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Displaying 151 - 175 of 1185
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Patton, Jason R. 2016

"Bradley Lake: There and Back Again, Additional Sedimentary Evidence for Earthquakes" in AGU Fall Meeting

Uribe, Katrina 2016

"Pantoum Five" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Valdes, Antonio 2016

"The Sutter Buttes: Attachments to the Land" in The California Geographer

Hecker, Lee J. 2016

"Habitat suitability and selection of northern pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) at multiple spatial scales" in Theses and Projects

Reitzel, Armeda C. 2016

"Setting an agenda for stakeholder research to field test the NCA learning outcomes in communication" in Communication Education

Reynolds, William M. 2016

"Development, reliability, and validity of the Moral Identity Questionnaire" in Personality and Individual Differences

Pan, Fei 2016

"A linear programming optimization model of woody biomass logistics integrating infield drying as a cost-saving preprocess in Michigan" in Forest Products Journal

Slentz, Rosie 2016

"From soil to soul: food systems curriculum for 5th graders" in Theses and Projects

Aberson, Christopher L. 2016

"Strange results and implausible correlations in Croucher" in Communication Monographs

Sanders, Nathan J. 2016

"The distribution and diversity of insular ants: do exotic species play by different rules?" in Global Ecology and Biogeography

Karl, Su 2016

"New & Improved Math Tutoring Lab" in Check Out the Library

Matlock II, Kevin A. 2016

"The Ethics and Limitations of Animal Research in Psychology" in Symposium: Seeing Our Relationships to Animals in a New Light

Curran, Mindi Lea 2016

"Application of Structure from Motion (SfM) Photogrammetry to Quantify Gravel Storage Following Gravel Augmentation, Oak Grove Fork of the Clackamas River, Oregon" in AGU Fall Meeting

Peloso, Pedro 2016

"The impact of anchored phylogenomics and taxon sampling on phylogenetic inference in narrow-mouthed frogs (Anura, Microhylidae)" in Cladistics

Paredes, Cynthia 2016

"Saturday Morning" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Whitney, Beau Blake 2016

"Paleoseismology of the Mount Narryer fault zone, Western Australia: A multistrand intraplate fault system" in Geological Society of America Bulletin

Ulmer, Gordon L. 2016

"Ethnographic Inquiry in the “Digitized” Fields of Madre de Dios, Peru and Oaxaca, Mexico: Methodological and Ethical Issues" in Anthropological Quarterly

Accomando, Christina H. 2016

"The Pitfalls of Ally Performance: Why Coalition Work Is More Effective Than Ally Theater" in Psychology Today

Sato, Yuko 2016

"Comparative Plasmodium gene overexpression reveals distinct perturbation of sporozoite transmission by profilin" in Molecular Biology of the Cell

Barrand, Cynthia 2016

"Recommendations for culturally adapting mindfulness-based stress reduction for Central Yup'ik populations using the ecological validity model" in Theses and Projects

Boston, Kevin D. 2016

"Optimisation in Forest Management" in Current Forestry Reports

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"A module-scale computational fluid dynamics model to evaluate hybrid osmotically-driven desalination systems" in 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society

Dura, Tina 2016

"The application of diatoms to reconstruct the history of subduction zone earthquakes and tsunamis" in Earth-Science Reviews

Perry, Charles Hobart 2016

"Estimating litter carbon stocks on forest land in the United States" in Science of The Total Environment

Thompson, Ian 2016

"A Dog's Life: Waiting to find a home" in Osprey