and Tensions 2008"Performing the nation: Theatre in post-genocide Rwanda" in The Drama Review 2011"Memorialization and the Rwandan genocide: The use of theatre" in Heritage, Memory and Identity 2012"Discordant narratives in Rwanda's Gacaca courts" in Rwanda Fast Forward: Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects 2013"Resistant acts in post-genocide rwanda" in Kritika Kultura 2014Performing the Nation: Genocide, Justice, Reconciliation 2015"Environmental aesthetics, social engagement and aesthetic experiences in Central Asia" in Research in Drama Education 2016"Theatre for survival: Art of creation and protection (Kubunda)" in Performing (for) Survival: Theatre, Crisis, Extremity 2016"Gender-based violence and human rights: Participatory theatre in post-genocide Rwanda" in Theatre and Human Rights after 1945: Things Unspeakable 2017Performance and Civic Engagement 2017"Maternal Environments" in Performance Research