Loveless, Karen M. |
2016 |
"Range expansion and population growth of non-native mountain goats in the Greater Yellowstone Area: Challenges for management" in Wildlife Society Bulletin |
Yiep, Kanica |
2016 |
"Peer tutoring in physical education: A review of evidence-based practices" in Theses and Projects |
Ratner, Carl |
2016 |
The Politics of Cooperation and Co-ops: Forms of Cooperation and Co-ops, and The Politics That Shape Them |
Peloso, Pedro |
2016 |
"Five new, microendemic Asian Leaf-litter Frogs (Leptolalax) from the southern Annamite mountains, Vietnam" in Zootaxa |
Kontos, Anthony P. |
2016 |
"Preliminary evidence of reduced brain network activation in patients with post-traumatic migraine following concussion" in Brain Imaging and Behavior |
Kontos, Anthony P. |
2016 |
"Neuropsychological Assessment Following Concussion: an Evidence‐Based Review of the Role of Neuropsychological Assessment Pre- and Post-Concussion" in Current Pain and Headache Reports |
Parker, Linda A. |
2016 |
"Cannabinoid Regulation of Acute and Anticipatory Nausea" in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research |
Carter, Harry R. |
2016 |
"Range-wide conservation and science of the Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa" in Marine Ornithology |
Lee, Jonathan J. |
2016 |
"Farula klahhane sp. nov. (Trichoptera: Uenoidae) from Olympic National Park, Washington, U.S.A." in Pan-Pacific Entomologist |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2016 |
"Effects of high temperatures and sun exposure on Sherman trap internal temperatures" in Northwest Science |
Staub, Rebekah |
2016 |
"It happens at Humboldt" in Osprey |
Railsback, Steven F. |
2016 |
"New predictions from old theory: Emergent effects of multiple stressors in a model of piscivorous fish" in Ecological Modelling |
O'Dowd, Alison P. |
2016 |
"Incorporating Undergraduates into Small-scale Urban Stream Restoration Research: A Tale of Two Universities" in Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting |
Duncan, Ronni |
2016 |
"Reducing risk and increasing health: effective policies and procedures for a community based harm reduction program in rural northern California" in Theses and Projects |
Botzler, Richard G. |
2016 |
"Citizen scientists monitor a deadly fungus threatening amphibian communities in northern coastal California, USA" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Woglom, James F. |
2016 |
"Teaching Justice and Drawing Change in Teacher Education: Still Becoming" in On Mutant Pedagogies |
Luczkovich, Joseph John |
2016 |
"The impact of vessel noise on oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau) communication" in Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics |
Ryan, Desiree |
2016 |
"The mistreatment of others: Discrimination can undermine university identification, student health, and engagement" in Social Justice Research |
Boroski, Brian B. |
2016 |
"Searcher efficiency and survey coverage affect precision of fatality estimates" in Journal of Wildlife Management |
Rosales, Elizabeth |
2016 |
"Reflections" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
McPherson, Robert C. |
2016 |
"Complicated Kinematics In The Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone" in AGU Fall Meeting 2016 |
Lee, Eunjai |
2016 |
"Productivity and Costs of Felling Operation for Three Harvesting Methods in Mixed Forest Stands" in Journal of Korean Forest Society |
Fine, Hunter H. |
2016 |
Understanding Stuart Hall's Encoding/Decoding Model through TV's Breaking Bad in Communication Theory and Millennial Popular Culture |
Duffy, Walter G. |
2016 |
"Life History Diversity in Klamath River Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Martin, Steven R. |
2016 |
"The Evolution of Wilderness Social Science and Future Research to Protect Experiences, Resources, and Societal Benefits" in Journal of Forestry |