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Displaying 1151 - 1175 of 1358
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Buckwalter, Patrick 2017

"Forward osmosis for wastewater treatment and energy recovery: a techno-economic analysis" in Theses and Projects

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2017

"Use of the surf zone of sandy beaches by croaker’s larvae (Cynoscion spp.), Province of Guayas, Ecuador" in Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

Yah-Díaz, Briana 2017

"Hand-Me-Down" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Wilzbach, Margaret A. 2017

"Fisheries and aquatic resources of the Prairie Creek Watershed, Redwood National and State Parks" in USGS Publications

Alizadeh, Tara 2017

"Synthesis and Evaluation of a Lead Binding Peptoid" in INRSEP Research Poster

Kim, Junghoon 2017

"Objectively measured sedentary behavior and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity on the health-related quality of life in US adults: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003–2006" in Quality of Life Research

Chin, Alana R.O. 2017

"Leaf acclimation to light availability supports rapid growth in tall Picea sitchensis trees" in Tree Physiology

Robertson, Roxanne R. 2017

"State of the California Current 2016-17: Still Anything But "Normal" in the North" in UC San Diego

Worthen, Evelyn S. 2017

A Castle in Fairyland: And Other Stories of the Carson Family and Their Mansions, Inspired by Papa's Day Book and Written by His Daughter

Souza, Tasha J. 2017

"Our Fear of Isms" in 11/9: The Fall of American Democracy

Hughes, Rees 2017

Hiking Humboldt Volume 2: 101 shorter walks, road walks, and urban walks

Ergas, Sarina J. 2017

"Modeling Denitrifying Stormwater Biofilters Using SWMM5" in Journal of Environmental Engineering

Corigliano, Stephanie 2017

"Book Review: Comparing Faithfully: Insights for Systematic Theological Reflection" in Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies

Grochau-Wright, Zachariah 2017

"Genetic basis for soma is present in undifferentiated volvocine green algae" in Journal of Evolutionary Biology

Rennie, Kerry M. 2017

"Niche overlap of competing carnivores across climatic gradients and the conservation implications of climate change at geographic range margins" in Biological Conservation

Sowle, Jennifer 2017

The Rogan Treasures: An Action-Adventure-Fantasy with Mystery, Ghosts and Magic (The Animal Guild Book 8)

Adams-Kane, Jonathon 2017

"The real story behind the C&I lending slowdown" in The American Banker

Jennings, Lisa 2017

"Physical health and physical self-concept: a comparison of physical activity electives at the middle school level" in Theses and Projects

Karadjova, Katia G. 2017

"Arenas’ voice in exile: Can libraries and technology transcend banishment?" in Donde no habite el olvido

Smith, James P. 2017

"A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Deadfall Lakes Area, Trinity County, California" in Botanical Studies OER

Reiss, John O. 2017

"Quantitative comparative analysis of the nasal chemosensory organs of anurans during larval development and metamorphosis highlights the relative importance of chemosensory subsystems in the group" in Journal of Morphology

Imholte, Robin A. 2017

"Abjection in late nineteenth century British literature" in Theses and Projects

Adams, Mark D. O. 2017

"Tidal marshes in the Saco River estuary, Maine: a study of plant diversity and possible effects of shoreline development" in Rhodora

Alstone, Peter 2017

"Powering a Home with Just 25 Watts of Solar PV: Super-Efficient Appliances Can Enable Expanded Off-Grid Energy Service Using Small Solar Power Systems" in LBL Publications

Dengler, Lori A. 2017

"The Cascadia story, chapter 4: Eyewittness accounts"  in Times-Standard