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Displaying 176 - 200 of 1184
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Fogarty, Frank 2016

"Field guide and natural history of breeding birds on the western edge of the Great Basin" in Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program

Cunha, Stephen F. 2016

Geosystems Core

Black, Jessica E. 2016

"No support for the claim that literary fiction uniquely and immediately improves theory of mind: A reply to Kidd and Castano’s commentary on Panero et al. (2016)" in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Steimel, Joshua P. 2016

"Elasticity-induced force reversal between active spinning particles in dense passive media" in Nature Communications

Cortez, Magdalena 2016

"Past and Future" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Peterson, Gary W. 2016

"Effect of Brief Staff-Assisted Career Service Delivery on Drop-In Clients" in The Career Development Quarterly

Berrill, John-Pascal 2016

"How do biophysical factors contribute to height and basal area development in a mixed multiaged coast redwood stand?" in Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research

Hansell, Dennis A. 2016

"Dissolved organic carbon in the deep Southern Ocean: Local versus distant controls" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Snyder, Kelsey A. 2016

"Using collaboration and data based decision making to address students’ academic and social-emotional needs within a multi-tiered framework" in Theses and Projects

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2016

"Prescribed fire and conifer removal promote positive understorey vegetation responses in oak woodlands" in Journal of Applied Ecology

Michalak, Melanie J. 2016

"(U-Th)/He thermochronology records late Miocene accelerated cooling in the north-central Peruvian Andes " in Lithosphere

Lee, JuEun 2016

"Modeling and measurement of temperature distributions in bone drilling" in ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

Frye, Joshua J. 2016

Qualitative communication consulting : stories and lessons from the field

Lescher, Troy 2016

"How I Learned To Ride the Unicycle Inside My College Apartment (and what I really learned amidst all those spills and crashes!)" in HSU unConference

Braithwaite, Rock E. 2016

"Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of football heading" in British Journal of Sports Medicine

Madurapperuma, Buddhika 2016

"Sedimentation Risk Assessment Using Satellite and Geospatial Data in Lagoa Feia, Brazil" in ideaFest Journal

Bueno Watts, Nievita 2016

"Science teachers’ professional growth and the communication in science inquiry project" in Professional Development: Recent Advances and Future Directions

Roudebush, Katelyn 2016

"A Muslim Experience" in Osprey

Porter, Dakota 2016

"Pantoum Two" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Scanlon, Kendra 2016

"Bridging the gap: assisting families to understand the child welfare system" in Theses and Projects

Clemens, Robert Scott 2016

"Distribution, extent and protection of intertidal habitats in Australia" in Emu

Han, Han-Sup 2016

"Biomass energy: A forest management perspective" in Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Luczkovich, Joseph John 2016

"Does Vessel Noise Affect Oyster Toadfish Calling Rates?" in The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II

Schouten, Marcia 2016

"Exploring access to victim advocacy services in indigenous communities in the rural northern Central Valley" in Theses and Projects

Kerhoulas, Lucy P. 2016

"Managing for Climate Change Adaptation in Forests: a Case Study from the U.S. Southwest" in AGU Fall Meeting