Year | Publication |
1992 | "Interpersonal influence strategies in the Churchill-Roosevelt bases-for-destroyers exchange" in Journal of Social Behavior and Personality |
1998 | "Causal Chaining: The Structure and Complexity of Accounts" in Journal of Social Behavior and Personality |
2000 | "Remorse, confession, group identity, and expectancies about repeating a transgression" in Basic and Applied Social Psychology |
2003 | "Letter to the Editor 1 -- No Title" in The New York Times |
2005 | "Psychological determinants of forgiveness: an evolutionary perspective" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
2005 | "History of sexual assault on bariatric surgery candidates" in Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases |
2008 | "Social power" in Encyclopedia of Social Psychology |
2008 | "Primacy effect (attribution)" in Encyclopedia of Social Psychology |
2009 | "Comparing entering freshmen's perceptions of campus marijuana and alcohol use to reported use" in National Library of Medicine |
2010 | "Remorse, Confession, Group Identity, and Expectancies About Repeating a Transgression" in Basic and Applied Social Psychology |
2011 | "Raven, Bertram (biography)" in Encyclopedia of Power |
2011 | "Bases of power" in Encyclopedia of Power |
2011 | "Review of Predicting and Changing Behavior: The Reasoned Action Approach" in The Journal of Social Psychology |
2011 | "An examination of emotional empathy, attributions of stability, and the link between perceived remorse and forgiveness" in Journal of Personality & Individual Differences |
2016 | "The Endorsement of Commentator Opinion: A Case of Manufactured Consent?" in Psychology of Popular Media Culture |
2016 | "Kin to the Earth: Diane Beck" in Econews |
2016 | "Academic Advising Support for Students on Academic Probation" in ideaFest Journal |
2017 | "Rural entrepreneurs: what are the best indicators of their success?" in Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development |
2017 | "The Willingness of Non-Industrial Private Forest Owners to Enter California's Carbon Offset Market" in Environmental Management |
2021 | "Calling Out Aversive Racism in Academic Medicine" in The New England Journal of Medicine |
2022 | "How and why adults use cannabis during physical activity" in Journal of Cannabis Research |
2022 | “Calling Out Aversive Racism in Academic Medicine” in New England Journal of Medicine |
2022 | "Review of Humboldt: Life on America’s Marijuana Frontier" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
2023 | "Perspectives from California cannabis industry insiders" in The National Social Science Journal |
2024 | "The Student-to-Journalist Pipeline: Attitudes, Motivations, and Expressed Likelihood of Choosing a Journalism Career" in Journalism & Mass Communication Educator |