Year | Publication |
1997 | "Hunting of rare and endangered fauna in the mountains of post-Soviet Central Asia" in Proceedings of the International Snow Leopard Symposium |
2000 | "Lake Sarez, Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan: Mountain Hazards and Development Assistance" in Mountain Research and Development |
2002 | "The Status of Geography Education in California" in International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education |
2004 | "Allah’s Mountains: Establishing a National Park in the Central Asian Pamir" in WorldMinds: Geographical Perspectives on 100 Problems |
2014 | "Brand experience as mediator between centrality of visual product aesthetics and loyalty" in Theses and Projects |
2015 | "The Future of Mountain Agriculture" in Mountain Research and Development |
2016 | Geosystems Core |
2017 | "Perestroika to Parkland: The Evolution of Land Protection in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan" in Annals of the American Association of Geographers |
2022 | "A Narrow Escape from the Tajik Pamir" in Geographical Bulletin |
2023 | "Field Notes: Visualizing the 2022-23 Record Snowpack in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California" in The California Geographer |