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Displaying 176 - 200 of 1181
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Kelly, Julie A. 2016

"Changing spots: pseudocryptic speciation in the North Pacific dorid nudibranch Diaulula sandiegensis (Cooper, 1863) (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia)" in Journal of Molluscan Studies

Mazzag, Borbala M. 2016

"Modeling the impact of plant response to nitrogen loading on N retention in riparian wetlands" in American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting

Abell, Jeffrey T. 2016

"How Does Variability in Aragonite Saturation Proxies Impact Our Estimates of the Intensity and Duration of Exposure to Aragonite Corrosive Conditions in a Coastal Upwelling System?" in AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"The validation of a stepwise model of direct contact membrane distillation for large-scale applications" in 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"A module-scale computational fluid dynamics model to evaluate hybrid osmotically-driven desalination systems" in 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society

Jones, Lori 2016

"A module-scale computational fluid dynamics model to evaluate hybrid osmotically-driven desalination systems" in 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"Exploring water reuse with a novel FO-DCMD hybrid membrane process" in 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society

Cashman, Eileen 2016

"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Nyberg, Mathew 2016

"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Draeger, Brian 2016

"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Weekly, Brian 2016

"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Love, Michael 2016

"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Som, Nicholas A 2017

"A laboratory-calibrated model of coho salmon growth with utility for ecological analyses" in Canadian Journal of Aquatic Sciences

Manhard, Christopher V. 2017

"A laboratory-calibrated model of coho salmon growth with utility for ecological analyses" in Canadian Journal of Aquatic Sciences

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2017

"Oceanographic Context for Characterization and Future Evaluation, California North Coast MPA Baseline Study, 2014 to 2016" in Technical Report to California Sea Grant 

Corigliano, Stephanie 2016

"Book Review: Hindu Christian Faqir: Modern Monks, Global Christianity, and Indian Sainthood" in Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies

Biles, Charles M. 2016

"Congressional Apportionment: A Liberal Arts Perspective" in Open Educational Resources

Núñez, Amy 2016

"The Innocence of Being a Girl" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Ortega, Mireya 2016

"The Bitter Taste of Ice Cream" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Padilla, Susana 2016

"La Música Es Vida" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Paredes, Cynthia 2016

"Saturday Morning" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Platt, Johah 2016

"Revelations of Self" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Ramirez, Jacqueline 2016

"¿Dónde Está Shame?" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Ramirez, Jacqueline 2016

"Shame" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Rojas, Cynthia 2016

"Christopher" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos