Burdette, Scott D. |
2017 |
"Comparison of tree growth and restoration treatment persistence in riparian and upland California Montane Forests" in Theses and Projects |
Owens, Ken |
2017 |
"High performance supercomputing on a budget" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges |
Reitzel, Armeda C. |
2017 |
"'O’er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!' The Power of Our Official and Unofficial National Anthems" in ideaFest Poster |
Biles, Charles M. |
2017 |
"Teaching Apportionment" in Open Educational Resources |
Cappuccio, Frank |
2017 |
"Synthesis and Evaluation of a Lead Binding Peptoid" in INRSEP Research Poster |
Som, Nicholas A |
2017 |
"A laboratory-calibrated model of coho salmon growth with utility for ecological analyses" in Canadian Journal of Aquatic Sciences |
Madurapperuma, Buddhika |
2017 |
"Survey and Map English Ivy Distribution at the Patrick’s Point State Park, California" in ideaFest Poster |
Harrill, Hunter |
2017 |
"Factors affecting forwarder productivity" in European Journal of Forest Research |
Corigliano, Stephanie |
2017 |
"Book Review: Teaching Interreligious Encounters" in Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies |
Virnoche, Mary E. |
2017 |
"The Borderlands of Education: Latinas in Engineering Review" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Jacobsen, Jeff K. |
2017 |
"Estimating blue whale skin isotopic incorporation rates and baleen growth rates: Implications for assessing diet and movement patterns in mysticetes" in PLOS ONE |
Vincent-Layton, Kimberly |
2017 |
"Updates from the Academic Technology Team" in Check Out the Library |
Parker, Linda A. |
2017 |
"CB₁ receptor antagonism in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis interferes with affective opioid withdrawal in rats." in Behavioral Neuroscience |
Kresl, Molly |
2017 |
"Social Justice Support on Campus" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Cummings, Adam |
2017 |
"Stream amphibians as metrics of ecosystem stress: a case study from California’s redwoods revisited" in General Technical Report |
Ramsier, Marissa |
2017 |
"Auditory sensitivity of the tufted capuchin (Sapajus apella), a test of allometric predictions" in JASA |
Lazaro Cardozo, Yanel |
2017 |
"Pues Yo Digo" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos
Kast, Walter |
2017 |
"Finding nondestructive parameters for root-to-shoot ratios in douglas-fir, grand fir, and redwood saplings in Northwest California for biomass and carbon storage estimates" in Theses and Projects |
Anderson, Jeffrey K. |
2017 |
"Tectonic land level changes and their contribution to sea-level rise, Humboldt Bay region, Northern California" in Local Reports and Publications |
Schriver, Madelinn |
2017 |
"Spruce growth responses to warming vary by ecoregion and ecosystem type near the forest-tundra boundary in south-west Alaska" in Journal of Biogeography |
Gordon, Christopher |
2017 |
"27 months of solitude: a Peace Corps story" in Theses and Projects |
Miller, Libbi R. |
2017 |
"Investigating Freirian dialogue in computer-based classroom in alternative education" in The SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education |
Olmedo, Lizbeth |
2017 |
"Navigating the Gender Nonconforming Identity on the Humboldt Campus" in Theses and Projects |
Meindl, George A. |
2017 |
"Effects of soil metals on pollen germination, fruit production, and seeds per fruit differ between a Ni hyperaccumulator and a congeneric nonaccumulator" in Plant and Soil |
Hoyle, Charles D. |
2017 |
"Novel Tests of Gravity at the Sub-millimeter Scale" in APS April Meeting |